Changing Pt. 3

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I woke up to whispering. I opened my eyes and found Odette and Melanie on the couches. I asked, “Is this going to happen a lot?” Odette giggled. Melanie stammered, “I mean…probably…well…this is uhh…different and…” I snorted, “Good lord, where is Alexander?” Odette laughed, “Why?” Melanie sighed, “They all want him to be around to kiss me so I stop talking.” Odette shrugged, “We usually just let her ramble.” Alexander popped in and kissed her. He said, “But I love being on call to kiss my beautiful mate.” I asked, “How did you know?” Channing snorted, “I told Oden.” Alexander winked at me. Melanie picked at her sleeve, “So…we actually have a meeting to get to.” I sighed, “With my family? How pissed are they?” Melanie winced, “Uh, no…with some other people…I didn’t have time to check on your family…but I’d guess angry. I don’t know why people get so pissy about the people we kill secretly. I said you were a resistance member practically by proxy. I mean we couldn’t tell you who we were, but I knew what you were doing. I had your back…that’s a thing….I don’t know why they are so mad…other than they didn’t know….people are so testy about not knowing things…..Anyway, Alexander should pop us to the gym. That’s where we are meeting them then he can pop us to a treehouse before anyone sees us.” I frowned, “What’s going on?” Odette winced. Alexander titled his head, “I have a meeting, Lovebug.” Odette squealed, “AWWWW! That’s adorable! Your family called you ladybug so he calls you lovebug. That’s the sweetest.” I smirked and got up holding her in my arms. Melanie picked at her sleeve, “I kind of…blocked off your calendar…’re free for this meeting.” Alexander snorted, “Phil has been bamboozled again. I’ll have to tell him.” She shrugged, “His upgraded software is good, but I actually wrote the code.” I snorted, “WHAT?!” Melanie sighed, “The company most of you use…I own it.” Alexander threw his head back and laughed. I linked Emmett, “Get ready for this.” Emmett growled, “Oh? What would that be? Did you go on a mass murdering spree? No, no. Your mate is pregnant. I am fast enough I can get there before the meeting we have scheduled to stop Nathan from killing you. He’s still in a mood that he’ll get over it, but that would put him over the edge. You’re on your own with mom.” I snorted, “No, she’s not pregnant.” I didn’t think so anyway. I told him, “The scary techy Luna owns a security software system.” Emmett was silent. Then he said, “Don’t tell me…” I replied, “It’s whichever one Phil just upgraded to.” Emmett said, “I’ll ask Malachi. I’ll just bet we use it. Jesus ever loving christ. I’m glad she likes us.” Me too. I snorted, “WHAT?!” Melanie sighed, “The company most of you use…I own it.” Alexander threw his head back and laughed. I linked Emmett, “Get ready for this.” Emmett growled, “Oh? What would that be? Did you go on a mass murdering spree? No, no. Your mate is pregnant. I am fast enough I can get there before the meeting we have scheduled to stop Nathan from killing you. He’s still in a mood that he’ll get over it, but that would put him over the edge. You’re on your own with mom.” I snorted, “No, she’s not pregnant.” I didn’t think so anyway. I told him, “The scary techy Luna owns a security software system.” Emmett was silent. Then he said, “Don’t tell me…” I replied, “It’s whichever one Phil just upgraded to.” Emmett said, “I’ll ask Malachi. I’ll just bet we use it. Jesus ever loving christ. I’m glad she likes us.” Me too. Alexander popped us to the gym. I raised an eyebrow seeing Drake McAlister, Dylan Frost, Tristan, Jason, and Caleb Kruthers. Ok. This wasn’t good. Matt walked in, “Sorry I’m late.” I raised both eyebrows. He shrugged and linked, “I’m as confused as you are. My phone went off letting me know I had a meeting. I just calmed your dad down like three hours ago.” I winced. Alexander popped us to his treehouse. He said, “Ok, Mel. What’s going on?” Melanie looked at Odette. She told her, “That room is soundproof…or Xander can make it soundproof if you want to take Keaton in there to explain.” Odette sighed, “I don’t know how to say it.” Melanie winced, “Ok. I got this. I totally got this. I can say things with tact. No, I actually can’t. That’s why we are all gathered because Odette can see the past and she found out something that we need this group to figure out how to break to the larger group….” Haley popped in before she could continue. She smiled, “Sorry I’m late.” Odette linked me, “What’s that smell all over her?” I snorted, “Your brother. They were having sex.” She made a horrified face. Melanie began picking at her sleeve. I looked at Odette. It was clear whatever Odette saw; she didn’t want to tell us herself. Her lips were literally locked together. She was looking at the ground. I pulled her into me. Melanie sighed, “Ok, so Odette saw a lot we need to talk about but one that we need everyone’s help for is…Well, we have to break bad news….about the Daniels….” I stiffened, “What?” Melanie winced, “Well, there’s….this whole plot that goes back to Cassandra….” Haley snorted, “Of f*****g course it does.” Melanie winced, “This one wasn’t as bad….I mean other Luna’s would’ve done the same. Not you or me because…choices. She was a new future Luna. She was trying to protect Nathan and…” I asked, “How would you know that if Odette saw it?” Odette replied, “I don’t even know who Cassandra is. She wasn’t in Melanie’s stories.” Melanie sighed, “Ok, so I did…a thing….last night…into this morning….I have more information. That’s not the point.” Alexander pulled her into his lap and rubbed circles on his back. Dylan held up a finger as he continued to drink his coffee, “Ahhhh. Ok Dylan has had his coffee. My beta brain is fired up. What must we break to the Daniels group that Cassandra did? Because…is anyone surprised? Matt? No? Yeah, Drake?” Drake winced. Dylan said, “That’s a no. Nothing you tell us will surprise us MelAshley.” Odette snorted. Melanie rolled her eyes, “Sure, because telling you that Cassandra aligned with harpies to help Nathan defeat his dad, which he didn’t end up needing, led to a grudge match that led to Frank’s first mate, Emma Daniels dying, would be something you expect and…” She gasped and clapped her hand over her mouth. Haley’s jaw dropped. I was frozen. Matt inhaled sharply. Keith linked me, “Ok, I’m having twin intuition going haywire. What’s wrong? You’re not here. I went up to Odette’s room….I made grandpa, Emmett, dad, and mom come early.” I replied hoarsely, “I can’t talk right now.” I looked at Odette, “You saw my grandma Emma die?” She shook her head, “No, that actually wasn’t in the past. The guy who kidnapped me told me.” I growled, “That’s what they meant that you knew too much. They were going to wipe your memory!” Odette whispered, “I’m so sorry.” Drake said, “I am as well, but you were talking about her seeing the past. That didn’t have anything to do with her seeing the past.” Melanie winced, “They are still trying to get into the Daniels pack. She saw when Haley was in a coma when Xander was ten. It was harpy magic; they were trying to kill Lexi Daniels to bring Chase a new mate with Harpy blood.” I snarled, “WHAT?!” Keith linked, “Me again. Twin sense going HAYWIRE! I’m going to need something here. A sliver and offering if you would.” Odette grabbed my hand. I snarled, “They are after my mother?!” Odette whispered, “No, they got someone else into your pack. They went after you next.” I frowned, “Huh?” Odette told me, “Lisa is a harpy. I did a thing….I called Caspian because we kissed and you froze. You thought we had this intense s****l experience in my Deadpool outfit, but we didn’t. I kissed you and you froze.” She wiped a tear away. She continued, “You started shimmering blue. I called Caspian and he helped me get you back to normal. I had to go to that pond and get underwater. I spit up shimmering blue balls of stuff forever. When I saw the past, one of the things I saw was Lisa in her room. She said she fed you her blood at some thank you lunch for saving her. She’s…” I held up my hand. I linked Emmett, “Get Lisa in custody. NOW!” Emmett replied, “Ok. Where are you? Keith is losing it?” Melanie sighed, “You’re clearly linking. I’ll guess it’s Emmett. You might as well tell him that Lisa is missing.” I snarled, “WHAT?!” Melanie frowned, “She disappeared after Odette was kidnapped. I’m guessing she knew she’d be blown when she heard I went after Odette. I hacked your phone to get Odette’s number. The person who texted her that you were home was Lisa. It meant at minimum she was working with rogues to kidnap her. I had Si take some warriors to get her. She was gone. She hasn’t come home. She knows she’s blown. Si asked Maverick to try to get to her, and he was thrown back. Haley gritted out, “That’s why she won’t ever meet me. I’d have known she was a harpy.” I frowned, “She has a wolf.” Melanie sighed, “She’s a partial.” I rubbed my face. Dylan said, “Well, ok. I stand corrected, which rarely happens princess Conners. I am often ever so right, but I did not see that coming. We need to tell the Daniels and Conners separately. We can’t spring that on them in the big group. I’ll of course break it to SGAP. He’ll growl and be moody, but he’ll take it best from Moi. Well, her.” He pointed at Haley. He said, “But I’ll do it with pizzazz that will piss him off enough to get him thinking. Caleb my good buddy should come with me in case he gets so mad we need the calm ever so stoic beta.” Haley said, “I’ll warn him, and you can tell him Dylan. Molly is having the Daniels put in a conference room.” Emmett linked, “Lisa is missing and everything just got very cloak and dagger over here. What happened? Did you sneak off and kill Lisa because I find…I’m not even a little upset about that.” I growled, “No.” I linked Grandma Nadine, “You need to get to the Conners and find grandpa.” She answered, “Ok, sure thing.” I told her, “Bring May and Alexandria.” She replied, “Keaton, you’re scaring me.” I told her, “It’s going to be ok, but this will rock the family.” She sighed, “Ok.” Matt was still frozen. Drake said, “I’ll tell them, Matt.” Melanie literally exhaled. I actually think that she was worried she’d have to tell them and then she’d break it in a way that would hurt. Honestly, her way wasn’t bad. It was like ripping off a band aid. Matt stood, “I should do it….” Drake said, “No, you shouldn’t. Emma’s death affected your teenage years. You’re reeling just as they will be. I texted your dad. He’s coming with Ted and your mom. You need your mate. Chase will need you too. Just as he did then.” Matt nodded. He actually knew Grandma Emma. Odette whispered, “Are you ok?” I nodded, “I didn’t know her. I’ve seen her picture and heard stories. Nadine is my grandma. Grandma Emma will always be, just as Grandpa James and Grandpa Allison, but I didn’t know her. I hate that this will hurt my grandpa all over again.” Haley said, “Alexander, pop that group to the Daniels, and I’ll pop Dylan to the meeting and pop your dad out to warn him then come back. You can join us when you’re done.” Odette cried out, “Wait…can…can Melanie come with us?” Haley replied, “Of course.” Melanie nodded to her. She relaxed. They really had a deep bond. Alexander popped us to the meeting. He hugged Melanie and popped out. My dad asked, “Keaton, what’s going on?” Drake spoke, “Everyone needs to take a seat.” My dad looked around. He frowned, “What’s going on? My son is pale, and my beta is practically translucent.” Ted was fussing over Matt. Matt looked at Chase. He said, “You need to sit down.” My dad’s eyes went to me in a panic. He asked, “What’s wrong? Are you ok?” I nodded, “It’s not about me.” Melanie said, “I mean…it kind of is…in…well…there’s the past…and…god…someone stop me. Dad?” She looked at Drake. He walked over and squeezed her hand. He said, “I’ve got this, Ladybug. Just sit with your friend.” She sat down beside Odette. Odette took my hand and Melanie’s. She turned into me. I could feel her fear in my chest, I just didn’t understand it. My grandpa demanded, “Someone start talking. What’s going on with my grandson?” Drake said, “Of course, but we are missing two people. I texted Jared to bring them here.” A pop sounded. My Uncle Cameron and Aunt Reagan were now here. That was good. Melanie seemed to be taking notes about how her dad was handling this. Drake said, “Now, we can begin. There seems to be a plot that goes back quite some time, Frank. When Odette was taken, they had the intention to wipe her memories. They were not able to do so given Melanie’s rescue and Odette creating a portal. They told her about a plot that Melanie confirmed. This goes back to when Nathan was a future Alpha, Cassandra made a deal with harpies to help him defeat his dad.” Frank snorted, “Nathan beat his dad alone.” Drake nodded, “Yes, which would negate any agreement, but it seems the harpies didn’t agree. From what we just learned; they targeted a pack close to the Conners. They wanted to be powerful, but Cassandra walled her family off from them.” How did he know that? I looked at Melanie who was picking at her sleeve. How did she get that information? My mom threw a vase and shattered it against the wall. Everyone jumped. My dad asked, “Sweetheart?” She whirled to Drake. She hissed, “Lisa! That VAPID b***h has harpy blood! She did something to my son! Didn’t she?” Drake nodded, “Yes, but that was the third attempt to infiltrate your pack.” Emmett frowned, “Third?” Isaac whispered, “Oh, god no.” My grandpa asked, “Isaac?” Drake sighed, “It would appear the rogue issue you’re having now where Malachi suspects they are not rogues is true. It’s calling into question a lot of rogue attacks on your pack, but one we now know was not a rogue attack was on Emma Daniels. She wasn’t merely attacked on the border by chance. Melanie was up late looking into it. She was lured out there with the pups. She wasn’t killed by rogues. She was killed by harpies who work with someone. Melanie is working on tracking it all down, but they killed Emma to try and get someone in her place as your mate. The harpies wanted to rise to power in this realm. I’m so sorry, Frank.” My grandpa was frozen in his seat. My mom had a hold of my dad. Keith and I locked eyes. I glanced at Emmett; he was stunned. Isabella put her head in hands and started crying. My dad didn’t even seem to realize he was crying. Odette whispered, “You saved Nadine though, Frank.” Every eye snapped to her. She gulped then continued, “And someone named Susie. They said they wanted to kill them both, but you kept them close. They couldn’t get anyone inside to get to them. They said you never wanted anyone they put in front of you, then Nadine came along. I’m so sorry.” Emmett spoke, “You did nothing wrong. You just told us that we have a death to avenge. There’s nothing wrong with that.” Grandma Nadine got on her knees in front of my grandpa who still hadn’t even blinked. Drake continued, “That plot continued on, and they turned their sights to Lexi. It seems Odette can see into the past.” My dad growled, “We know.” Drake nodded, “Well, it turns out the spell on Haley was supposed to kill Lexi so they could get someone in front of you, but Haley took it instead.” Odette interjected, “They said it should’ve killed her. That they doubted her capacity for love.” Lexi snorted, “People always underestimate Haley.” My dad yanked her into his lap. He inhaled her. He growled, “And when they missed my mate, they just gave up and went for my son?” Cameron growled, “That doesn’t make sense. I’m glad they didn’t try for Reagan, but why Keaton? He has an older sibling. I have sons older than him.” Emmett snarled. Drake locked eyes with Melanie. She picked at her sleeve. Odette offered, “Aiden knew it was harpies. The guy I talked to said he went after them, and then Cambridges figured out why he was. They started going after them, and eventually Eric figured it out too. They were being persecuted heavily, so they had to draw back. That’s how Lisa got brought in. Because of that.” Drake picked it back up, “Yes, those rogue attacks on Lisa were orchestrated. She wanted him over for dinner to get her blood in him.” Odette spoke again, “Not just hers. She had to use her great grandma’s…I think. Some grandma because hers wasn’t strong enough. He was too strong for just her blood.” I was too strong?! Melanie picked at her sleeve again. I looked over at my grandpa. At least he was blinking. Emmett rubbed his head, “Drake, just tell us why your daughter is picking at her sleeve. Or have her tell us.” Drake smiled, “She’s nervous. She’s been looking into this since Odette told her. She wanted you to have all the information that she could find.” Emmett nodded, “I’m sure she was through.” I heard an angry growl. Odette gasped. I told her, “It’s Eric. He’s ok, he’s just angry.” Drake cut back in, “Caspian is ready to perform a ritual to rid you all of harpy blood.” My mom clapped, “I f*****g KNEW IT! The men in this family besides Frank don’t ever just want to kick her out. She did something!” Drake nodded, “To everyone but Lexi and Frank. Frank nor Lexi trusted her enough to ever take food or a drink from her.” Emmett growled. Uncle Cameron spoke, “So, the harpies wanted a powerful Alpha and because they couldn’t get to Eric….they wanted my dad?” Drake said, “It seems a seer knew Eric would be powerful and told Cassandra. They wanted their piece of his power, and they chose your pack. As for Cameron’s question, I only know they knew of the plot to take Reagan from you. They figured if that worked out, they could put someone in front of you. After it didn’t work they deemed it too risky to try for her.” Chase snorted, “I lost my mother on the flip of a coin.” Odette looked down. My dad stood to pace. He asked, “What the f**k am I supposed to say to that? They brought us Nadine, Susie, and Ollie.” Melanie spoke, “I asked Freya, and Nadine was always in Frank’s path. Emma wasn’t supposed to be murdered though. Her death wasn’t supposed to be like that. Freya doesn’t know what it was, but it wasn’t that.” My grandpa spoke looking directly at Melanie, “Do you know who ordered the hit on my late wife? Do you know who did it? I thought we killed them. Did we?” Melanie shook her head, “No, you killed actual rogues they left behind. They knocked them out and they’d woken up when your warriors found them.” Uncle Cameron winced. My grandpa said, “So, you know who ordered it then.” Melanie nodded, “I do. The question you actually want to ask is if they are still alive. Mostly, they are. There was a group of four that helped kill her, and one was killed by Aiden after Haley was hurt. The other three are still alive. The person who planned it is too.” My grandpa growled, “I want names.” Melanie handed him an honest to god folder. Jesus Christ. She made a folder. She actually had several. She handed them to Isaac, Matt, My dad, and my Uncle. Grandpa Nadine whispered through tears, “Frank….” He held her against him. He said, “You’re my everything, Nadine. I can’t imagine life without you, and I don’t want to. For the record, I hope all of you heard Keaton’s mate say my insanity over your security saved you.” Several people snorted. My dad said, “You could’ve been less insane about it, and they still would’ve been fine.” He sighed and continued, “I have to avenge Emma. I cannot let this stand. They killed her. They nearly killed me. I almost ended it several times. They altered my boys' lives.” Nadine assured, “I wasn’t asking you to justify your response. I just want to make sure you’re ok.” He smiled, “I know you were. I just want you to know, I don’t regret anything about us. I love you and our life together. We will handle this as a family.” Odette asked, “But…you’re not mad at my dad, right? Melanie said he didn’t know.” My grandpa snorted, “No, I’m not mad at Nathan. He had nothing to do with it. The man picked me up a few times off a bar floor. He actually stopped me ending it all once. I’m not even mad at Cassandra. She was a new Luna. She should’ve told her husband who would’ve told his allies to watch out for disgruntled harpies. It wouldn’t have helped in this case though. We thought they were rogues.” He ran a hand through his hair, “I want to know how Emma was lured out there, but we train warriors. We should’ve been able to protect her.” Odette didn’t seem to agree, but didn’t comment. My grandpa added, “Don’t mistake me though. I don’t like Cassandra Conners. There was once a time, I did. When her and your dad grew this place…..she was a true partner to him. She was a nice person. Then when they started having success at growing their pack, and turning it around; she changed. Then when they had Jackson; she just rubbed me the wrong way after that. I hate that this will hurt your dad. He’s already hurting, and he doesn’t deserve that. Neither do your brothers. In fact, boys we need to go assure them this changes nothing between us.” My dad and uncle nodded. They left the room together. The rest of us sat in silence soaking it all in. Isaac said, “He handled that better than I thought.” Grandma Nadine sighed, “He still feels like he failed her. I think hearing that it wasn’t rogues he didn’t get to kill actually helps. There’s someone that he can make pay for her death. It just stings he didn’t know all this time, and that they got to Haley and Keaton because of that.” My mom came over and hugged me. Emmett and Keith followed. My mom whispered, “I’m so sorry.” I snorted, “We didn’t have sirens around to know there was harpy blood in us. Is that something only they can recognize?” Melanie answered, “Yes. Well, Freya says I will one day too for shifters. So will Haley and Aiden as they grow more powerful, but right now just the Sirens can.” She looked at her phone. She said, “Caspian is ready for you guys.” My mom said, “Can you ask him for a moment? Introductions need to be made, officially.” Melanie smiled and squeezed Odette’s hand who looked nervous. I waited until the door to close and turned to introduce my mate to my mom. I paused when the door opened again. My dad, uncle, and grandpa entered the room again all to officially have me introduce my mate to them. Yes, this is the update that usually comes out on friday/saturday. I switched my writing days around for reasons and things :) Final warning to re-read book 2 before it become a sample. Annoucments of the exact date that happens will be posted on my F B group this week (the ribbon novels) Along with other exciting annoucements you're welcome to speculate about. THE CHAPTER!!!! The Daniels know!! Melanie is rambling again. Alexander is on duty to stop the rambling. What else did Melanie discover? What all does she know? How are the Daniels going to take Keaton being an resitance member by proxy? Lots been thrown at our characters lately!
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