Chapter 19

1075 Words

I didn’t see anyone else in the office so it wouldn’t be one of the workers. Maybe it’s a cleaner? Yeah right.   I stayed crouched down and readied myself. I was probably being paranoid but people who aren’t are always the first to get killed in horror moview.  Shit the light. I quickly turned off the light on my camera as the footsteps got closer. They were definitely coming for me.  As soon as they were where I knew I could strike, I stood up, spun to add extra force and kicked for the person’s knee.   Crap! He caught it. I tried to quickly pull it back but they had a damn good hold of it. I was about to do a counter move when he spoke.  "Settle down," Came the gruff voice I knew.  "Troy?" I sighed shaking my head. He really was getting to stalker mode. "I know it's you, so can you

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