Chapter 37: – Gold Lord's Father

1962 Words

Chapter 37: – Gold Lord's FatherAfter Selina picked up the call, she asked tentatively, "Hello?" There was no response. In fact, she did not hate her adoptive father. He was just too weak and irresponsible. He was generally afraid of his wife. "Daddy?" Selina called out again. As far as she could remember, her adoptive father rarely called her. Perhaps he had something to ask her. There was finally a response from the other end of the phone. Muffled laughter erupted. Upon closer listening, it seemed like... Selina's eyes widened. As she looked at her phone, she saw the word "Daddy". Her mind was still a little blank. "Charles?" "Yes, it's me." Selina found it unbelievable, "You... you edit it?" Charles asked, "Do you have any objections?" Selina was originally quite angry, but w

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