Book 1:Chapter 9 - Why Am I Here?

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Lena’s POV I opened my bleary eyes to check out my surroundings. Even in my dazed state, I was aware of being carried out of the hellhole by someone warm and gigantic. Although I was too weak to open my eyes and see him, I knew his scent, even with my eyes closed. I could hear his deep, rumbling voice comforting me. It confused me a lot. Why was he saving me when he was the one responsible for my condition? I could feel him laying me down on the bed like he had done before. It was the same room he had brought me earlier. This time, however, his touch was tender, his presence warmer. It felt as if he had accepted me as his mate! But I knew otherwise! He had to have an ulterior motive behind his kind act. Maybe he wanted to use kindness as a tool to get information out of me! He was the enemy and I wouldn’t allow him to manipulate me. I mustered up all my strength and sipped the water he offered. It energized me a little, and I opened my bleary eyes after he left the room. This was the opportunity I was waiting for. He had left the door open, and I had to escape. It was now or never! ‘Get up Xara! We have to escape this place,’ I urged her, but she whimpered in response. ‘Can’t we do it tomorrow? I can’t run tonight, Lena. I need food!’ came Xara’s weak response. ‘We won’t get another chance, Xara. He’s the enemy. He can never be good to us. I’m sure he has an ulterior motive.’ I dragged my weak body off the bed, but my head swooned and I fell back onto it. Yet, I didn’t give up. I kept on trying until I could take staggering steps towards the door. Once outside, I heard Zephyrus in the kitchen, and my heart thumped with panic. Could I make it to the main door without getting caught? I dragged myself towards the door and was out in a spilt second. I released the breath I was holding. Now was the time to run for life, for our freedom! I needed to shift! I needed to be free! I tried my best, gathering all my energy to shift, but strangely, I couldn’t. For the first time in my life, I couldn’t shift. ‘Xara, wake up. We have to run?’ There was no response from my wolf this time. I could feel my head swooning uncontrollably, making me crouch on the porch. I couldn’t take a step forward, let alone run! The icy wind hit my weak body, and I trembled like a leaf. My vision darkened, and I knew I was losing it. I fell to the hard, cold porch in a heap, losing my consciousness again! Maybe I was fated to live and die a prisoner at the hands of a vicious enemy! “What were you thinking, Lena? I won’t let you escape!” a deep growl woke me up from my stupor. I stirred, feeling myself lifted and carried back to the bed. He had found me! Now he was angrier than ever before. I didn’t open my eyes this time. I had given up hope! He could kill me if he wanted to. “Open your mouth. You need to eat!” His tone was gruff, as if he was suppressing himself with a lot of effort. I opened my bleary eyes and focused on his face, which was so close to mine. His glowing copper eyes were now dark as if he was restraining the primal instincts erupting inside him. Had I triggered them somehow? I could see the lighting of his obsidian irises flicker as if he’s fighting to restrain his wolf from taking over. They lured me into their depths and held me captive. I couldn’t look away! “Take the food, Lena!” Hearing him say my name caused goosebumps to erupt on my skin. Why was I reacting so much to the enemy when I hated him? I searched his eyes for a motive behind his act of kindness, but he had shuttered all his emotions successfully. Why did he care if I ate or not? Why didn’t he throw me in the dungeons already? ‘He wants you to gain some strength to answer his questions. Why else?’ reminded my inner mind. “I don’t have the answers you want, Alpha. You don’t have to do this,” I croaked weakly, refusing the food he offered. I didn’t need a thing from him. I hated him and it wouldn’t change. “I know. Just eat.” He grabbed my chin and shoved the food into my mouth as if I were a truant child. I watched him suspiciously as he kept shoving spoonfuls of a delicious soup into my mouth. The taste almost had me moaning, but I checked myself. It was the best thing I had ever tasted in my twenty years of life! The food at the academy was very basic. It just filled our stomach. The only good food I had was at Alpha Atticus’s house before the attack, but this was significantly better than that, too. I never expected him to be a master chef! He held my gaze as he emptied the bowl, one spoon at a time, into my mouth. My heart skipped a beat at his nearness. Why was I so affected by his actions? It was true no one had ever done so much for me, but surely there would be a catch! Nothing came for free in this world. His gaze dropped to my body and followed his line of vision. I gasped, realizing the state of my clothes. They were tattered after I was whipped mercilessly. The wounds were still sore, but I had gotten used to the pain by now. The blood had dried off in the last three days, but I knew I had to tend to them. “I have to clean the wounds and tend to them.” His voice was hesitant, while he avoided eye contact with me. For a fleeting moment, I had the feeling that he felt somewhat guilty for my state. ‘No, you’re hallucinating! Why would he feel guilty?’ prompted my inner mind. I had expected Xara to talk to me, but she had been abnormally quiet in Zephyrus’ presence. Did Xara fear his dark aura? “No, thanks! I can manage. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me so far. If I will lend me some clothes, I can leave Lucania forever. I’ll never bother you again, I promise.” His eyes glowed with fury, but I held his gaze. I had to let him know my intentions. I had no wish to stay in Lucania like a prisoner all my life. Since I had no answers to his questions, it was best if he released me. He growled angrily as he sprang up from the bed. “Don’t even think of escaping, Lena. I’ll tie you to this bed if I have to.” I gaped at his angry stance as he pinned me with a menacing look. The radiance of power and anger he gave off was so strong I could hardly suppress my wildly thumping heart. “Why? I told you I’m not of any help to you. My parents abandoned at birth. I don’t know them. Alpha Atticus saved me and sent me away to the academy to train in warfare. He would have told me about my family if you hadn’t killed him.” He watched me with a grim look on his face, as if he knew everything I had admitted. “I know.” He turned away to go while I simmered at his lack of reaction. “Then will you release me?” “No.” He stopped and turned sideways to see my shocked face. “Why?” “You’re mine!” My jaws dropped to the floor as I watched his stiff back. Satisfied with my reaction to him, he took out some clothes from the drawer behind him. Dumping them on the bed beside me, he walked away, this time locking the door after him. I sank into the bed with relief. I had expected him to attack me after I instigated him, but strangely, he didn’t. His parting words echoed in my head, plunging me into a state of confusion. ‘Whatever did he mean?’ I mumbled to myself. ‘It means he has accepted us as his mate!’ said Xara, speaking after a long time. ‘I hope not! I hate him!’ The soup had energized me, and I could shower and wash the grime and blood off my skin. It took an enormous amount of energy, yet I didn’t seek his help. The warm water soothed my wounds, and I felt much better afterward. I sank into Zephyrus’ warm shirt and lay down on the bed, totally drained and breathing hard. The softness and warmth of the bed coupled with Zephyrus’ tingling scent made me delirious. I pulled the duvet closer and closed my eyes at last. I didn’t have the energy to ponder over what he might do with me. Maybe I would deal with that later. Within minutes, I dozed off into the most blissful sleep of my life!
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