6:Eject or reject?

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Killian’s POV I stared at my mother and older brother as they angrily paced the room, having witnessed what happened out there with Elaine, my mute human mate. I have ruined the whole evening for them which isn’t what they had planned for me. My brother had the nerve to slap me twice because of what I did. As the younger brother to the Alpha King, I am supposed to listen to whatever he says just like I did my father. My mother always supports them because she is into this politics way more than I am as the Prince. She loves power, so does my brother and he has it now. I don’t like that he is showing that power on me though. He is my brother for f***s sake. Older than me with barely three years but he acts like he owns the world ever since he took over at the Alpha King. “Why would you bite a freaking human? That pathetic weak thing?” My mother yelled again, her face going red from so much anger. “Yeah, he wanted to humiliate us. No one from this kingdom has ever mated a human. They either run away and if they get caught, we kill them or reject them. You know the f*****g rule, brother.” Logan roared. They continued on and on for another minute before my mother sat behind the desk to calm herself down. She gulped down the remains of whiskey Logan left then turned to me, her face all red from how much I humiliated them. I didn’t want to mark Elaine which was why I avoided her the whole night. I also didn’t care that Leah added love potion in my drink because I was going to end up with her either way, that will just make things easier for me. The love potion works like magic in this realm. But what I didn’t expect was Leah maltreating Elaine like that in front of everyone. My wolf didn’t like that. Human or not, she was his f*****g mate whom he forced me to kiss just because he couldn’t resist her red lips. And then he got insatiable, he wanted more and more. After I heard the way she called me a monster in her head in the woods, I hardened my resolve to punish her more. She doesn’t stand a chance with a Prince. She is not only a weak human, she is a pathetic mute that cannot defend herself to save her life. I would have killed her at that time but she couldn’t say a thing. That sort of mate cannot be found in the royal family which is why my father chose Leah for me even before he died. He chose Logan’s mate for him too but luckily for him, she was his real mate. I couldn’t resist marking my mate. My father would never have agreed, even I wouldn’t agree to me taking Elaine as my mate and equal. There are so many reasons why it is all wrong. I had marked her though, I need to do something about it. “Go back out there and take back Leah. The poor girl couldn’t stand it and left. I have sent guards to bring her back and you are going to make her your mate in front of the crowd. The other pathetic girl should be punished for luring you.” My mother said, her eyes determined. “Yes, mother.” I gave a shallow bow then left the room boiling with determination too. I cannot let Elaine tarnish my image in this pack. Something my father has instilled in me since I was a young boy. A girl with intense, demonic dark desire like mine won’t let me lose control of my power over my people. Not happening. They are all going to think I am p***y whipped by my helpless human mate. I won't rule with my d**k but logic, and the perfect answer for that is rejecting Elaine and taking Leah as my mate. She is the most powerful she-wolf as she is a descendant of an old royalty. The crowd was gathered talking in hush whispers but as soon as I entered, everyone quietened down. I saw Elaine blush from behind and I quickly looked away. Leah had her arms crossed angrily beside her not far away from where I stood. I nodded at the guards to bring Elaine to the front of the crowd, they did it not so gently like I ordered. She looks confused now. Good. I think the love potion worked in her favor instead of Leah since she served it to me. “I, Prince Killian Reagan of Grimwolf Kingdom, eject you, Elaine, as my mate and the Princess of Grimwolf Kingdom. And your punishment for using a love potion to lure me is to serve my soulmate however she deems fit.” I said in a steady powerful voice that rang in the room. I heard Elaine gasp, that huskiness in her voice reaching my ears. I tried to listen to what she was thinking or if she was trying to converse with me in her head. I could f*****g hear her talking and I don’t like it. Right from the time I met her. I turned back to the crowd. “I am taking Leah Mahogany as my mate and the princess of this kingdom. Your rightful place is beside me, come.” I said to Leah who immediately brightened. I realize I said eject not reject. f**k. I opened my mouth to rectify my mistake when a guard burst into the room looking panic stricken. The other guards around brought out their weapons ready to fight. “Your Highness, we found his Majesty and her Majesty dead in the study just now.” He said in one breath. “Dead?” I asked incredulously knowing I left them less than five minutes ago. “Yes and the maids around said the mute girl was the one responsible for their sudden demise.” My eyes whipped to Elaine and the guilt I saw in there told me everything I needed to know. Instead of wasting time with her, I rushed to the study to confirm the horrendous news.

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