5:Dark and sinful

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Elaine’s POV “Why did you drink it?” I questioned desperately in my head, anger and frustration leaking at my insides. I shouldn’t be feeling this way for this monster that has put me through a lot in the past twenty four hours and killed a man for not adding honorific to his f*****g name. But something about the toe curling kisses we shared made me want more. Much more. There is something dark, satanic and sinful about the way he had kissed me and I want to feel it again. It wasn’t just a kiss, it wasn’t even cute or romantic to say the least. The darkness within us is actually calling something buried within me. I want it with Killian. He is the only person that can fulfill those dark fantasies, I know that from the way he had stared at me after he kissed me in that dungeon. The way his tongue had dominated and sexed mine in a way that made me tremble from inside out. He knows how to love a tongue, who knows what he would do to the rest of my sensitive body? Wetness pulled between my legs remembering the dream I had about him while I was in the dungeon. Even though he ordered me to get punished, I still feel this strongly for him. I want him all over me. In my soul, body and places I don’t know exist. Not heart. I don’t like werewolves like that. My mother made me hate every single one of them even though she is one herself. What I want with Killian is something no one would believe an innocent looking human mute would even think about. Hell, no one would believe I know those things. I don’t know how I got those dark images in my head too but they were there since I hit puberty. I buried them deep because no one shared that sort of passion. Only Killian was able to stir them by just looking at me and that kiss, it sealed my fate. Killian stared at me dismissively then stood up from the bar and went to find his friends. I swallowed a harsh ball in my throat and continued to make my rounds with the drink, angry at everyone in the world. The human and werewolf world all together. I went back to the kitchen to refill my tray when I saw Tessa and Lana looking worried in the kitchen. The look I gave them told them what I couldn’t. I have failed them even though for a second back I forgot that I was actually fighting so they won’t be ‘f****d’ as Tessa had said. “Shit.” Lana said as she trailed a hand down her hair anxiously. “I’m sorry.” I mouthed to them, hanging my head as I carried the filled wine glasses and placed them gently on the tray. “It’s fine. I’m sure you tried your best.” Tessa said with a forced smile. “We should be fine as long as Leah doesn’t become the queen anytime soon. Goddess knows what she plans to do with us when that happens.” We dispersed from the kitchen soon after that and went to continue our rounds as the waitresses of the night. It was finally time for Killian to announce the girl he wants as his bride. He has danced with most of them in the past hour. He didn’t even try to be charming the whole time. I walked around with a tray in hand, my mind distracted by the events unfolding around me, I failed to notice Halle sticking her leg out. Before I could react, my foot caught on her outstretched limb, and I stumbled forward, the tray tipping precariously. In a split second, the contents of the tray spilled out, drenching Leah in a cascade of liquid. Shock and fear coursed through me as I watched the scene unfold, unable to stop the inevitable. With a furious snarl, Leah lashed out, her hand connecting with my cheek in a stinging slap. Pain exploded across my face, and I saw red, both from the force of the blow and the humiliation of the situation. Before I could even recover, Halle mirrored her actions, delivering another sharp slap to my other cheek. The room seemed to spin as I stumbled backward, reeling from the twin assaults, my heart pounding with a mixture of pain and indignation. As I reeled from their slaps, a growling voice cut through the air like thunder, sending a shiver down my spine. I looked up to see Killian striding toward us, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity that made everyone around us take a step back. "f**k off," he snarled, his voice low and dangerous, as he stood protectively in front of me, shielding me from further harm. Halle and Leah, backed away, clearly intimidated and scared by his unexpected reaction to me getting slapped. With a gentle touch, Killian lifted my chin, his gaze softening as he saw the tears streaming down my face. Without a word, he closed the distance between us and pressed his lips to mine in a tender kiss. But I don’t want tender so I made it rough. The kiss deepened, a primal energy surged between us, igniting a sinister desire that I couldn't ignore. I felt his lips move hungrily against mine, his touch setting my skin ablaze with a fiery passion. Suddenly, Killian pulled back slightly, his eyes locking onto mine with a fierce intensity. With a low, guttural growl, he whispered, "Mate," sending a shiver down my spine. Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, I felt the sharp sting of his teeth against my neck as he marked me as his own. The pain was intense, searing through me like fire –I almost lost consciousness probably because I was human– but beneath it, there was an undeniable sense of pleasure that pulsed through my veins. Gasps of horror from the pack members around the room brought back our attention to the scene we had just made.
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