Chapter1 -Misfit

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Susie I stretched on my bed. I hate mornings. I just can't believe I started my second year of High School today. At 16 years old and the second daughter of one of the most prominent Alphas in the realm, you would think I am this popular cool kid that everyone wants to hang around… That is the furthest from the truth. My older sister, Gracie, made sure I was lonely as hell, even though my character is one of a social butterfly. Another annoying thing about the first day of classes is that I have my freaking schedule all messed up because of the summer vacation. Especially when I snuck out to crash Gracie's farewell party, at least from afar, because I was not invited. Adding that I am such a crappy person in the mornings, you must guess waking up today is a humongous burden for my poor self. -” Susie, wake up… you are going to be late on your first day of school…” My mother, the Luna of our pack, yelled through the intercom that connected the kitchen and my room. -” I'm coming!” I grunted and she sighed. I knew I was not her favorite, the chemistry between my mother, and I was way too strained. It was as if her duty as a mother prevented her from hating my f*****g guts. On the other hand, my dad was great. He and I could see each other in the eye and understand perfectly… I am what you could call a ´Daddy´s girl´ at least that's what I want to think of my relationship with him, even though his relationship with my oldest sister is also great, I want to believe we have something special. I dragged myself out of bed and dressed in my usual style. My sister would say my style is frumpy and outdated, but I wanted to consider it comfy. You'll see, my parents had a whole litter of four pups. My sister Gracie is the firstborn, and because she is next in line to become the Alpha of the pack, she is a total b***h. Then it's me, the second daughter with my people-pleasing skills, always waiting and being run over by either my oldest sister or my little ones. Yeah! The little ones, a set of identical twins… Alexis and Rachel… both completely in tune with Gracie, so as you can see, I am the odd one in my family. Not to mention that I have always been a chubby misfit. I wouldn't have been so insecure if my mother and sister were not as vocal as they were while I was growing up. I was not fat, per se, but more considered curvylicious… I would have accepted myself, but every single time I tried to wear something revealing, either my sister or mother would bring me down with a cold bucket of reality checks, with a bunch of passive-aggressive remarks. I was not an abused girl by all means, but the emotional and psychological bullying from my mother and sister prevailed and harmed my self-worth. In the end, I ended up settling for a comfortable look of loose jeans, a graphic t-shirt, and sneakers. “Another year, another try…” As usual, Gracie frowned upon my look, and after taking a quick bite, I stepped outside to wait for my crew. Thankfully, later in the morning, she will board a plane and I will be able to see her by Thanksgiving... I was not accepted and popular, but I had my regular crew, and we were a happy tight group of misfits. There was Diana. She was a pretty brunette with a bubbly personality. I am sure that if she worked hard, she could replace Gracie as the next Queen B, except Di, who didn't have a mean bone in her body, so she is not aiming for the post once vacated. Maggie is tall, with bronzed skin and a flashy smile. She is crazy for cuckoo puffs. Once she is among us, we can't stop laughing. She loves art and cartoons. Then there is Mike, Maggie's gay cousin. He is also crazy and has an attitude that can go for miles. He is also tall and cute, but he is still hiding his sexuality from everyone, so that makes him turn out sh and awkward to the public. Then it's me, the blonde, fat girl, with grey-blue eyes, the shunned daughter of the Alpha. Yes, my group was odd, but we loved each other to bits, and we also had each other's backs no matter what. Mike was driving this time, so as soon as he parked outside the pack house, I ran into his brand-new Jeep. -” Hey, another year!” I said, excited about this new beginning, and more excited because, for the first time, I would not have to endure Gracie's bullying at school. She is off to university, far away from me. -” Ready for this new year? Our first Gracie-free year…” Mike said, making me giggle. Was I ready? Certainly not. She made sure that everyone hated me before leaving… We all rolled our eyes because we knew that was as true as knowing the skies were blue. We parked and as soon as we stepped into the building I saw him, the most handsome guy my eyes had seen. He was not from our pack, that one was for sure. -” You're drooling…” Maggie said in a hushed voice, making me recoil. -“Miss Goldenberg, there you are!” The principal crossed the foyer, walking in a rushed manner. I looked around, wondering if she was speaking to me… Yes, my name is Susan Goldenberg, but usually, when they call Miss Goldenberg at school, they call for Gracie. -“Miss Susan Goldenberg… as the daughter of our Alpha, I need you to welcome and give our new exchange student a tour around campus…” Our Principal, Miss Hemingway -” Me? Why?” I muttered, and then the cute guy spoke, -” I would like to have a friendly face around… I am Alan… Alan Montmartre… I am here to follow up my studies and Alpha training with your father…” He said with a dashing smile, one that made my knees tremble. I took a deep breath, certainly this year was going to be interesting. -” Alright, let's get going… there is a lot of ground to cover…” I said while Principal Hemingway gave me a thankful smile. I was completely out of my comfort zone, but the fact that fate placed me in this situation where I was the friendly face to Mr. Hunky, made me suck it off. -” So, you are the Alpha's daughter…” Alan said with a dashing smile, making my stomach flip. -” Yeah, but not the firstborn… My older sister just went off to Uni…” I said as casually as possible. -” Good, because I heard she is quite the personality around… and I hate to be bothered by attention-grabbing people…” He paused and gave me a run-over with his eyes… -” You, on the other hand… are quite my kind of crowd…” Alan said, affecting me, I gulped down what he was making me feel… -” Well, consider me your first friend around…” I said and he nodded. -”Alright, friend… show me around…” He offered me his arm, in a chivalent way, and I laughed. He was funny and funky just like the rest of us… I am sure that Alan would fit right in with us. -” Ugh! What are you doing with her?” The annoying voice of the runner-up for Queen B, Regina Short, filled the corridor. Alan turned around and squinted his eyes, while I lowered my gaze. I was good at many things, but my best-hidden talent was being invisible. I blended in with the crowds and was an expert at not calling unwanted attention my way. -” I would rather be with her than with an annoying, high-pitched woman…” he muttered, and she rolled her eyes, completely ignoring his words. -” I understand that Principal Hemingway put you in this situation, but let me explain to you that we have a certain hierarchy, and Susie Goldenberg is the lowest of the lowest in our food chain. You wouldn't want to be associated with her and her friends…” She said in a sweet voice as if she was trying to save him from the plague. I knew that if he was smart enough to have a swift school year, he would hear her, and the entire idea of us being friends would vanish within the next three seconds. The bell rang, and I sighed, removed my grip from Alan's arm, and took a step aside… -” Maybe Regina should give you the tour… I have classes…” I said in a small voice. I didn't want to have another run over to Regina, she was a vicious b***h, one I aimed to keep as far away from me as possible. -” Come on handsome… You are in good hands,” Regina said to Alan in a sweet voice, dragging him in the opposite direction from where I stood. Alan looked lost, and before he said anything, I turned round and ran. Why do I have to be this unlucky? I thought this year was going to be different, and when I saw Alan, I thought that there was still hope… Unfortunately, fate does not deal a good hand to missfits like me.
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