Creating a prodige

1886 Words
Jack's pov Thursday morning, I was woken up not by the sun that shone through the window, or my usual nightmares, but by the sound of knocking on my door. I groaned and rolled out of bed to open it, not bothering with a shirt. I should have, it was Aurora outside, with a characteristic cheerful smile on her face. "Hi, were you sleeping?" She asked with a slight frown. No, I just wear pajama pants for fun's sake. I thought sarcastically but didn't say aloud. Aurora was sweet, she had never done anything to me and was always rather helpful. "No, I just woke up, what is it?" She smiled and ran a hand through her hair, bashing her eyelashes at me. "I am meeting with Kian and Alishia in twenty minutes, and I thought, maybe you'd want to come? We'll be planning a trip to Brazil at the end of the month." Inwardly, I frowned. Brazil with short notice meant major overwork, figuring out how to secure the hotel - for me. Yet, I couldn't turn her down, she was one of the few friends I had. So, I came with her down to one of the courts many yards and waited for my assignment, who I just saw 8 hours previously. "Oh hi! Nice spot you found here," Alishia chipped as she came over. "Yeah, believe it or not, I actually think Haley helped with planting one of these flower beds," Kian snarked. I had a hard time picturing Haley doing garden work. She was more the indoor type of person. I felt Aurora stiffen beside me while I felt compelled to ask: "How is she?" Kian shook his head. "Fine, I think. The doctor said she made a great recovery, but... Her leg is severely damaged. She hasn't talked about it, but I am worried. If she can't use it…" she was done as a guard, and that would destroy her, I finished inwardly. Aurora tsked. "It has been less than a week, don't you think it'll get better?" she asked, all better knowing. Alishia changed the subject quickly, sensing the tension build-up, and knowing how Haley was a delicate topic. They talked for about an hour, planning tickets, hotel rooms, and where to sightsee when suddenly Alishia called out. "Haley! Over here!" I don't think she had noticed us at first, but when the Princess called out for her, she spun around and headed over with a smile. "Hi Lisa, didn't see you there." The princess frowned slightly but a smile quickly replaced it. "How are you?" Haley shrugged with one shoulder and nodded towards her leg and crutches. "Alive, but that is about it. Just kidding: The doctor said they can remove the bandage next week, but it'll be a while before I can return to guarding." She said with a small sad smile. Alishia frowned. "You should let me heal it for you," she said, already reaching for her leg but Haley took a step back. "No it is fine, it is only a few weeks, I'll be okay," she declined sincerely, and I felt Aurora moved uncomfortably beside me. "Isn't that fast for a broken limp? I mean wasn't it a week ago?" She questioned, and Haley shrugged again but fixed her an intense look. "Yeah but I guess I just got great genes. It healed quickly." If Aurora got the message to back down, she didn't take it. "What does Rufus think? Is he going for a substitute, or will he just replace you?" Haley's gaze turned into a glare. "I haven't talked to him yet, but considering I haven't been fired yet, I'd say he'll just get a substitute." "Isn't that weird? I mean don't you live in the same house?" If I didn't know better, I'd say she was taunting her. I shook it off, not knowing why I even considered that – Aurora would never do that sort of thing she was just a little gullible sometimes. Just then Tristan and Rufus came striking through the yard. "There you are, I have been looking everywhere!" Rufus exclaimed and Tristan smirked. "Didn't I say she'd be here?" He asked and Rufus chuckled. "Yes, you did. Haley, we have a council meeting in a half-hour: You should come with me," he just told her bluntly, making everyone frown and look around confused. "Erhm, Rufus, I am not sure if you noticed, but my leg is broken," she informed him, putting pressure on the last words. He just looked at her confused. "So?" Her eyes widened, as she made a dramatic gesture to her leg. "So, I can't stand up straight for hours and be ready to jump into a fight at any time. I am sorry, but you should get a substitute for a while, I won't be able to leave with you." He laughed and I started to wonder if he was crazy. "Who said anything about leaving? I am staying put till you're back up again." She blinked several times in a row as if not believing what he had just said, honestly I didn't either. "What?" He just smirked. "I am staying put as long as you need recovery. We are a team, Haley, I am not just leaving you behind. Now come on, I'll get you a chair." He waved for her to follow, and she glanced at us a final time with a shrug and a mystified expression before hobbling after him. "That is unusual," Aurora commented, and Tristan bit in. "She saved his life, of course, he isn't going anywhere without her," he snapped at her, and we all looked at him a little shocked at the sudden outburst. Tristan was usually very easygoing, not much of a temper. He took a deep breath and shook his head. "Sorry, it has been a long week." Then he excused himself and left us stunned, having completely forgotten about the trip to be planned. *** Alishia's point of view  "So, how was the meeting?" I finally got to ask, as Haley slumped down on my bed. "Fine. Well not fine but interesting at least." I hummed and removed my mascara while keeping an eye on her in the mirror. She had put her crutches on the floor and moved back on the bed, so she could lie down. "Interesting how?" She made an annoyed sound but quickly made it clear it wasn't for me. "They were discussing how to improve defenses again, including that publicity decree some are still trying to force trough." She huffed and slapped a pillow. "I don't get why he needed me there so badly! He just placed me on a chair where the audience is normally allowed." "Maybe he wanted you to observe any political enemies?" I suggested but had to admit it did around weird to say at least. "Maybe," she agreed nonchalantly, as I finished with my beauty routine and pulled out a pajama set to sleep in. "Are you sure you are well enough to stay over? I mean, not that I don't want you here, but if you aren't up to it we can procrastinate it?" She rolled her eyes. "Lisa, I told you I am fine!" She insisted and I felt myself frown slightly, as I came over to sit beside her on the bed. "You are not fine: You were ripped to pieces out there!" I placed my hand on her knee, as I felt the horror just thinking about what happened to her, then I felt happy seeing as she was still here and right beside me now. She gripped my hand and squeezed it. "but I am fine now." She looked down a little embarrassed. "Ehm Lisa, do you think you could, like help me getting into that?" She nodded at the pajamas set I had laid out for her. I felt myself blush at embarrassment for not having thought of her handicap before. "Of course – would you prefer a nightgown?" She nodded and I headed over to the closet to find something immediately. Haley's point of view There it was again, the magic. This time I was sure she didn't know it. She simply thought it was just her natural feelings at play. I decided to distract her with the nightgown instead, choosing not to mention that I had been able to fully dress myself for the past few days. While she searched, I tested my leg. I could flex the muscle, and if I could flex it, I could move it. Yet there was still something that didn't feel right, and I knew it was the numbness that the doctor had warned me about. Forcing back a tear at the thought of never feeling that part of my body again, I focused back on Lisa. "So, how has your week been?" She laughed softly. "Oh, you know, aside from you almost dying? Pretty boring and nothing unusual. Then, of course, I suppose I am about to get used to you almost dying too. As long as it is almost, I am starting to feel okay with it." I smiled a little at that: I really did get into a lot of bad situations. "You mean nothing exciting happened at all?" She thought about it, and I felt her uncertainty. She wasn't sure if she should tell me. "Whatever it is, you can tell me," I told her, not wanting to be cuddled any longer. She sighed. "Well, Aurora, Kian, and I are planning on a trip to Brazil."  I tried really hard to keep a straight face, but seeing the regret and guilt on her face, I knew I had done a bad job. "It is only a month!" She blurted out, which only made it worse. A month? I felt bad when I thought it was a week. "It is fine." I lied, "I am going to be so busy anyway, trying to catch up and all. I am sure it is gonna be great, Brazil is supposed to be very beautiful, even at night." I didn't fool her one single bit but she smiled and pretended she couldn't tell my bluff. "Yeah, that is what Aurora says. Anyway, I am sure Tristan will be more than happy to have you around here all to himself." I snorted. "Himself and Rufus. Apparently being badly injured is no excuse for missing council meetings." She smiled and I felt her wonder why Rufus was dragging me along to all those meetings when I clearly couldn't defend him anyway. "So," She started out a little louder, effectively changing the subject. "do you want Chocolate or cookie dough?" I smiled like a Cheshire cat and lunged for the cookie dough, snatching it from her grip before she could even register what had happened. She sat stunned, looking at the hand that had just moments ago held a tub of ice cream. "You know," she said half scolding half laughing. "You could have just told me you wanted the cookie dough. I would have handed it to you." I stuck out my now ice-cream-covered tongue at her. "What would the fun in that be?" We burst out laughing as she threw herself back on the bed beside me.
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