
2457 Words

What was Arkin planning to do? He refused to speak to me due to obvious reasons and spent most of his time handling the matters of the court with the King. But one thing was certain, if Arkin intended to speak to the Queen regarding the new Princess he hadn’t done so as the Queen was still set in her ways. She had summoned me over a couple of more times and told me to begin the search for the new Princess. I had no choice but to do so and for that I had to take permission from the King and Queen. “Milady?” I looked up from my book to see a court lady standing in front of me. “Yes?” “The Queen sent this for you.” She handed me a scroll. I thanked her and she wasted no time in departing from my chambers. I unrolled the scroll and my heart sank when I saw that the Queen and the King have

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