Chapter 5: I Don't Know You

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Chapter 5: I Don't Know YouThe moment she was thrown onto the bed, she clearly felt that his mind was already unclear. He looked at her with blurred eyes, but he did not forget to pull his bathrobe over her face. Selina Miller cursed everything she could think of, as if she was trying to vent the grievances in her mind. Early the next morning, Selina Miller was woken up by a series of hurried knocks on the door. Her eyelashes fluttered and she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes. The man lying beside her slowly woke up and frowned unhappily. He wanted to turn over but found that his right arm was already numb. Her eyelids opened little by little, and then he saw a little head in his arms. A tender and white hand was resting on his chest and shoulders. Everything that happened last night returned to his mind. The man pushed the woman away from his arms in disgust and sat up. There were several nail scratches on his chest, which were particularly eye-catching. Selina Miller also woke up. She slowly opened her eyes, accompanied by a big yawn. But when she saw the naked man sitting on the bed, she couldn't close her mouth. Especially when she saw the scratches on the man's body, she lost the courage to curse as she did last night. Her little hand timidly pulled the quilt and covered her head. Soon, the sound of running water came from the bathroom. Selina Miller quickly got up from the bed, put on her clothes, and rushed out with her bag. Hogan Young had been waiting at the door. When he saw Selina Miller coming out, he greeted her. "Good morning, Miss Miller." Selina Miller smoothed her messy hair and glared at Hogan Young. From the voice, she could tell who he was. "I hope this is the last time." Today, she must change her phone number! Hogan Young did not comment. He turned around and entered the room. Seeing that the man had come out of the bathroom and was putting on his clothes, he immediately approached and lowered his head to report. "Yes, it's Lily Brown, a little-known artist who was employed by our company not long ago." "There's no need to terminate the contract, just suspend her, cut off all the chances offered to her." The man was slowly dressed, with no expression on his face. His slightly pursed lips showed that he was not in a good mood at the moment. "Yes, I will order them." Hogan Young thought that this measure was ruthless enough to let Lily wait for death in the company. However, this kind of thing was not rare. After all, there were too many women who wanted to make love with Charles Garcia. His boss, Charles Garcia, the president of Robbie Media, the young master of Garcia Group, was more handsome than famous entertainment stars, his ability surpassed that of big shots in the business world. Such a charming man with extraordinary abilities is a great attraction to every woman in the world. Half a month later, there would be a celebration for the establishment of Robbie Media. Melody Well recommended beautiful Selina Miller to the company's planning manager for the anniversary celebration. Selina got a job as an etiquette lady for half a day at 300 yuan. "Today is such an important day. All the company's important persons, including agents and president, will present." Melody Well was about the same height as Selina Miller, was good-looking and studied in the performance major. She was chosen by her current agent in her first year in college, enrolled by the entertainment company that all actors dreamed of. "Selina, you have such a good image. If you perform well, you may be chosen by some agent. You'll get a fat salary at my company." In fact, Melody Well had recommended Selina Miller to her agent, but Selina Miller's family background was too "special", which was like a time bomb that could blow you to ashes at any time. Selina Miller had dressed up today. After all, she was at work. However, she had to wear a red uniform and red high heels, the same as other etiquette ladies. Selina Miller was assigned to the side of the stage. Her task was to send prizes to the stage, including the microphone for the guests. In fact, this was a difficult task for Selina Miller, because she couldn't distinguish the people. She was afraid that she would cut up in public. Fortunately, people were accompanying her, from whom she can take her cue. There was a sudden commotion at the door. Everyone looked out and saw the crowd in the middle of the hall automatically make way for them. A few well-dressed men surrounded Charles Garcia as they walked inside. "The man in the middle who has his own shining points is president of Robbie Media. He is extremely handsome!" Beside her, her "companion" whispered with an infatuated look. Selina Miller felt that the man was familiar. After all, she felt that everyone was familiar to her. All the clothes on Charles Garcia were custom-made clothes, and he himself has a perfect body figure, he was more attractive than models. As he walked forward, talking to the people around him with a calm expression. However, when he walked past Selina Miller, he suddenly stopped and turned around...
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