Mia was back

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It was a good drive from the airport. I had told the driver to stop at all the places, which I used to visit when I had lived in Dublin, on the way from the airport.   Halfway through the journey, we pulled near the bakery which Grandma Lia and I used to visit often when I was around.   Mia got down and smiled at Carlos. And yes, I am back. To my homeland Dublin the beautiful and enchanting city. “Well, well well, someone is very happy to be back to her favourite eatery. I wonder what will happen when she comes here everyday and become like a gummy bear.” Samuel teased me. I stomped his foot and he groaned with pain. Carlos and Grandma Lia stared laughing heartily looking at our fist fight, as we always were like this bullying each other. I felt comfortable with Samuel and he would never let any opportunity go without bullying me. Its okay you can come here anytime Mia but only after everything is sorted out. I don’t mind if I have my plummy Mia back.” Carlos teased and grinned as I rolled my eyes. We three went inside and the manager rushed towards us to lead us to our table as she recognised grandma Lia. I smiled at her and she smiled back.  I wonder if she has recognized me.   Once we were seated Grandma Lia immediately ordered for blueberry cheese cake.   “And what would you like to have miss? Can I show you the menu as Mrs Vincent is regular here she knows what she wants,” she smiled at Grandma Lia. "But I have never seen you before, I will tell you all the specialities that we have here.” “That won’t be necessary, Lauren will have the same thing which I am having but get some sweet buns for me and Tea for Mr. Vincent. “And I will have latte Linda.” Samuel intervened. “Coming right away!” She said and with a smile and went inside to place the order. Like seriously, she did not recognise me, I was so regular here., I had been direly wanting to have the sweet buns and Grandma read my mind.   I whispered. “Thank you Grandma, it’s been a long time since I had that. But Linda did not recognize me. “   “That’s good Mia at least now we know that people will not be able to recognise you that easily.” Grandma Lia said happily.   “Don’t be so overconfident grandma you know Catherine  is very shrewd. It will be a little difficult to convince her. But I am ready.” He smiled and squeezed my hand. I had told the whole episodes to Grandma Lia about what had happened in my life and why I had to leave Dublin. She was very furious at first and wanted to barge in and question Catherine. But Carlos told her that it would warn her, so she better go easy, as Catherine was after all his mother and they should wait for the right occasion for her to make some mistake, before pulling her down. But we had not yet told her about Carlos and his identity, as we were not sure what effect it would have on her health. So, we are waiting to unveil the mystery first then break the news to Ted and Grandma Lia.  I was nervous as well as excited for what was coming but mostly determined that I need to face everything with confidence and walk hand in hand with Carlos.     “Catherine they are about to reach, I got a call from Carlos. They have just reached by the lakeside and stopped to have some tea as mother wanted to have her blue berry cheese cake.” Ted smiled at the thought and told Catherine.   But as soon as he saw her, he was pissed as she had been grumbling since morning that Carlos didn’t tell them that he was getting married, why should they wait for his newly bride. He was so disgraceful that he did not even inform his mother.   Ted let her grumble and wondered, apart from having his wife ‘s status Catherine never had any interest in the household activity. But always took care of Carlos, in the initial stages but along these years when he was growing up, she had always been busy travelling because of the business. He had always been grateful for the way she had managed the business along these years but  when it comes to her family, she had never been around.   If he had not been crippled by the car, he would have been able to manage his company  but there’s no point thinking about it as the company was under Catherine's control and she had managed it efficiently she had always been very ambitious. Though he felt had she was quite ruthless at times but he did not have any say in the companies matter as he was in comma for almost 10 years and chickened out when he finally came out of it, as he had missed out on a lot of things and felt inferior to Catherine. So he had let her take care of the company, while he took care of their son with his mother.   According to his  dads will the majority of the shares were  in Carlos' name . Fifty per cent belonged  to Carlos, twenty five per cent belonged to him, ten per cent  belonged to Catherine and rest are distributed amongst the members of the trust. So Carlos has the majority of the shares, so he was rightly chosen as the CEO of Citadel  international and Catherine as the Vice CEO. He was very proud of his son he has  taken the company into heights, after he took over. But because of some  unfortunate circumstances in his life, a few years back, he lost his beloved Mia and did not have the zeal to live and engrossed himself into work. But always made time for his family.   This was the greatest and happiest news he had heard after six long years. His son has finally married. The girl must be someone incredibly special and Carlos must love her dearly that he has gotten married all of a sudden. Whatever the reason he would welcome his daughter in law with open arms. Carlos is happy so nothing else mattered. Catherine was never home, she's always very busy and he know that she was  having affair outside their marriage, he can't tell anything because he can't give her the happiness that she finds in another men. So he lets her do whatever she wants.   He had never loved her. It was just mutual attraction and she got pregnant and he had to get married because she had Carlos inside her. But gradually one after the other a lot of incidents happened, and they drifted apart. They live in separate rooms and only shared pleasantries because they  live in the same house and also because of Carlos. It's just for the sake of the society that they were married till now and she took over the company after his accident. He heard the car honking away outside the Villa. All the house maids were standing outside, waiting to welcome the newlywed couple, they missed his mother Lia, who is everyone's grandmother in this house. He dragged his wheelchair towards the entrance. Catherine reluctantly followed him behind.   “Catherine can you just control your anger, your son is coming back with his bride. You should be happy for him that finally he has found his happiness. Please control your anger and don’t go outside with your gloomy face.  You don't really want to scare your new daughter in law, she is going to be a part of the family from now on, so sooner or later you have to accept her.” Ted told her flatly and watched the car as it entered the Villa.   Catherine was fuming with anger, my son and my daughter in law, my foot. I want to strangle that orphan. whom I have raised as my son all the way long. Ungrateful brat, he has broken my daughters heart and how dare he comes back with his  newly wed wife as if nothing has happened. Just wait and watch, you don't even know what I have planned for you.  she thought, smiling wickedly as Carlos got down from the car.            
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