I don't see you

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"Haley, wait up!" I turned my head to see Jayden running after me. I almost laughed. It was funny seeing as he was so muscular, he clearly wasn't used to running. "Jayden," I stated just looking at him amused, as he was catching his breath. "Come with me," he told me and held out his hand, sending me a blinding and yet exhausted smile. "But I was just going home," I protested, but he shook his head. "I know. Rufus asked me to get you, come on!" I looked at him skeptically but then sighed, giving in and grabbing his hand. "What is this about?" I asked as he led me into the spa. I had only been here once with Alishia after a particularly nasty lunch with her grandmother. Georgia was not a fan of mine, to say the least. "Rufus asked me to give you an update," he explained pushing me into a chair. I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Wouldn't be the first time. What is it with him and his updates?" He laughed. "Old people learning new terms?" He guessed, as he started preparing a footbath and called some more people over. A slender fairy asked me to lean back, so she could wash my hair while another started on my hands. "You should try moisturizing more," she told me, as she studied the tough skin on my palms. I shrugged. "Moisturizer isn't going to prevent that," I told her, almost rolling my eyes at how naïve she sounded. She frowned. "Actually, it does more than you think. Just try it once a day, I'll give you a free sample," she promised and I shrugged, agreeing reluctantly. The skin was a work condition. With all the training we did to stay in shape, it was kind of inevitable. "I am going to cut your hair, Do want more than just a trim?" The slender woman asked, running her hands through my hair while pushing the chair up, so I could see myself in the mirror. My ends did look damaged. "No, just an inch or two." She sucked in her cheek, studying my hair. "I'd recommend three, when was the last time you cut it?" I froze, memories coming back to me from the last time my hair was cut: The vampire released me, letting me fall with a big thump to the ground. I growled but didn't try to get up from my knees again. The chains were heavy, and I was in my underwear, not wanting to give them a better view. "There she is boss, pretty as a flower," he laughed and walked forward and away from me. Another came nearer, and I could see his shoes, as he stepped close to me. Black and shiny, leather shoes, cause what else would you expect? "That is the most beat-up flower I have ever seen. Wasn't she supposed to be unbelievably beautiful?" I had to admit that stung a bit, but I knew that right now, as I was covered in blood and dirt, having not showered for gods know how long and my hair tangled, I probably didn't look my best. Just as well with these monsters staring at me. He grabbed my chin and tilted my head up so my eyes meet his cold ones. He might have been attractive if he wasn't a monster. Mid-thirties, black hair, and beard, not too long, just framing his features, gave him a sharp look. He reminded me a bit of my father actually, and I shuddered a bit at the thought of finding my father attractive. "Well, she hasn't lost her fire. Clean her up, then deliver her to my room," he ordered, letting go of my face and I looked into the ground as per reflex as two warm human hands took each of my bound arms and dragged me off. They placed me in a bathtub, scrubbing on my sore skin, and started trying to groom my hair. When they figured out they couldn't, they simply grabbed some scissors, ignored my protests, and held me down while cutting off my long locks, so it didn't fall past my shoulders anymore. I glared at them, as I felt tears coming, but they ignored me and kept cleaning me up, rinsing what was left of my hair. Jayden looked at me worried as he knelt before me, putting my foot down to place a hand on my knee. "Haley?" He asked softly, and I shook off the shook and swallowed the lump in my throat. "Three is fine if you think it is necessary," I forced out, and she immediately jumped to work. Jayden was still looking at me worried but I forced a smile, assuring him I was okay. Looking into the mirror I inwardly tried to assure myself. Three inches was fine, my hair had grown a lot longer now. It would still fall almost to my breasts after it was cut. *** I smiled a little, as I caught yet another glimpse of myself in one of the many windows of Rufus's living room. Jayden and his friends had done a nice job. My hair looked a lot healthier and was curled in soft ringlets, my nails shone with beautiful red color and that matched the deep red color of my dress. The occasion for all this was that Rufus had decided to invite most of the court's important people to a reception in my honor. Rufus had apparently never been in a life-threatening situation before and now practically worshipped the ground I walked on. "To Haley!" He said, as he held up his glass and everyone toasted, looking at me admiringly. As the party went on, I retreated to the balcony on the second floor that faced towards the street. "Why aren't you downstairs, enjoying your party?" A deep voice sounded behind me and I jumped. "Not here to kidnap me, are you?" I asked suspiciously, almost feeling guilty at his hurt expression. Almost. "No, just here to see if you were okay," he told me sincerely and steeped closer, but kept his distance as he placed himself against the railing. "You can see the entire street from up here," he observed, more to himself than to me. "How are you?" He asked softly, so gently I almost forgot everything he had done. The keyword always seemed to be almost. "Fine. As I told you last week, I made a quick recovery," I nodded towards the cane that I had been allowed to use instead of crutches, as my leg was almost healed thanks to Alishia's magic. "I can always tell when you are lying," he told me gently. I sighed and leaned against the railing. "I am not lying. I have made a quick recovery, and the doctor said the scaring is less than expected-" "But?" he asked, as usually knowing there was more to the story. "My leg doesn't work." I blurted out and his eyes widened, shock and pity in all his features. "I mean it works," I quickly continued, eager to get that pity off his face. I didn't want it. "I just can't feel it," I confessed to him, and he frowned deeply. "Have you told the doctor?" He asked, and I nodded. "Actually, he told me when I woke up. He said I'll be able to use it, but I might never feel it again. The nerve cords are cut." I felt the tears coming back just thinking about it. "Oh, Leah." He reached out as if to hug me, but I flinched, making his hand stop in the air. I took a deep breath and relaxed as much as I could and his hand slowly, gently landed on my shoulder turning me to the side, then embracing me in a hug. I sniffled and felt the tears fall freely onto his chest. "You can't tell Lisa," I told him, letting him go. "She'll just try to heal it." He hesitated. "No! She can't! It'll just cause more harm to her," I told him, knowing what he was about to suggest. "How is it going with that?" He asked, and I looked away, focusing on the view of the street. "Some days are good, some days are less good. Eventually, they will all be bad." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "On her darkest days, I know that you will be there for her. And you can come to me always. I know you might not feel like coming to me as the first person, but I know what you are going through. You can confide in me." I felt anger flare-up. "No, you don't. You don't know what I am going through," I sneered at him, pulling my hand from his. "You don't know what it feels like. Every time she feels better, I feel helpless, knowing it will eventually kill her. It feels terrible, wanting to take that away from her, but knowing it would destroy her if I did." I took a step back, and he took one forward, attempting to follow me. Suddenly, he wasn't the worried friend that hugged me when I cried. Now he was once again the cruel man, who had handed me over to endure my life's nightmare. As he took another step forward, I quickly tried to make space between us but tripped and fell with a yelp to the hard stone of the balcony. I readied myself for a fight, knowing I wouldn't win with my still injured arm and leg but ready to make a fight for it. "Haley." A different, soft and concerned voice broke me out of my adrenaline haze. Rufus stood at the door, looking at us with a worried expression. "What are you doing out here? You should be downstairs - everyone is here to see you." He steeped past Jack who had frozen too when we heard the voice and grabbed me by my good shoulder to help me stand. He kept his arm around me and together we skipped past Jack, who looked after us with an expression I couldn't place. Somewhere between worry, sadness, and guilt.
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