Chapter 15: Bastard!

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Chapter 15: Bastard!"Bastard! Let, let me go!" While he was peeling her clothes, Selina Miller raised her hand and waved it at his body. Her voice could not help but rise. As a result, her nails accidentally scratched the man's face, leaving three red marks. Randy Garcia saw that Selina Miller hadn't shown up for a long time and went straight into the room to look for her. He went to the bathroom to look for her, but he didn't see her. "Mom, did you see Selina?" Mrs. Garcia was making a phone call. When she heard Randy's question, she immediately turned to look at the servants at home. The servant glanced upstairs in surprise. "Young Master called Miss Miller upstairs. Hasn't she come down yet?" Randy Garcia cried out, "Why didn't you tell me?" "It seems that my brother doesn't like Selina. What if he makes trouble for her?" However, he looked around upstairs but did not find anyone. Finally, he came to the study, pushed the door open, and knocked on the door, but no one answered. So he ran downstairs breathlessly. Mrs. Garcia smiled and asked, "What's wrong? Didn't you find her?" Randy Garcia ran straight over and pulled Mrs. Garcia up from the sofa. He looked quite anxious. "The door of my brother's study is locked, he didn't open the door for me, he must be bullying Selina." The gentle smile on Mrs. Garcia's face disappeared instantly. The thing is different seen by adults. However, she knew her eldest son's character very well, he would not do a monstrous thing. Even so, she was a little worried. Mrs. Garcia hurried to the door of the study. She raised her hand and knocked on it gracefully. "Charles!" Inside the study, Selina Miller was like a frightened little rabbit. Her eyes were flustered and she didn't know where to look. Her hands moved in a panic and she wanted to stand up, but the man on top of her didn't cooperate with her. "Release it!" Charles Garcia took a deep breath, feeling comfortable and excited. Mrs. Garcia's voice came from outside the door again. "Charles! Why did you lock the door in the daytime? Is Miss Miller inside?" Charles Garcia didn't stop. Seeing Selina Miller biting her lower lip and refusing to make a sound, he speeded up violently. "Mom, I'm talking to Miss Miller about something. I'll be off soon." Mrs. Garcia was full of doubts. "Then why did you lock the door? Miss Miller?" Randy Garcia followed behind and shouted into the room, "Selina, Selina! Did my brother bully you? Don't be afraid. Mom and I will teach him a lesson for you." The man on top of her finally gave her a chance to breathe. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and replied. "I'm fine. I just... just talk to Mr. Garcia... talk about work. I'll go down soon." Randy Garcia was very easy to coax and believed it. But Mrs. Garcia knew actually what was going on inside the study. She couldn't understand why they make love in the study, isn't it more comfortable on the bed... When they went downstairs, Mrs. Garcia asked her youngest son tentatively. "Does Miss Miller know your brother?" "No." Randy Garcia added, "But I can tell, brother doesn't like Selina." Is it possible for them to make love if Charles doesn't like Selina? Mrs. Garcia was even more suspicious. Obviously, they had known each other before. Half an hour later, Selina Miller came down from upstairs. Her expression was a little unnatural, and she walked even more unnaturally. She felt inexplicably guilty when she saw the look in Mrs. Garcia's eyes. She couldn't stay any longer. "Randy, I have to go back now. I have something to do at home, they called to ask me to go back." Randy Garcia was very unhappy. "Please have lunch with us before going back." "I'm afraid I can't, I'll treat you another day." Selina Miller promised Randy Garcia and then said goodbye to Mrs. Garcia. After Selina Miller left, Charles Garcia slowly walked down the stairs. He had just taken a shower, his hair was still wet and his clothes had been changed. However, the red marks on his left cheek were quite obvious. Now everyone knew what they had done just now. Mrs. Garcia was a little angry, her expression immediately became serious. "Follow me!"
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