
Calling A Friend (Unexpected series book-1)

second chance

Dead best friend.

Pain of loss unimaginable.

Causing her to take a very dangerous step into a dark world of forgotten.

Mallory has got to know who killed her best friend and get the weight of pain and a lot more off her chest. She and her friend gathered to talk to the dead, but something unexpected happened. She contacted a ghost.

Past life is taking a twist turn. Uniting lovers long lost. Can death now come in there way?

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Mallory I was sitting on my couch with a glass of whiskey in my hand. My gaze was fixed on the moon shining brightly, beautiful it was as it is. Crescent moon is my favourite as full moon tends to bring out emotions in me. Daria, my childhood best friend. Why did you leave me in this cruel world all alone? Was I not something worth staying on earth for? Did you not love me? I thought you said that I was your best friend too. Then why did you hide that you have a boyfriend and let alone two? Why did you keep that secret from me? I did not realise when tears started streaming down my face. I was brought back to reality when my phone rang. It was my colleague Rosie. I answered the phone and looked myself in the camera of the video call and realised I have been crying. “Oh my dear Molly! You are still thinking about her? It is about to be 1 in the morning. Why are you not in bed?” Rosie asked me in her soft voice. Sympathy was very strong in her voice. I took a sip, no, drank the whole glass in a go. “Slow down! We do not want you to be so drunk and of course not when we are going to be talking to Daria. Just think what she would think of you. Not taking care of your body, Molly. That is not you. She will be very upset.” Did I hear that wrong? Why was she talking like we were about to talk to Daria. Maybe it is the whiskey making me hear these words. I laughed and said, “I think I am too drunk to understand your words. Can you believe I just heard you say as if we were about to talk to Darry.” A smile popped up on her face. “Well, it is because it is not your whiskey making you hear stuff. It is really me who said that we are about to talk to Daria.” “It is impossible! How can you make promises that you cannot keep? She is dead! It is impossible to talk to her now, let alone see her.” I cried. Tears were visible in the camera as they made their way down. I was angry at her to think that she can make a joke of this situation. I know she is lying. She is dead. “She was the only family I had once my family had that tragic accident. I did not want to lose her too and yet.” I chuckled and finished. “Here I am.” I sat the glass down on the coffee table. “I am not kidding Molly! Please try to believe me. I read this article this morning stating that a girl was found dead this morning while doing this ritual which is said to contact dead. She was found doing it all alone too and the first rule is that not to do it alone. It is clear that she broke the rule and that is why she is dead.” Rosie said looking all serious, even more serious to believe that she was playing around with me. Perhaps I can contact her, my Daria. If only I could find all of the answers as in why she hid her boyfriends from me and why they killed her. Because I know Daria was never the cheating type. NEVER! “Do you believe me?” Rosie asked me, bringing me back from my chain of thoughts. “I do! What are we supposed to do and when?” I asked immediately and impatiently I can hear it in my own voice I am certain that she did too. “Well! We do not have the equipment’s to do it right now. So, I will buy some tomorrow and we will do that tomorrow night. The rule book says that it should be done at the hour when everyone is asleep. 2:00 AM will do, right?” I was still not able to believe as to what was going on with me and why all of this is happening around me. I just lost my Daria three days ago. The memory of it all is still fresh in my mind. “Yeah! Sure! Do you want my help with all this or not? I mean gathering stuff and all.” I asked. Then I looked at the wall behind her and blood started appearing out of nowhere. My eyes widened. Then it moved and finished writing. I covered my mouth and gasped loudly. It was a D. Was it Daria? Was she here? If not then who was it? Rosie asked me, “What happened Molly? Are you okay?” I looked at Rosie and said shivering. “There is blood on your wall.” When I pointed behind her and looked. There was nothing. How is that possible? I saw it becoming a full D and now it is gone. “This is not the first time you said you saw Daria, Molly. Maybe you are…” I cut her and said sharply, “Going insane? Or is that I need help of a psychiatrist?” She shook her head. “I was about to say none of that. I was going to say maybe it WAS Daria trying to tell you to contact her.” My eyes widened. For the last three days I have been seeing stuff that keeps on disappearing and have no meaning and now my friend is telling me that it can be my best friend trying to contact me. It brought a smile on my face. “My boyfriend is coming to the room and if he finds out I am still up then…” she laughed. I did too. We said our byes and hung up. I looked around my room and smiled. It has been three days since I fully smiled with happiness. I am so happy to find that Daria is still near me. “I will try my best to find what happened during the time of your death. I know you never dated and I am certain that you did not date one of the guys who claimed to be your lover.” I said out loud and then made my way to my bed so that I can retire for the day.

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