Move on

978 Words
Catherine Thorpe drove into the manor and rushed inside looking as elegant as ever, wearing a knee length skirt and a formal shirt with her hair flowing away not a trace of aging to be seen.   She got out of the car and walked inside the manor gracefully.   “Stephen!” She shouted as she rushed inside.   Stephen was standing below the stairs looking worried but as soon as he saw Catherine, he was relieved and came and hugged her.   “Where is she?” Catherine asked him worriedly. In her room she has closed the door and has locked herself inside since the past one hour and I heard her throwing things around as the shattering pieces of china could be heard. She is not ready to open the door Catherine that’s why I called you.” Stephen explained desperately. Catherine was in a very important meeting since morning. So, she had forgotten to tell Stephen about Carlo’s’ marriage. But she knew that the way her daughter was behaving was related to Carlos and knew perfectly well, who would have given her the news.   She explained Stephen the cause of her anger and told him to leave it to her as she will go and try to talk sense into her. Stephen knew that Samantha was crazy about Carlos and could see that the news has affected her really bad. So he allowed Catherine to take charge of the situation.     Catherine slowly walked outside the door and knocked it. There was no response. “Samantha Shaw you better get you ass up and open the door or I will have it broken,” Catherine said meaningfully, “and you know your mom will do whatever she says.”   After few seconds Samantha opened the door and moved inside.   Catherine was horrified looking at her daughter’s dishevelled face. She saw her sitting with her face down and crying.   Catherine went and took her into her arms and Samantha started crying miserably.  She let her cry and stroked her hair till she was back to normal. “Mom why did Carlos do this to me? He was  supposed to come back and marry me and instead he's coming back married, I had always loved him but he never even saw my face. First it was Mia now his wife. Am I so ugly?”  Sam sobbed.  “I know you are heartbroken sweetheart, but you  always knew that Carlos had never felt anything for you and no you are not ugly you are my prettiest daughter, who has men falling on her feet.” But mom….. “Listen Sam Carlos was never interested in you but you still choose to ignore it. What is done is done he has moved on in his life and gotten married to some other woman. I would have told you earlier but I was busy in a meeting, I'm sorry sweetheart, forgive me.”   “Sam accept the fact that Carlos is married now and will be returning home with his bride. So you need to be in control of your emotions,  you are my daughter you cannot loose face in front of him”   “Whom did he marry?” “I don't know sweetheart as Ted had called me earlier today, when I was in the office to give me the news as Lia had called and told him. So he wants me to take a day off and make arrangement for their homecoming.” Catherine could see the pain in her daughter face and it pained her heart she was helpless right now.  When it comes to Carlos she had never been able to control him, as he never listened to her. But now that he is coming back with his bride breaking her daughters heart, she thought she needs to avenge her daughter and show Carlos his place after all he was not rightly the heir of Citadel International . She cupped Sam’s face and kissed her  forehead and said, “Sam, honey Carlos is not worthy of  your love, I think you've given him enough of your time. Now you should move and look for green pastures. Hayden is a good guy and I know that you both are dating so focus on him and forget about Carlos, I know it's not easy but try to stay away and I suggest you take a holiday and leave tomorrow and then come back and start afresh. Sam was looking at her mother thinking about how she came to know about Hayden but she should know better her mother was very smart and shrewd and nothing can be hidden from her. She just nodded her head but decided  not to argue with her mother and go for the vacation, as she would get plenty of time to see Carlos' new bride after she returns and it will also give her some time to control her emotions. Sam snuggled in Catherine’s arms and drifted into sleep.   Catherine looked at her sleeping form and put her in to the bed. Then went outside thinking, Hayden Green you are in big trouble I really don’t like anyone messing with my daughter and she moved down to the hall where Stephen was standing.   She went straight into his arms and stayed there for some time.   Then she lifted her face and said, “I think its time for us to take full control of Citadel international, Carlos is of no use to us. I will wait for his return then you know what do to?” she looked at him with anger in her face.” “But Catherine wasn’t Graham supposed to do that?” Stephen questioned. "Stephen, Graham is not picking up my phone. And plus he is in Spain and you know, who else is there right? So don’t think he will return that fast, whenever he is with her he goes out of touch for months but anyways I will try to contact him.” Catherine said assuring him. She pecked him on his lips and told him that she has to return to the office and instructed him to take care of Samantha before leaving.  
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