Changing Pt. 2

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Eric linked, “Alexander said you could link us all now. Is that true?” I winced, “Yup.” Eric responded, “I just want to say, I saw that.” I laughed out loud. I told him, “I’m not even sorry.” Eric replied, “Make sure she’s ok. My Angel is right, this has to be overwhelming for her.” I promised, “I’ll make sure she’s ok.” I made my way back to her room. I saw Caspian’s mate. She smiled, “I wondered if you’d get away. Caspian must not have noticed. That’s quite the feat.” I smiled and zipped away from her and came back. She gasped. I told her, “I’m fast.” She laughed, “I see that. Odette needs you.” I nodded, “She has me.” I walked into her room, and stripped. Everything felt right standing under the water with her flush against me. God, I’d missed her. I needed to be with her. I needed to center myself. I’d felt frantic since she was taken. We managed a quickie. Channing snorted, “Which is good. We’d have to get lightning here to help us if her brothers decided to beat us up.” I snorted, “Speak for yourself. I can outrun them all. Aunt Haley would have our back.” Channing agreed, “That’s true.” I was certain Alexander and even Eric would. The rest was iffy at best. When we walked back in, Nathan growled. Alexander shot me a wink. Melanie was frowning looking around. I forgot she wasn’t around other packs much so she’d probably have no idea what their problem was. Especially considering she was mostly around Elise and Dalton, Dakota, and Cooper were so used to her with EJ the smell of s*x didn’t bother them at all. It was their normal. Now, she was with the Conners who don’t mind s*x at all. Haley popped us out. I linked Emmett and my dad, “We are back. Odette is going to shift.” Emmett replied, “Oh good god.” I replied, “Melanie and Freya did something so it will be painless.” Emmett snorted, “Of course the techy Luna who happens to be a goddess can grant a painless shift. Thank god though.” My dad asked, “Are you ok, son?” I answered, “I’m fine. I just can’t leave her.” Both replied, “We know.” My dad told me, “We are on the border.” I linked Keith, “I’m back in this realm.” Keith snorted, “You think I don’t know where my twin is? I just got to the border.” I repeated, “Odette’s going to painlessly shift. I want to be on her first run.” Keith replied, “Of course you do. I’ve got your back, little bro.” I knew he did. Theo was in the territory. Someone must have told him we were coming. He looked nervous. He didn’t need to be. Odette was hugging him. When she praised him for raising Lux right, the Sargasso men winced. They knew a very different version of Morgana. It was clearly hard for them that their mother just disregarded their siblings. Odette started to feel the effects of shifting. She went down and suddenly she was a wolf. I wish mine had been like that. She was beautiful. Channing was purring. Tatum was a black wolf with green markings. She began jumping around. Emmett linked, “Damn. I already hear a new wolf. Is that her?” I answered, “Yes, she’s a black wolf with green markings.” Emmett linked, “Well, the techy Luna just doesn’t do things halfway. That didn’t even take that long.” Thank god. I really didn’t think I would’ve handled her shift well. Lux shifted. I gaped at Lake. he now had green markings. He’d just been all black in the past. Scarlett purred then shifted. Channing whimpered, “We need to shift.” I was staring at Nathan Conners. It might be pushing him too much. I might need to hang back and run with her after they did. The Conners shifted. Freya was apologizing. Damn. It wasn’t her fault she helped a wolf in pain. She was a goddess. That was her job, and she was actually doing it. Odette started jumping around me. Channing linked, “She wants us to play with her.” Well, then what was I to do? I shifted into Channing. Tatum was really playful. Channing lovingly watched her jump around him. Lux took off and she chased him. I could pass them all, but I hung back making sure she was ok. Eric linked me, “You don’t have to stay back here. Her wolf will want you there. EJ took Elise’s first together. Peter took her the next day. It’s really ok.” We came up on our pack boundary. My dad, Emmett, and Keith were there. Tatum instantly zeroed in on Stone. Keith linked me, “She’s playful like May’s wolf. You’ll have your hands full.” I told him, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” My dad linked, “She’s a beautiful wolf.” I nodded, “She is.” Someone clearly asked her if she wanted to shift back. She didn’t. We all laughed because no newly shifted wolf wanted to shift back. Eric ran and grabbed clothes. I wondered why he didn’t just shift back like normal. Then I realized, it was because Odette wasn’t raised around it. She would’ve been embarrassed. He was taking her feelings into account. Eric was letting me and Odette run together. My dad linked me, “You know Eric will always love you.” I might have known that, and his words earlier eased some of my fears. His actions were what had me relaxed. He was still going to be the Eric I was raised around. Bolt seemed to be having a lot of fun with the Conners reaction to all things about Odette and me. Odette nuzzled Lux and then we took off. I let her control the pace. When we got up to the top of the mountain my need for her was next level. Her look of desire was not helping. She must have just realized we shifted back naked. She was a seductress and I was putty in her hands. Emmett linked, “Things echo on a mountain, little brother.” I growled in response. I blocked him out. When we finished I linked Immy, “I need clothes for Odette.” She giggled, “Yeah, you do. I’ll conjure both of your clothes behind a tree on the mountain I know you’re on because I heard….YES KEY!” I nearly laughed out loud. I teased her, “One day, I’ll tease you back with your mate.” She went quiet then sounded sad, “Sure.” I responded, “Hey, don’t be sad. You’ll find him.” She evaded, “The clothes you want are up there.” I sniffed them out. Odette had actually pieced quite a few things together now that she wasn’t bound by magic. I linked Emmett, “I don’t know who talked about the Hood with Odette, but she’s pretty sure I’m the Silver Blade and that mom is the Robin Hood woman.” Emmett replied, “Ok, let’s add finding out who told her that name to the growing list of questions we have for her. Malachi’s brain might just explode.” I needed to talk to Joe before I confirmed everything for her. It was a formality, but I needed his permission. She wanted to know how fast I was. She was in for a surprise. Dylan Frost appeared as she gave me a nickname. Dylan was started she knew him. He was ready to kill a cookie. She might now know he was serious, but I was pretty sure if he had been foiled by a cookie again; he’d find a way to ban them all from Tennessee. Turns out, Melanie had talked about him. Nathan growled at me when we walked in. Odette sank into me. She was a little scared. I glared at him. Haley was the one who smoothed out the tension. Emmett linked me, “You just go all out lately, little brother.” I replied, “She asked….would you have turned Alexandria down if she asked?” Emmett snorted, “No.” I replied, “Exactly.” He said, “Yes, well that situation is a little different.” I replied, “A little?!” He smirked, then looked sad, “Unfortunately.” EJ accepted Odette into their pack. Channing replied, “Soon, it will be ours.” I knew that. She could even do both. Aiden would help her like he did Dylan. They had her room ready. She was worried about her dog. I linked Immy, “Do you have Tatum the dog?” Immy replied, “It’s definitely not a dog, but May and I do have her. She’s cute as a button.” Caspian said the dog was a Palicoe. I linked Clara, “Odette’s not dog is called a Palicoe.” Clara snorted, “Umm ok. Google has nothing on that other than some video game character. That’s a cat though.” Not everything was in google. Haley would be devastated. I came to attention when Odette said her dog killed a rogue. I looked at Emmett who looked astonished. Odette pulled the conversation to palicoe’s. I linked Emmett, “Did we know that?” Emmett growled, “No. I’m guessing Jag cleaned it up.” Jag. UGH! We’d find him now though. We could explain to Odette who he was. Odette didn’t want to move. The pack was safer than her apartment though. Ken could keep her safe though. She’d be in my territory. Haley was assuring her this could work. Then I figured out Nathan wanted me in a different room. Channing snorted, “We can just sneak into her room.” That was true. Haley was having none of it though. Emmett linked me, “You gotta love Aunt Haley.” You really did. I was touched that my mom had already started making space for Odette in my room too. I caught Odette’s gaze on my family. I looked over and all of them were trying not to laugh. I linked them, “You guys suck.” Keith winked. My dad linked, “I’m watching the strongest Alpha’s I know be strong armed by a tiny little fairy. I’ve seen it time and time again, but this time it’s extra hilarious.” Haley had even thought of the Sargassos. I linked Emmett, “How the hell is this going to work with me taking over in a few weeks? I can’t let her go to the siren realm alone. Luke is there.” Emmett assured me, “We’ll work it out. You’ll be an alpha, and you’ll make sure your mate is safe.” Haley was not so subtly cutting off all conversation around what happened. She listed off everything Odette had been through. It was way too much. Odette agreed. She seemed to want to have some fun so she asked Melanie what she knew about Sirens. I actually wanted to know that too. Caspian was even entertained. That changed on a dime when Melanie said they were related to the Merrick’s. Channing snarled, “RELATED?!” I looked worriedly at Odette. Emmett linked, “Point of reference, Merrick is the name of the ex-boyfriend…is it not?” I replied, “It is.” Emmett winced. My dad was staring at Eric who was starting to turn red with anger given Odette’s response. Melanie was floundering, something she was clearly not used to. Alexander linked me, “Tell me that’s not about what I think it is?” I growled, “If you think the fucker named Luke Merrick seduced Odette without telling her his age or that they were related; you’re correct.” Alexander’s eyes blazed gold. Emmett linked, “Ok, so we eviscerate this guy. He was already dead, but we can end him for doing this to my future sister in law. How f*****g dare he take advantage of her. He’s older than me for god’s sake. She didn’t even know about supernatural’s. You showed more restraint in your pinky toe with her than he did. Jesus Christ. You’re an alpha managing to not mark your mate.” Luke was way older than Emmett. Eric looked enraged. There was a vein in Nathan’s head that was actually bulging out. I was worried he might have an aneurysm. Caspian didn’t want to tell her how old Luke was. I linked Emmett, “Tell me he’s in his thirties.” Emmett linked, “I’m not getting that.” Odette felt so awful, I wanted to throw up. Haley popped Odette away. I had to sit down. My dad came over, “Keaton?” I whispered, “I feel sick.” Caspian said, “Because she does. It will pass in a second.” Nathan growled, “What?” My dad sighed, “Nathan, I’m really trying to be understanding here, but lose your attitude with my son. This isn’t his fault. He’s not your enemy, and I’m going to need you to remember that.” I grabbed my dad’s hand letting him know it was ok. Malachi interjected, “I have a subject change. Do Sirens not care if they are related to their s****l partners? Or is what he did taboo to you all too?” Caspian answered, “It’s taboo. It’s highly unlikely even if Odette hadn’t met her song boy that she’d have been able to give him a child. We have a god and goddess. His actions would’ve spurred our god into action. Not to mention, I would’ve gotten her back. The second she was in our realm; I would’ve felt her presence. I would’ve gone to war to get her back, which I believe was my mother’s goal. That was the long winded answer of, no we don’t have s*x with our cousins. Or relatives of any kind. Luke has always been a disgusting individual. Delana’s clan didn’t know him like ours. They aren’t related to him. I would’ve cautioned her on moving in with him. She’s still seeking asylum in our clan. We’ve given her a room. She contacted her brother and dad. They are quite upset.” He was quiet then added, “Luke hates me. I’m sure he wanted to throw it in my face that he’d been with Odette. She’d have been in his lure or thrall. It wasn’t her fault, and no one should ever say it is.” His tone flipped to deadly in a second. Alexander said, “Since Odette is worried Keaton won’t like her anymore, maybe we dial it down.” I frowned, “What?” Melanie said, “The way her mom raised her, that logic makes sense. She thinks that you’ll find her gross since she slept with her cousin. Which is absurd. She didn’t know, and he did. That’s on him not her. A lot of humans would judge her for that though. Even some supernatural’s.” I growled, “He’s dead. I’ve already threatened him.” My dad asked, “Excuse me?” Emmett said, “Ditto, old man. Huh?” I sighed, “He sent me a note after I got in that accident. He said he caused it, and he wanted me to back off of Odette. I sent him a letter back letting him know I’d hunt him down and kill him.” Emmett growled, “HE ARRANGED FOR YOUR CAR ACCIDENT?!” I nodded. My dad growled, “You didn’t mention that.” I sighed, “I thought you’d tell me to stay away from Odette, and I couldn’t.” Emmett’s face went through a range of emotions. My dad pinched the bridge of his nose, “So, you taunted him and didn't tell us?” I frowned, “If we are being specific, he taunted me. I was serious.” Caspian said, “Luke is a prick. I’m sure he angrily talked about your response, but he’s not going to do anything. He’s also not smart enough nor does he have the initiative to cause your accident. It was more likely Darwin.” I remembered Melanie said that was his dad. Melanie whispered, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t consider that she knew them. Her mom kept her so sheltered, and she didn’t say her ex’s name…I wouldn’t have…” Emmett said, “I’ll speak for everyone here; it wasn’t your fault. The rest of us are interested in what else you know about Sirens.” Aiden said, “I especially am. You seem to have read more books than I have. Does Jared remember all the books he brought you?” Melanie flushed, “Sometimes I gave him a duffle bag.” Aiden tilted his head, “You never had books longer than a week. You were reading a duffle bag full of books every week?” She nodded sheepishly. Emmett linked, “We just need to have her over and ask her random questions. She’ll just start talking. She’ll come to talk to Odette. Then we should just have the Miller’s pepper her with questions.” That had merit. Emmett asked, “Since the room needs to calm down. I have a question for you, techy Luna.” Someone cleared their throat, “She’s the muffin Luna.” I snorted. Emmett said, “Sure, the scary techy muffin Luna.” She smirked, “What’s the question, Alpha Emmett?” Emmett asked, “Why did you kill Rascor Meglin?” Oh s**t. Melanie began to play with her sleeve. Emmett continued, “We were watching him closely. Which you obviously knew, I just don’t know what he was doing that caused the resistance to kill him.” Melanie admitted, “The resistance didn’t kill him.” Several people raised an eyebrow. Malachi said, “We studied the case because we were watching him. He was coming after Alexandria. He was found stabbed through the back of the throat with a resistance circle behind him. The resistance isn’t an organization that just lets people dump on their body count.” Melanie said, “Well, not all people. Just…one…or a few people….it could be a few. That’s a thing…it could be.” Of course she knew I really killed him. Emmett growled, “Who killed him if you didn’t?” Melanie picked at her sleeve but briefly shot a look in my direction. She must have sent me the note then. Which made sense, she led the resistance. Emmett and my dad whirled to me. Emmett growled, “You killed him?!” Melanie squeaked, “I didn’t say that. You said that. Definitely you…I did not say Keaton had anything to do with it…” I cut her off, “It’s fine, scary techy muffin Luna. How did you know it was me?” She said, “Well, I had to know who was killing people we weren’t.” My dad yelled, “PEOPLE?! As in plural?!” Matt said, “Damn. He didn’t even need me to point that out. Which I would’ve. Later. So much later.” I didn’t even know when he got here. Melanie looked down. Emmett said, “Oh, no little techy Luna. How many people did he kill and put a resistance circle on?” I was curious if she knew the answer. Channing snorted, “She clearly does.” Melanie picked at her sleeve and her voice went to a high octave, “I was kind of busy. There were lots of things I had going on. People trying to kill Xander and his family. Even your family. So very much going on in the resistance. That’s just keeping allies safe. I had my own people to look out for.” Her eyes darted around as she said, “I didn’t keep count.” Despite it all, I laughed. Several people looked at me. I asked, “What? That was sad. Lux is right she’s getting worse at lying.” Melanie crossed her arms whispering, “I could be getting better.” Alexander tilted her chin up and kissed her. He tapped her nose, “Never change, Lovebug.” Emmett turned to me, “How many?” I asked Melanie, “How many do you know about?” She answered, “All of them.” I snorted, “Humor me.” She said, “Twenty.” She was right. I didn’t know if she knew all of them, but I should’ve. Emmett growled, “Twenty?!” I nodded, “Yes.” My dad said, “I’m sorry. You killed twenty people and pinned it on a group we didn’t know. For all you knew, they could come after you.” Melanie said, “I left him a note saying that it was fine. He was basically an honorary member.” She clapped a hand over her mouth. I snorted, “I did get a note.” My dad was pissed. Emmett was too. Keith linked me, “A little heads up would’ve been nice.” I replied, “I didn’t know if she’d look into them since she did tell me it was fine to pin the deaths on the resistance. She knew I wasn’t going to kill anyone who wasn’t bad. She did say she was busy, and she’s right.” Keith shot me a look. Eric said, “I’m going to put a pin in this delightful conversation. My mate says Odette needs Keaton.” The Sargasso’s were looking at me with pride mixed with relief. I guess hearing I could kill stealthily eased their fears if they had any. I let Channing come forward and ran for Odette. Emmett linked me, “This conversation is beyond not over.” I replied, “Of course not.” He growled at me. I sighed, “I was protecting you how I thought I could. I have all his files and everything on Alexandria.” Emmett growled again. I climbed into bed with Odette. I held her to me assuring her that she’d done nothing wrong. She cuddled into me. She cried. I wanted to murder everything I got my hands on. Alexander linked me, “Your family is pretty ticked.” I replied, “But you weren’t surprised. You suspected me. How?” Alexander replied, “I make tactical decisions. I studied the resistance a lot. I had those twenty cases earmarked. They were people the resistance would’ve gone after eventually. They just weren’t a big enough problem for them to kill yet. They had bigger fish to fry, but you didn’t.” He was right. I hummed our song to calm Odette down. After an hour, she stood up. I asked, “My song?” She said, “Let’s get in the tub. I kind of want to see if the charm to keep water warm works.” I laughed, “It does.” We walked into the bathroom together. She touched the water and finally smiled, “It’s still warm.” She grabbed her drink and said, “And this is cold. Ohhhh, ice cream!” She picked it up, “It’s still cold too. Man! I want to be a fairy!” I snorted, “You’re perfect the way you are.” She stripped then bit her lip and stared into my eyes. I growled, “Odette.” She smiled and jumped into the water. She surfaced with bubbles in her hair. I smirked and jumped in after her. She squealed, “KEY! You have clothes on.” I smirked and kissed her. She melted into my kiss. I slowly circled her lower lips before sliding my finger inside her. She gasped. I growled, “Mine.” She moaned, “God, yes.” Channing purred, “She knows what that means now.” Well, kind of. We hadn’t exactly gotten there. I nipped at her neck. She melted into my body. Her breath hit my mark. I shivered. I felt her hands on my d**k. I growled. She teased, “You like that?” I captured her lips, moving my fingers faster. She threw her head back and came. I growled my release. She giggled, “I guess we got messy and not clean. I shrugged. We got out. She touched my neck. She asked, “So, I did that?” I nodded, “Yes, you did.” She asked, “What does it mean?” I smiled, “It means you're a princess.” She playfully shoved me, “I know that.” I kissed her, “Let’s get dressed and we can talk about that. You’re too tempting.” She giggled and bounced away. God, I wanted to bury myself in her. I grabbed some shorts Haley had snapped for me. I got into bed. Odette had on my t-shirt. I growled, “That doesn’t help.” She smirked. I closed my eyes, “Markings. We were discussing markings. You are my mate. I knew the moment we met. It’s why I said mine. I wasn’t talking about the locker. I meant you. I thought you knew what I was talking about since you were another supernatural.” Odette frowned, “Does Lisa know I’m your mate?” I nodded, “Yes, she figured it out.” She hissed, “b***h!” I kissed her lips, “She means nothing to me. Anyway, you are my everything. My mate, my forever, and I’m yours. When supernatural’s accept each other, they mark each other here.” She frowned, “But….you didn’t mark me. Do….do you not accept me?” I immediately denied that, “You’re mine! I didn’t mark you only because you didn’t know what it meant. I didn’t want you to regret it.” She pointed out, “But I marked you.” I smirked, “You did. That made it hard for me not to be with it. That's why I basically moved in.” She asked, “So…how do we complete this?” I pinned her beneath me, “Your family, at least the wolves, is going to want us to wait until you're eighteen.” She pursed her lips. I kissed her and pulled back. I said, “They may skin me alive, but if you want me to mark you; I’ll plan something special.” She teased, “You and your special things. I don’t need a big gesture. I just need you.” I smiled, “I want to do something special for you.” She tapped my nose, “I don’t want to wait too long. I know I’ve been practically begging you to mark me without knowing what I was asking. That had to be hard for you.” I sighed, “It wasn’t easy.” I laid back down and pulled her into me. I whispered, “I love you, Odette.” She sleepily answered, “I love you, Key.” She fell asleep. I linked Keith, “On a scale of one to ten…how pissed off is the family?” Keith snorted, “Eleven.” Yeah, I saw that coming. I linked my dad, “Hey old man, you up?” He answered, “Yes.” I sighed, “I was just trying to protect everyone in a way I thought I could.” He growled, “Keaton, I understand that. You had no idea who the resistance was though when you blamed that first murder on them. I understand she told you it was fine after that, but she could’ve come for you when she figured out the first one was you.” I sighed, “I studied the resistance leader before I did that. I knew that either they’d out me to allies, or not say anything.” My dad growled, “That was a calculated risk that could’ve cost your life.” I had a reply on the tip of my tongue, but we should discuss it in person. I told him, “I have answers, but we should talk about it in person. Odette’s asleep, and I don’t want to slip out just in case she wakes up. I don’t want her worrying that anything that came out about Luke made me think anything bad about her.” My dad sighed, “That’s understandable.” I winced, “I love you, old man.” He replied, “I love you too, Keaton. Get some sleep.” I managed to close my eyes even though I was worried my family might kick my ass tomorrow.
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