Chapter 36: – Father's Call

1968 Words

Chapter 36: – Father's CallWhen Charles Garcia arrived at the hotel, Selina had already taken a shower. Wearing a loose white robe, she sat cross-legged on the soft sofa and watched the fourth episode of "The Strongest Women's Group". The people on TV were relatively good-looking under filters. The post-production artist was really kind to Selina Miller. When she appeared, a few words appeared—fairy face, thin waist, and long leg! In the end, some words added, "Which girl is she? I'm going to propose marriage to her." There were indeed many scenes of Selina Miller. Most of them were silly and cute, and in many, she was yawning. The post-production added the words: I'm so sleepy, I'm so hungry, I ignore you... Selina Miller was amused by the mischievous post-production. Therefore, pos

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