Book 1:Chapter 8 - Feeling Her Pain

1633 Words
Zephyrus’ POV I ran faster down the barren snowy terrain, the icy wind howling past my ears. The pain in my heart was too much to bear. It made Zeus howl like a tortured soul. For the last three and a half days, I haven’t been able to shift to my human form. Neither have I been able to go home. With every staggering breath that passed through Lena’s lips, with every tear she shed, I doubled up with pain. It was the worst imaginable torture I ever suffered in my twenty-nine years of life. I had fought battles, conquered territories, and slain monsters, yet the pain I felt because of Lena was the most unbearable. It constricted my heart, making me unable to function normally. There was no doubt she was my mate! I wanted to bring her home, into the safety of my arms! I never wanted to hurt her, but this was beyond my control. This wasn’t a personal issue between us. It involved all those with me who were forced to escape that dreadful night. They needed justice. Leandros lost his little sister that night, while Stavros saw his brothers burned alive! All of us have been wronged that night for no fault of ours. We had wiped out the Whiteridge Pack. Now we needed to find Michael Tremblay and get even with him! I stopped near a boulder and sat down to take a deep breath. Leandros was trying to establish a mind-link with me, but I couldn’t face him. I had been avoiding a connection with all of them for fear of caving in, but for how long? Why couldn’t Lena just cooperate and end this once and for all? Why was she being so stubborn? I blocked my mind and started running with Zeus howling wildly. What was happening? Were they forcing themselves on Lena? My mind went blank and all I could think of was protecting her. No, I didn’t need the information at the cost of her life. I had to stop the torture. I retraced my steps back to the village. Still, in my wolf form with matted fur, dirty, hungry, and bleeding, I knew I was a sight to behold, but I didn’t care. “Alpha Zephyrus, the prisoner still hasn’t opened up. Gamma Leandros has ordered us to throw her in the dungeons to rot to death.” I growled menacingly at the pack member, a burning anger clawing at my heart. How could Leandros take such an extreme step without my orders? “You will do nothing of the sort. Leave her alone,” I gritted out while he trembled in fear. “What about her meals, Alpha? We haven’t given her anything to eat in the last three days.” Before I could react, a breathless Stavros came to a stop before me. The pack member walked away, leaving us alone. “Where were you, Zeph? I have been trying to contact you for days!” he scolded me. He gaped at my state with concern. “I just can’t take in anymore, Stav! She’s in pain and it’s killing me!” Stavros was my best friend, and I couldn’t stop myself from confiding in him. It was a childhood habit and even now, we always had each other’s backs. “I know. She’s your mate. Right? Then why don’t you stop torturing yourself? Maybe she really doesn’t know about Tremblay. I’ve heard she lived all her life at some academy, far away on the eastern corridor of Lucania.” I gaped at him while digesting the piece of information he provided me with. “Then go to that academy and ask everyone about her. I want to know more about Lena Warrick. Until then, ask Leandros to stop torturing her.” “Right. Why don’t you go home? I’ll connect with you the moment I find out about her.” After Stavros left, I felt a little relieved and shifted to my human form. For the first time, Zeus was exceptionally quiet, as if he was upset with me. I trudged home to freshen up, all the while waiting for Stavros’ update. After an hour, there was a knock on the main door. I opened the door to find both Stavros and Leandros outside with guilt-stricken expressions. “What happened? Did you find out about Lena, Stav?” They looked defeated as they trudged into the house and slumped onto the sofa. “She’s innocent, Zeph! I had a word with her instructor, Master Lykos, at the academy. He and his wife, Stefanie, have looked after Lena for the last twenty years. She was born on the night of the attack, and Alpha Atticus saved her. None of them knew about her family or parents. Alpha Atticus handed her to Master Lykos to train her as a skilled warrior. A week before we attacked, Alpha Atticus summoned her and announced his wish to make her the Luna of the Luceres Pack.” “I’m sorry that it turned out this way!” said Leandros, but I wasn’t listening to them at all. The moment I found out the truth, I dashed out of the house to get my mate! I couldn’t torture the poor soul for no fault of hers. Even if she were a Whiteridge wolf, she would stay in my home, under my protection. When she was better, I would claim her as my mate, my true companion! I broke into a run. The wish to reach the prison compound faster was topmost on my mind now. I just hoped she was still alive. I just hoped they didn’t torture her anymore. Guilt washed over me. I should have conducted thorough research before ordering Leandros to torture her. ‘There’s no time to ponder over what could have been, Zeph. We need to save her,’ urged Zeus as we ran faster. I could see the building in front of me and my heart pumped faster. I stormed inside, making the guards stagger with confusion. “Where is Lena Warrick?” “Upstairs, Alpha. I’ll lead you to her room.” The guard led me upstairs, but I felt too agitated to follow him meekly. The urge to get to her quickly made me rush forward, peering at every room along the dingy corridor. “It’s the last one, Alpha.” I almost ran to the last room, only to see it locked. “Open the damn door!” I barked at the clueless guard. He produced a bunch of keys from his pocket and opened the rusted lock at last. I pushed the door open and scanned the dark room. The guard switched on the light, and I gasped at the condition of the room. The bed was broken without a mattress. Where was my mate? My glance went to the corner near the washroom, and I ran inside. There, lying on a dirty mattress, was Lena, unconscious, with deep gashes all over her body. Her clothes were tattered, and she looked like a bag of bones. I crouched down to her level, my heart constricting with fear. What had Leandros done to her? I hadn’t expected him to take this so far. I picked up her limp hand and felt her feeble pulse. Yes, she was alive. “Get me a blanket quickly.” The guard complied and within a second, returned with one. I took it from him and wrapped it around Lena’s unconscious body. Next, I scooped her gently up in my arms and strode out of the building, leaving them all gaping after me. Guilt washed over me as I carried her home. “I’m sorry, Lena! Please forgive me.” She didn’t respond, her limp body lying helplessly in my arms. She hardly weighed a thing now. In the last few days, she had been reduced to a skeleton, and it was all because of my insensitivity. If only I knew! I ran with her in my arms, eager to get her home quickly. Once I reached there, I found Stavros and Leandros still there, waiting for me. “I’m sorry, bro,” said Leandros, looking guiltily at me. “It’s all my fault.” I dismissed them, feeling the need to heal her my way. The Moon Goddess’s blessing echoed in my head. The only one unaffected by your touch and bite would be your fated mate! You will have the power to heal her through them! I lay her down on my bed, covering her with a warm duvet. She needed to be revived first. Getting a bottle of water, I sprinkled it over her face. Nothing! I raised her head and held the water to her lips, pouring a little into her parted mouth. She sputtered and stirred, giving me hope. “Drink a little water, Lena.” She didn’t open her eyes but took a sip in a state of daze. I gave her more water, and she sipped it. I lay her back on the bed. My next mission was to give her some food first. I rushed to the kitchen to make a quick chicken soup for her. Five minutes later, I went back to my room to feed her. In the last twenty years of my life, I had never done so much for anyone, including myself. I had lived a hard life, a warrior’s life, with no respite whatsoever. Maybe now it was time to settle down to a happy life with my mate! However, the minute I looked at the bed, I gasped with shock. Lena was gone! I looked around the place, but she had just disappeared. Where did she go in her condition? Wasn’t she here just a while ago?
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