Chapter 16: Teaming the Team

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Chapter 16: Teaming the Team"What exactly happened between you and Miss Miller?" As soon as they entered the room, Mrs. Garcia asked with a cold face. When Charles Garcia grew up, he rarely talked to his mother. After his sister's death, he seldom went home. Knowing that he couldn't hide it, he answered bluntly, "You know that I'm single, and I have to relieve myself on someone." Mrs. Garcia looked embarrassed and then replied angrily. "If you don't have a girlfriend, hurry up and find one. Don't date indecent girls anymore!" Thinking of something, she continued to ask. "Did Miss Miller... do it voluntarily?" "What do you think? I'm handsome and have a lot of money, is there any need to force a girl to do that thing with me?" Charles Garcia looked at his mother with a smile, and his tone was full of pride and a little disdain. He threatened and seduced her, but he didn't admit it. Mrs. Garcia said nothing except to enjoin him. "Be careful. The girls nowadays... may carry AIDS." "Don't worry, I took measures..." Charles Garcia paused for a moment, remembering that he did not wear a condom. He subconsciously frowned, but soon he relaxed. He had read the woman's physical examination report before, and there was no venereal disease. In addition, during the contract period, she did not sleep with any other man. So she carried no venereal disease. Recalling the feeling of being wrapped by her private part just now, he felt that it was more comfortable than wearing a condom. He didn't want to take any measures in the future. Mrs. Garcia glanced at her son's expression and reminded him. "Don't let her contact Randy again in the future." "Got it." Charles Garcia immediately went upstairs, called his assistant, and ordered. "Send her a box of contraceptive pills!" Assistant Young was a little confused. The Charles Garcia he knew had a very serious mysophobia in s*x. It was really a miracle for him not to wear a condom. Selina Miller wasn't surprised at all at being forced to take contraceptive pills. In fact, there was no need for them to remind her. She knew that it was best for her to take contraceptive pills. She did not want to be an executioner to kill a living little life. Therefore, if he did not take any measures, she must take contraception measures. At the end of the month, Selina Miller and Irene Smith went to the crew to visit Melody Well. Melody Well had revealed that she and Albert Davis were put on a rival show on that day. Irene was a fan of Albert Davis. Speaking of Albert Davis, his deeds were legendary. His debut at the age of seventeen, and had been smooth in work since then. He had won all kinds of awards, but there were no s*x scandals about him. It was no wonder that his fans had loved him as much as they had in the past ten years. It's said that he had a powerful background, that's why he could keep his integrity in the complex industry he was in. Selina Miller had watched a few of his movies, she believed Albert is one of the male idols who are handsome and good at acting. After finding a place to sit down, Selina Miller looked at Melody Well, who was acting and was extremely envious of her. Selina also dreamed of being an actor, but it became more and more difficult to realize the dream. "Imprisoned Bird?" Selina Miller was in a daze when a familiar voice suddenly came from above her head. "Hello, Mr. Davis. I'm your fan. Can you sing for me?" Seeing that Irene had already started asking Albert Davis for signature, Selina Miller came back to her senses and nodded politely. "Hello, Mr. Davis." After Selina Miller realized what Albert Davis had called her, she asked in surprise, "Were you calling me just now? How did you know..." Albert Davis was very tall, about 1.86 meters tall, wearing an ancient costume with light makeup on his face, looked even more handsome than he was in the photos. He held a black thermos cup in his hand, opened the lid, took two sips of tea, and then looked at Selina Miller with a smile. "What a coincidence. When I just heard you talking to Miss Well, I thought that your voice was very familiar."
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