Chapter 10: Dinner Out

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I tried walking a bit further on his side but he blocked me. What is this guy's deal? I mean, what does he want from me? I tried walking again but he blocked me still. "What is your problem?" I said when he just wouldn't let me pass by. "Did you enjoy the game?" He asked with a raised brow. My brows furrowed at his question. What does it have to do with him? "Did you come all the way here to ask me that?" I tried to level his intense stare. He looked lost for words. As if he just realized what he was doing out there. This isn't a usual place for rich people like him. I know that he has his condo and he won't be living in apartments like the one that I was staying into. "Why did you have to be with him?" He asked. Now I was the one who was lost for words. This guy is becoming hard to read. Does he mean Max? If so, why not? Right? Max is nothing but a good person who helped me. "What do you mean?" I asked but he only shook his head and then slowly turned his back on me. I watched him as he tried to leave. What is wrong with him? He can't just come here and ask me that and then leave as if nothing happened. What is his deal? "Hey!" I called him out bit he didn't respond. "Dale!" He turned to me. "What?" He said lazily with his hands on his pockets. I didn't know what to tell him so I just shook my head. I thought he was going to continue walking away but he didn't. He walked back towards me and held my hand; the one with the take out from the fast food. "What is this?" He said with furrowed brows. "What? Haven't you seen one before?" I raised my brow too. Don't tell me he hasn't seen or be in one of their branches before. They are famous in the country. "Is this your dinner?" He asked me as if I did something wrong. You know, when a father ask his child questions when he caught her sneaking out in the middle of the night. "Yes? Is there something wrong with these?" I was curious. Why does it seemed like he's looking down on these food? I grew up loving them! And they taste good too! Not because he's rich doesn't mean that he can just look down on me like that. Food is food no matter what the price is! "Come on; I'll take you out for dinner," He said and pulled me gently out of there as if he was talking to a kid. What? What is he doing? We're not even friends for him to do that. "What?" My eyes grew wide. What does he mean by that? Dinner? "I already have my dinner right here." I showed him the paper bag that he noticed earlier. Sure, he would know that it contains food since he clearly asked me if it was going to be my dinner. "A real dinner," He said. We walked towards a car and he opened the door for me. What the hell?! I thought he was walking-- oh yeah, he's freaking rich! Why on earth would he ask me to go with him? Does he honestly think that I would just go with him without contesting? I don't get why he's here more so why he's asking me out for ...dinner. "I don't think I should--" I said but he cut me off. Wow, does he usually do that to people? Maybe he forgot, we are not in his mansion and I am not one of his servants. "It's just dinner, okay?" He said as he was holding the door open for me to get in. He motioned for me to get in. "You had a long day and that's what you get for dinner? If only your stomach could speak,"" "What is wrong with these?" I said. "Can you not insult me like that? My stomach is fine thank you very much," "Okay, listen, I am not insulting you," He said carefully. "I just thought that because you're new here then maybe I can bring you somewhere nice. You know, get rid of that bad first impression that you had of me earlier at school," "I'm not coming with you," I said sternly. "Listen, I don't know you, okay? You're a stranger to me, I don't know why I should be going out with you tonight." I just said what I know was true. He couldn't possibly thought that after what he said to me at school, I would go with him wherever he wants. What if he take advantage of me and my body? Jeez, I didn't just think of that, for Pete's sake! I know he's hot and I'm pretty sure he could get any girl he likes at school but I can't be so sure maybe he'll advance on me. Silly, but it's better to be safe than sorry. "I know, how silly of me," He said and even laughed as if he couldn't even believe it either. Did it come out awful? I was just speaking out my mind. "Alright, I'm sorry, I can just leave. Oh jeez, I'll just go." I can sense sadness or frustration in his voice. The one where I felt as if he was defeated. Oh well, what a way to guilt trip me. "I'll go ahead then. Thanks for your time." He said and was about to go when I called him. I know this could be a mistake but I couldn't just let him go like that. I guess I am just too kind to let people down. That is actually one thing that I should work on; saying no to people. Plus, I also thought of it as an opportunity. That way, he won't be suspicious if he would catch me having an eye on him. Maybe, it's good that we could be friends or even acquaintances for me to pull this spy thing off. I can easily report what he would be up to without acting so strange and follow him. "Alright, just dinner," I said in a serious voice. I didn't make it sound as if I was force or that I had no other choice. I meant for it to come out friendly and it did. "What? What do you mean?" He said when he turned to me. His face lightened. I am glad I could help in any way. "I'll go with you as long as you won't do something stupid," I said. I might not know him but I know his family and if he ever do something awful to me, he won't do that. Why would he, right? Besides, if he ever try, then I won't have a choice but to defend myself in whatever way I can. Jeez, I was overthinking and dragging things into a different path; I thought to myself. "I won't," He said as he walked back towards me. "Just dinner," "Just dinner," I agreed. He nodded and motioned me towards his car as he opened the door again and let me in. He walked to the driver's seat and settled in. I was about to snap at him when he leaned closer to me. I thought he was planning on doing something naughty but he held my seatbelt and put it on. Our faces were too close that I could literally smell his scent. Why did I forgot to do it? Maybe because I'm not used to cars and seatbelts. Plus, we're only going around the city which isn't that very far considering that I am living in the area. "I can do it," I said as I took it from him. It was a bit awkward for us to be that close considering that we're not really best buddies. "No, it's done," He said and I heard the clicked sound. He could have just told me to put it on and not do it himself. "Just chill, okay?" I sighed. What else can I do? He was already driving around the city. "Tell me, what were you doing exactly in my neighborhood?" I asked him while he was about to stop at a red light. I didn't want the silence that was between us in his car. It made the scene even more awkward and one of the reasons why I came with him was because I wanted to ask him that. "Well..." He started off as he glanced at me while driving. "I followed you." My eyes grew wide at that. "Excuse me?" "Yeah, I followed you," He nodded. "I got curious about you and it lead me to where you were living," "So you're telling me that you followed me from school until I got home?" I was confused. I saw him when I was going home and he wasn't following me. "Yes, but of course, I did it without you noticing anything," He answered. "That sounds weird," I almost laughed. Why would he follow me? "Why did you do it?" "To ask you out for dinner, I guess," He said. "You're ridiculous," I said. "I guess I am," He said. I shook my head. How can he just agree and not reason out? Well, maybe he is indeed ridiculous.
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