chapter 54

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Isla and Teddy had promised each other that distance wouldn't weaken their bond, but as the weeks stretched into months, the strain began to show. Teddy's letters, once frequent and filled with declarations of love, became sparse and brief. Isla tried to reassure herself that he was just busy with work, but doubts crept in. One crisp autumn afternoon, Isla found herself confiding in Henry as they worked on the farm. "Henry," she began hesitantly, "I don't know what to think anymore. Teddy used to text to me all the time, but now... it's like he's disappearing. It's been two weeks since he has been able to come and visit." Henry paused in his task, concern etching lines on his weathered face. "Isla, relationships are tricky, especially with distance. Maybe he's just caught up with work." "But what if it's more than that?" Isla's voice quivered slightly, betraying her anxiety. "What if he's found someone else?" Henry sighed, setting down the tools he had been using. "Isla, you can't jump to conclusions. Have you tried talking to him about this?" Isla shook her head, a sense of helplessness washing over her. "I don't want to seem needy or insecure, Henry. But it's eating away at me." Henry regarded her with understanding eyes. "I'll tell you what, Isla. How about we take a little trip tomorrow? I've been thinking you could use something to lift your spirits." Isla looked at Henry, touched by his concern. "A trip? Where to?" "I've got a surprise for you," Henry said with a grin. "Just trust me on this." The following day, Isla found herself seated next to Henry in his old pickup truck, driving down winding country roads. The air was crisp with the promise of winter, but the sun shone brightly overhead, casting a golden hue over the landscape. "Where are we going, Henry?" Isla asked, unable to contain her curiosity. "You'll see," Henry replied mysteriously, his eyes twinkling with excitement. After a couple of hours of driving, they arrived at a small town nestled in a valley surrounded by rolling hills. Henry pulled into a parking lot, and Isla noticed a gleaming car dealership across the street. "What are we doing here?" Isla asked, her heart racing with anticipation. Henry chuckled. "Come on, Isla. I've got something to show you." They crossed the street and entered the dealership, where a sleek, silver car caught Isla's eye immediately. She gasped in surprise. "Henry, is this... for me?" Henry nodded proudly. "I know how much you've been thinking about getting a reliable vehicle. Thought this might be just the thing." Isla was overwhelmed with gratitude. "Henry, I can't believe you did this for me." "It's the least I could do," Henry said with a warm smile. "Now, let's take it for a test drive." As they admired the car and discussed its features, Isla's eyes wandered towards the coffee shop across the street. And there, sitting at a table with a girl whose blonde hair shimmered in the sunlight, was Teddy. Isla's heart sank as she watched them laugh together over steaming mugs. "Henry," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, "is that... Teddy?" Henry followed her gaze and his expression hardened. "Yes, it is," he confirmed quietly. Tears welled up in Isla's eyes as she struggled to process what she was seeing. "Who is that girl with him?" she asked, her voice trembling. "I don't know," Henry admitted, his jaw clenched. "But we can find out." Isla looked to the ground and said, "I don't think I want to know. Let's go home." Without a word, Henry led Isla back to the car dealership, his face a mask of determination. Isla wiped away her tears, feeling a mix of heartbreak and betrayal coursing through her veins. As they drove back in silence, the weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air. Back at the cabin, Isla retreated to her own little cabin, seeking solace in the familiar embrace of solitude. The events of the day replayed in her mind like a haunting melody, each note piercing her heart with newfound pain. As dusk settled over the countryside, there was a soft knock on Isla's door. She hesitated for a moment before calling out, "Come in." Henry entered, his expression somber yet resolute. "Isla, I know today has been difficult for you. But there's something I need to tell you." Isla looked up, her eyes red-rimmed but steady. "What is it, Henry?" "I followed up on Teddy and that girl was with. I asked around to see if I could find anything out.” Isla looked up at Henry and asked, “Who is she?” Henry took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. "Her name is Claire. She's a new employee at the law firm where Teddy works." He paused, gauging Isla's reaction before continuing. "It seems they've been spending quite a bit of time together, even outside of work." Isla felt her heart clench at Henry's words, the pieces of the puzzle clicking into place with painful clarity. "So, he's been seeing her behind my back," she whispered, more to herself than to Henry. Henry's hand found hers, offering silent support. "I'm so sorry, Isla. I wish I could take away your pain." Tears welled up in Isla's eyes once more, but this time they were not tears of confusion or doubt. They were tears of acceptance. Slowly, she turned to Henry and managed a small smile. "Thank you for telling me the truth, Henry. It's time for me to face reality” Isla texts Teddy and says "We need to talk ASAP"
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