
1083 Words
The Seychelles has some of the most exciting and stunning marine life in the world, all of which is submerged in ‘bath-like’ warm and crystal-clear waters. Also, as a significant portion of the waters around the islands are protected, the coral and sea life is continuing to develop and bustle regardless of increases in tourist numbers. Before I went to the Seychelles, I had never snorkelled and, due to a childhood fear of sharks I was hesitant but Carlos insisted that I try it with him and anyways he will be with me if anything happens so I let go of my fear and went with him. Anse Lazio on Praslin island is one of the famous places for snorkelling and gathering my courage I went and saw the underwater scenes that were unimaginable unless seen at first hand.   We saw more islands- beautiful emerald and sapphire blobs in the middle of the ocean. I took a lot of pictures and post cards to show it to Kai.   We had wanted him to come with us but he denied saying he wanted to go to New York with his aunt Myra and grandma Marian and as Myra had promised him she requested us to let him go with her.   I was missing him and took my phone and was about to call him when Carlos reminded me that it 2 am in the morning there. So it was better we call them in the evening.   I had forgotten the time difference and smiled and snuggled in his arms.   We had come back to our hotel and as the afternoon sun was very harsh we decided to stay in our rooms till the evening.  We will be leaving the day after as our honeymoon has come to an end  so we were making the most of it.   I closed my eyes and was enjoying Carlo’s’ embrace. When I felt him tickle my hand. We had been like this for the past one week. Hugging, kissing, making love and going out and exploring the country. I wish I could stop the time and never let it go. But we have to return and  I will be returning to my homeland after six years and I was looking forward to it. No, I won’t think about it anymore and enjoy my last days here with Carlos and make memories.   It was quite dark when we went to have dinner at the restaurant near the sea side. The sea food was really good here. As we ate our food I smiled and laughed and chatted with Carlos. I watched his handsome face from under my lashes as he gave me his full attention . It was as though my  whole body was sensitised to such a degree that everything he said or did, every nuance of every action , was filed away in my mind . I called Kai and was relieved that he was enjoying himself immensely. He was busy telling me about his adventures. I promised to call him again the next day and hung up.  With only a day of holiday left, I found myself yearning to return to the refreshing normality of my life with new challenges to come and we both needed to deal with a lot of stress when we get back but whatever happens we have to do it together.   I walked back with him to our suit which had a swimming pool and he pulled me outside and took me in his arms. He sat on the chair nearby and made me sit in his lap and holding my face, looked at me for a long time. “Mia, tell me something, if I give up my title as Vincent and start  from scratch will you stand by me.  I don’t feel at ease knowing that I am not my Father’s son and everything that I have, doesn’t belong to me. I will make everything right when we return and hand over all the property and business to dad. After all he has always given me his abundant love without knowing. I can’t fully ignore my responsibility.” Carlos said with lot of emotions in his voice.   “Carlos I don’t love you because of your wealth, I love you because you are so good at heart and have always loved me. So what if you give away every thing. We can start over again and I am so good at baking and event arrangement. I can always start up and I can feed you and Kai.” I said and grinned kissing him lightly in his lips. He had tears in his eyes but was greatly amused when I said the last sentence.  “Carlos about my grandfather’s company, just let it  stay with Ted for sometime before we do thorough investigation as no one should suspect us or they will be alert.” I told him concernedly.   “I have already done all the planning’s, so we just need to play our role after we reach Dublin. Carlos said seriously. Looking at his serious face and not wanting to spoil the moment I bit his lips and getting out of his arms I ran and  stood near the pool. I turned and looked at him as he walked towards me. I had worn a wrap around dress and had discarded my under wear and bra before we had gone for the dinner. I opened the wrap and slowly threw it away, revealing my naked body. Carlos caught his breath as his bold and beautiful Mia was standing with nothing on and seducing him to the core. He rushed towards me and grabbed me in his arms kissing and biting my lips his tongue exploring me. I moaned.   Carlos kissed my neck and slowly his mouth trailed down and nibbled my hard n*****s.  I was on fire I was pushing myself towards him . He grabbed my other breast and stroke it. My hands some how went down, and I could feel his desire all ready and hard. Then he knelt down and stared kissing my belly then his mouth found my core and he kissed me there. I couldn’t take it and pulled him up and sprang into the warm water. Finally as I struggled up laughing, Carlos lifted me and kissed me thoroughly. I pushed him at the edge and stroked his thing inside the water and then moved closer and let it come inside me. I was moving my hips in a rhythm and Carlos was lifting my hips kissing me coaxing me. we were in the whirlwind of ecstasy as we looked at each other with love.                     
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