Chapter 53

1009 Words

How did he make it seem like I was so light? Somehow opened the door and placed me into the car. All with me glaring at him. I admitted defeat and huffed to prove it like an adult does, as he buckled my seatbelt into place. I sat there, arms folded as he pulled back slightly so he was still leaning into the car. His face mere inches from my own. His hand came up and stroked my cheek and I tried to move away but he just chuckled and gently grabbed my chin holding my face in place. I saw it coming when he then leaned in to try and kiss me. I quickly pulled my face out of his grip and continued my glare. "Really now?" Troy chuckled. "Yep!" I rolled my eyes and held back my smile. I really did like his playfulness. It was endearing, not that I would tell him that. EVER! He finall

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