Chapter 2 - The Unorthodox Prince

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*** 3 DAYS EARLIER*** Ajax I have always been a little bit of a misfit. Ever since I came into this world, I have had to fight for my survival. I was still born and brought back to life by a very capable doctor, one that I consider my savior, and now that he is old, I have sworn to protect and keep him close as a loving relative and mentor. I have always enjoyed our long conversations, even when I was a kid, and had a ton of questions about human development. I have always been curious about them. They are the weakest of all races, even weaker than our weaklings, the Omegas, but somehow they have managed their survival in this ruthless world. There must be something about them that makes them prevail. I have always been different. Instead of wanting to be in the playground, I enjoyed the long talks with Dr. Nikkos. Instead of having a large group of friends and being a popular kid, as expected of the future King, I was more of a hermit. Going to school, keeping up good grades, researching as much as possible, and absorbing every single detail. That was what moved me. The burden of having to be the most powerful of the wolves around, made me push extra practices at odd hours. Of course, my father was pleased to see that I was pushing myself harder, breaking my limits. I have a huge set of skills, being social and a natural diplomat is not one of them. Spending time surrounded by people has always been my least favorite activity, but I was forced into it because, as the future leader of the kingdom, I had to know everyone in my kingdom and in every single pack that we rule. My father is the King of the realm, King Auburnwülf, the leader of all the Alphas. They submit to him, and my father has the last word in every dispute. He is powerful and the go-to guy when things get ugly. I have learned from him that politics are full of people kissing your ass and complaining behind your back, it is a backstabbing world, and I had to learn from a young age that I have to keep the ones true to me close. I do have friends but, as you could figure, they can be counted with the fingers of a hand, and you will have several fingers to spare. I just turned 19 years old. Last year, I came of age on my 18th birthday. As expected, my father wanted to make a big fuss out of it, but I refused to have a grand party. The Coming of Age party for any wolf was a special stepping stone in our lives. I hated the fact that they loved to display our suffering because the first shift would hurt like hell. I loved my privacy, and despite having a lot of fights and arguments with my parents, I managed to convince them to just have a family dinner and a private shifting ceremony for my birthday. They only complied because, during the previous weekend, they threw a three-day celebration in my honor. I remember how my father was excited about me shifting for the first time. As expected, the mighty King Auburnwülf was expecting that his firstborn would be just like him. A Royal Alpha Wolf, but when I shifted, he gasped. I couldn't forget his expression. Even a year later, I still can't pinpoint if it was a look of surprise or disappointment. Whatever it was, I just knew that the wolf I was granted by the Moon Goddess, didn't fit his expectations. Adding insult to injury, he expected me to find my mate right away, but that also didn't happen. I should have been sad about not finding her, but in reality I loved to be alone, so I didn't care, I had too much to live and learn. I know that when that happens my father will want me to take over the realm, and I am also not thrilled about that one. As we speak, he expects me to start picking up some responsibilities around the kingdom, but if I have to be honest, I am not looking forward to it. I want to study, I want to have a career, a degree…even a commoner's job, before I commit to my responsibilities. I am a true believer in leading by example, and I don't think I can rule ordinary people without being able to fill in their shoes first. I know I will have to fight with him, but I am determined to get my way. The responsibility that my father is bestowing upon my shoulders is a huge one. I have to know the law, but I also must have political skills. I have to know how to deliver a speech, perform in public, and be agreeable to most people. I have to be good at negotiating, and I have to be the best warrior around. In a few words. I have to be everything and more, and the sole idea of failing cripples me. I have seen that look of disappointment far too many times, and I don't want to see it again. It is an overwhelming future, one I am not ready to face. - “Are you leaving?” George, my best friend asked me. He is the son of my father's Beta, and he will be my Beta when the time comes. We grew up together, and know each other perfectly. He is the center of every party, while I love to keep to myself. Somehow, being opposites works in our friendship. -“Yeah… I want to read the latest document on trading laws, and then I need to attend my warrior training…” I said to him. -“Come on, Ajax… live a little…” He said, chuckling, and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I sighed, he knew that if I showed up at whatever place he wanted to go, we would be the center of attention, and the girls would be crawling to get our attention. -“Later…” I said, and he laughed. -“But life is happening now… later we will be two mated and wrinkled guys regretting how we wasted all this time, energy and youth…” he insisted. He was such a drama queen when he wanted to get away with something. -“What do you want, George?” I said, a bit exasperated, but keeping my composure. -“There is this party at the edge of the Royal Pack… the edge where your pack meets the Arcadia Pack… they say the girls there are superb… Please, let's go…” He said in a pleading voice, while I scratched the back of my head. If someone could make me do something I wouldn't normally do, that is George, or as I called him, Gio. -“Alright!... we can crash the party, but first I have to go to training… and you should too. We would not hear the end of it if our father caught wind of us skipping training…again” I patted his back, while I could see in his eyes the excitement for tonight's party. We made our way to the castle, and after changing our clothes we headed to the training grounds. Our lead trainer, Marcus, was waiting for us. He is the head warrior. A very skilled man, with lots of combat and warfare experience. -“Alright kids… I am happy that you decided to show up on time…” He said, with sarcasm, because more other than not, we were late. Gio because he loves to get distracted with girls, and I because I simply concentrate too much on my studies. -“Now we are going to run 10K, and then we will do some physical training. You need to keep in shape, be the fastest, strongest and the most capable at the front. After we get your physical training, we will practice some combat moves.” Marcus said, and Gio huffed. He was ready to go to Arcadia Pack and get his way with the girls. -“Let's go, the fastest we start, the fastest we can shower, change and leave…” I said, and he nodded. We ran the 10K in less than 25 minutes, then we worked out for another 30 minutes. Marcus made sure we got in at least 300 sit-ups, no wonder we had very well-defined abs, or like Gio would call it, ´the chick magnets´ After another 30 minutes of sparring, Marcus decided to call it quits. As usual, I won, but Gio was a close second, and that showed that if I dared lack in my training, no one would be able to surpass me because I am not a born Alpha wolf, I am something else, I am the only Sigma Wolf alive. A Sigma Wolf is slightly smaller than an Alpha. But the most prominent difference between an Alpha and a Sigma, is that the Sigma Wolf is known as a lonely wolf. It is a predator and a natural-born leader, but not a social being, not a wolf you would want to mess up with. A Sigma Wolf is a problem solver, determined and stubborn. We don't care about others' opinions, we believe in gathering as much information as possible and then making an informed decision, and our choices and ways are final. Yes, the future king of the realm is a rare lone wolf. Many call me an unorthodox prince because I don't fit the norm of what I should be. I am the embodiment of the exact opposite of what our traditions mark as the leader of a pack, and the furthest expected for a king. A pack needs a ruler that is popular, charming, and friendly. One that connects with people and leads them using fear and strength. The king needs to be political and has to know how to deal with different kinds of people, in a few words, be political and a people-pleaser at the same time, and I was the furthest from it. I have no idea why I turned out to be like this, it was strange coming from two born Alpha wolves. -“Race you back home…” Gio´ yelled and sprinted at full speed back to the castle. I ran behind him and quickly caught up with him, even passing him by a few steps. -“See you in ten minutes…” He said excitedly and I laughed. He wanted to race just to be sure we would be in and out in the shortest amount of time. Little did I know, I would be finding something completely different to the night of fun that night should be.
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