Chapter 6: Extremely Blinded Face

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Chapter 6: Extremely Blinded Face"You lipstick, wipe it off!" A small gesture by Charles Garcia would draw the attention of the crowd. Just as everyone was looking in the same direction as Charles Garcia, Selina Miller and her best friend, Melody Well, were staring at each other from afar. Melody Well made a gesture of cheering for her. Selina Miller made a loving gesture to Melody. "Cough, cough." The model standing beside Selina Miller knocked Selina with the elbow. When Selina Miller turned around, she noticed that everyone was staring at her. She swallowed her saliva, looked nervous with a little loss. Charles Garcia turned around and went up to the stage. The supervisor in charge of reception immediately patted Selina Miller on the shoulder and urged her. "Hurry up and wipe off the lipstick!" Selina Miller felt puzzled, but she obediently wiped off her lipstick. Melody Well followed her into the bathroom. "What's going on?" Selina Miller shrugged, looking innocent. "I don't know." Everyone thought that Charles Garcia did not like Selina Miller's lipstick color, so the women who wore similar lip colors all went to the bathroom to change their colors. In fact... Charles Garcia made an opening speech. After stepping down from the stage, he asked Hogan Young. "Why is she here?" Hogan Young was stunned for two seconds. When he realized it, he immediately understood what Charles Garcia meant. "You mean Miss Miller? I know her. She is an etiquette lady hired by our company. It should be a coincidence." "Should be?" Charles Garcia did not like this word. He didn't expect to meet Selina Miller at the company's anniversary celebration, but he wasn't too surprised. After all, countless women wanted to get close to him every day. Hogan Young tried his best to keep his voice low. "President, you don't know yet. Miss Miller has... face blindness." Charles Garcia thought he had misheard. "What?" Hogan Young immediately explained, "And her facial blindness is quite serious. I think she may not remember you." Obviously, Charles Garcia didn't believe it. Hogan Young immediately waved to Selina Miller. Selina Miller looked around and confirmed that he was calling her. She walked towards Hogan Young in her high heels and smiled at him. "Sir, what can I do for you?" Hogan Young cleared his throat and deliberately changed his voice. "Don't you remember me?" A blank expression appeared on Selina Miller's face again. She searched for his voice in her memory but found no result. "Sorry, may I have your name?" Selina Miller recognized people through their voices and clothes. The people she could remember after meeting them seven or eight times were very important to her. She could not remember someone she didn't care about, even if she met them 20 or 30 times. Hogan Young turned to look at Charles Garcia with a "Am I right" expression. Charles Garcia was one head taller than Selina Miller. His thin lips were pressed together, and his gaze lingered on her face for two seconds. Then, he continued down until he finally stopped at Selina Miller's long legs. "How's the search going?" This sentence was asking Hogan Young. It took Hogan Young a long time to understand what the boss was asking. "I'm still searching." Hogan Young was looking for new bedmates for Charles Garcia. In fact, he had already chosen four from tens of thousands of people. As a result, three of the four were weeded out by the extremely picky boss before he met them. The remaining one, in all aspects, was very in line with the standard of Charles Garcia for lover. However, she only stayed together with Charles in the room for ten minutes. Hogan Young did not dare to ask Charles Garcia about the specific reason. "There's no need to search any f**k buddy for me!" With these words, Charles Garcia turned around and left. Hogan Young was stunned for three seconds, then he looked at Selina Miller and gave her a meaningful smile. Then he turned around and caught up with Charles Garcia. Selina Miller was a little confused. That man's voice... it sounded like that of the p*****t! The idea that two people were one person flashed through Selina Miller's mind and was soon denied by her. During lunch, Selina Miller finally had time to rest, but she was told that someone was looking for her. She followed the waiter to take the elevator to the 86th floor. When she was taken to the door of a guest room, she suddenly had a sense of crisis. However, seeing the waiter walk in, she hesitated for two seconds and followed. The room was decorated luxuriously, with a good view and good lighting. The French windows were open, and the breeze blew in. The thin blue curtains danced with the wind. A man stood outside the balcony with his back to her. His back was somewhat familiar. The waiter tactfully exited the room. Selina Miller stood there, looking at his back and frowning. She said tentatively, "Hello." Hearing the voice, Charles Garcia turned around. He did not speak, but walked in from outside and approached Selina Miller step by step. Selina Miller backed away subconsciously, feeling a little uneasy. "Do, do we know each other?" Charles Garcia raised his wrist, looked down, and looked at the time. His voice was very cold. "I have work to do in 40 minutes. It seems that I have to finish it as soon as possible." He glanced at the woman with his long and narrow phoenix eyes. With a stride, he reached Selina Miller in just a few steps. "Wh-what... do you mean? I don't understand what you're talking about." Selina Miller's retreating legs were tripped by something. She staggered and in the next second, her arm was grabbed tightly by the man. A strong force pulled her over, and her forehead hit the man's hard chest. Before she could react, she felt a warm breath in her ear. "I mean, I want to f**k you!"
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