chapter 55

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Isla and Henry trudged back through the woods, their bounty slung over Henry's broad shoulders. The crisp air had turned colder as the day progressed, and Isla welcomed the warmth of Henry's presence beside her. As they reached the edge of the forest, Henry set down the heavy load of game on the tailgate of his pickup truck. Isla leaned against the vehicle, brushing a few loose strands of hair from her face and exhaling deeply. Her breath misted in the chilly air. "You did great out there, Isla," Henry said, a proud smile on his face as he unloaded the squirrels, rabbit, and deer onto the truck bed. "That's a solid haul for the day." Isla grinned back, a sense of accomplishment swelling within her. "Thanks, Henry. It feels good to contribute. And it'll definitely keep us well-fed through the winter." Henry nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Speaking of winter," he began, "I've been thinking. With all the work you've put into the shack and now this hunting trip, it might make sense for you to stay here at the farmhouse for the winter." Isla looked at him, surprise flickering in her eyes. "Stay here?" she repeated, mulling over the idea. "I mean, I've thought about it, but..." "But nothing," Henry interrupted gently, his voice steady. "Isla, you've proven you can handle the independence of living on your own. But winter out at the shack? It'll be tough. Cold. Lonely. Here, we could work together, make things easier on both of us." Isla considered his words, weighing the practicality against her desire for independence. "You really think it would be better?" Henry nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I do. We could split the chores, keep each other company. It'd be good for both of us." A sense of relief washed over Isla. The prospect of facing the harsh winter alone had weighed heavily on her mind, despite her determination. She trusted Henry's judgment—he had always been there for her, guiding and supporting without question. "Alright," she finally said with a small smile. "Let's do it. I'll stay here for the winter." Henry's face broke into a wide grin. "That's settled then. We'll make it work." They finished loading the truck and drove back to the farmhouse in contented silence, the hum of the engine filling the crisp autumn air. As they arrived, Henry helped Isla unload their catch into the storage shed behind the house. Isla couldn't shake the sense of relief that settled over her—a weight lifted knowing she wouldn't have to face the winter alone. Later that evening, as they sat by the crackling fire in the living room, Isla broached another topic that had been on her mind. "Henry, I've been thinking about expanding the farm in the spring." Henry looked intrigued, leaning forward slightly. "Oh? What are you thinking?" "I was considering getting some rabbits," Isla explained, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "They're fairly low maintenance and can provide a steady source of meat and fur. Plus, they're cute." Henry chuckled softly. "Rabbits, huh? That's a good idea, Isla. They're a great addition to any homestead. Low cost, high return." "Yeah," Isla agreed, warming to the idea. "And I figure I could build a hutch near the shack. It'd be good to have some extra protein and fur. What do you think?" Henry nodded thoughtfully. "You've got the space for it, and rabbits multiply quickly. Just make sure you've got a secure hutch to keep them safe from predators." "I will," Isla promised, feeling a surge of excitement at the prospect of expanding her self-sufficiency on the farm. "Thanks, Henry. I appreciate your advice." They sat in companionable silence for a while longer, the fire crackling softly in the hearth. Isla felt a sense of contentment settle over her—a feeling of belonging that she hadn't felt in a long time. Henry had always been more than just a landlord or a mentor; he was family. As the evening wore on, they discussed plans for the coming weeks—preparing the farm for winter, stocking up on supplies, and making adjustments around the farmhouse to accommodate Isla's extended stay. With each passing moment, Isla grew more grateful for Henry's presence in her life, his unwavering support a constant source of strength. When they finally retired to bed that night, Isla felt a deep sense of peace wash over her. The decision to stay with Henry for the winter felt right, a step towards a future that held promise and possibility. As she drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the familiar warmth of the farmhouse, Isla knew she was exactly where she needed to be. Isla took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "No, Henry. Let's... let's just go." Henry nodded, his face reflecting the anger and concern he felt for Isla. "Alright, Isla. We'll go." As they drove back home in silence, Isla's mind raced with unanswered questions and painful uncertainties. The sight of Teddy with another girl had shattered her trust and left her grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. When they finally arrived back at the farm, Henry pulled Isla into a comforting embrace. "I'm sorry, Isla," he said softly. "I didn't mean for you to see that." Isla leaned into Henry's embrace, grateful for his support. "Thank you for everything, Henry. I... I don't know what to do." "We'll figure it out," Henry reassured her, his voice filled with resolve. "You deserve someone who values you, Isla. No matter what." As they stood there, the sun setting behind them, Isla clung to Henry's words like a lifeline. Unsure of what the future held, she knew one thing for certain—Henry's unwavering support was a beacon of strength in her darkest moments. The next morning dawned crisp and clear, the sun casting a golden glow over the fields surrounding Henry's farmhouse. Isla woke early, the excitement of planning for the future bubbling within her. She dressed warmly and headed downstairs to the kitchen, where Henry was already brewing a pot of coffee. "Morning, Isla," Henry greeted her with a warm smile. "Sleep well?" Isla nodded, pouring herself a cup of coffee and taking a seat at the kitchen table. "Yeah, I did. Thanks, Henry. I've been thinking more about the rabbits. I want to get started on planning the hutch." Henry nodded approvingly. "That's the spirit. Planning ahead will make everything easier when spring rolls around." They spent the morning mapping out the details of the rabbit hutch—sketching designs, calculating materials needed, and discussing the best location on the property. Isla felt a surge of satisfaction as their plans took shape. It wasn't just about practicality; it was about building a future for herself, one step at a time. As they worked, Henry shared his knowledge of raising rabbits—feeding schedules, breeding cycles, and predator-proofing techniques. Isla absorbed his advice eagerly, grateful for his guidance and expertise. She knew she could trust Henry's judgment; after all, he had successfully managed the farm for years on his own. By midday, they had outlined a solid plan for the rabbit hutch. Isla felt a sense of accomplishment wash over her as she looked over their sketches and notes. "Thanks, Henry," she said sincerely. "I couldn't have done this without your help." Henry smiled warmly. "You've got a knack for this, Isla. I'm just here to lend a hand." After lunch, they ventured outside to begin preparations for winter. They inspected the barn and storage sheds, ensuring everything was in order for the colder months ahead. Isla learned about winterizing equipment, stacking firewood, and checking on the livestock's shelter. As they worked, Isla found herself reflecting on the past year—how much she had grown and learned since arriving at Henry's farm. From learning to drive with Henry's guidance to renovating the old shack into a livable space, each experience had shaped her into a more capable and resilient person. "Isla, I'm glad you decided to stay here for the winter," Henry said suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence between them. "You've become like family to me, you know?" Isla smiled warmly at him. "I feel the same way, Henry. This place... it's become my home." Henry nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Isla, there's something else I wanted to talk to you about," he began tentatively. "It's about Teddy." Isla's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Teddy's name. She had been trying to push her doubts to the back of her mind, focusing instead on the farm and her plans for the future. But Henry's concern brought everything back to the surface. "What about him, Henry?" Isla asked quietly, her stomach tightening with apprehension. "I saw him in town the other day," Henry explained carefully. "He was with another girl—a blonde, pretty thing. They seemed... close." Isla's heart sank. The image of Teddy with another girl flashed in her mind, stirring up the insecurities she had been trying to ignore. "Did you talk to him?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady. Henry sighed heavily. "No, I didn't. I didn't think it was my place to interfere, Isla. But I want you to know... I'm here for you. Whatever you decide." Tears welled up in Isla's eyes as she struggled to process Henry's words. She had hoped her doubts about Teddy were unfounded, but now she couldn't ignore the sinking feeling in her chest. "I saw him too," she admitted softly. "In town, with that girl." Henry reached out and squeezed Isla's shoulder reassuringly. "Isla, you deserve someone who's committed to you. Someone who sees how special you are." Isla nodded, a tear slipping down her cheek. "I know," she whispered. "I just... I don't know what to do, Henry." "You'll figure it out, Isla," Henry said gently. "Trust your instincts. And remember, I'm here for you, no matter what." They stood together in silence, the weight of uncertainty hanging in the air around them. Isla knew she needed to confront Teddy, to face whatever truth awaited her. But for now, she took comfort in knowing she wasn't alone—that Henry was by her side, ready to support her through whatever came next.
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