Chapter : 12. Watering a plant..

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Flora’s point of view:- ---------------------- “Flora… Flora… Get up. You are going to be late for your training.” An unfamiliar voice broke my peaceful slumber as I opened my eyes. It seemed like I just got only a few minutes of sleep before someone had to call me up. Looking front, I found an unknown face looking back at me. My eyes squinted to see her clearly and to remember who this person is. And at that moment I remember where I am. How can I forget that I’m not at my home anymore, sleeping in my bed, beside my mother. Now I am a slave, getting trained to prove the king’s lie to truth. The person standing in front of me is the only one who is helping me in this process, Martha. I got up in my bed and looked around to guess the time, when I noticed that the sun has already made up in the sky and I overslept. “Oh no! I was supposed to get up early for training.” I muttered while still sitting in my place with a wide eye. I just realized that Valerie is going to kill me today for being this late. “Well, you better hurry then.” Martha said with a side glance at me. I jumped down from my bed but couldn’t understand what to do. There’s no time to take a bath or change my clothes. I am an hour late from the time Valerie gave me. She must be waiting for me by now. And I know it way too well that, the longer I make her wait, the crueler the punishment is going to be for me. And besides, I can take a bath went I will get the free time for launch.. So I rushed inside the bathroom, where most of the maids were cleaning themselves and getting ready for the day. I quickly went near the water supply and washed my face to look a little better. To remove the excess water from my face, I used my hands because I forgot to bring any towel in this hurry. I tried to fix my hair a bit with my hands too, because there in no time for me to comb my long hair in such a time of hurry. Once I was ready, I dashed toward the ballroom without wasting any time, and reached there only in a few minutes. But when I entered the ballroom, I found Valerie already waiting for me there, while fuming in anger. Seeing her in such a horrific state, my feet automatically froze me in between my steps. A chill ran down my spine by thinking what punishment she is going to give me today. “You are late again, when I specifically told you not to. Your training was supposed to be stated an hour ago from now. Where were you?” She screamed at me as soon as he saw me. I know there is no point in lying because she will find the truth from any other maid, eventually. “I… I fell asleep.” Although I dared to tell the truth, but it came out barely above a whisper in fear. “What? You were sleeping till now? So, that means your relaxation is more important to you, than the king's reputation? Do you think that you are here to eat and sleep? The king spent a 100 gold coins for an imbecile like you to give you a luxurious life? And look at your attire? Being duchess means you have to be clean and proper all the time. But you dared to come in front of me, looking like a dirty beggar. Do you think you can turn this place into one of your dirty peasant houses? The answer to all of this is a big no. I will never let you do that. You are here to work day and night until the amount of money spent on you is gained. And for the mistakes you did today, you will get a punishment which you will remember till the day you leave this palace.” She told with all the poison and hatred she could spit through her words. I just kept my head down and heard every insult she offers without any protest. “Martha….! Martha….! Come here right now.” All of a sudden she started calling Martha and I wonder what she is going to do with her. “Yes, madam?” In less than two minutes Martha came in and asked her with respect. I didn't know that she also fears Valerie like the rest of the palace maids. “I want you to forbid all foods for this girl today. I want her to starve all day so that she can not get the peaceful sleep she expects in this palace.” Her punishment did not only shock me, but it made Martha worried too. “But madam, she hasn't…” she didn't let Martha finish her sentence before she stopped her. “Do as I said, or do you want me to punish all the maids for her mistake? You know it’s not impossible for me. I have done it before and I can do it again. Do want me to?” Martha’s eyes widen to hear that. Fear and worry were clearly visible on her face. “As you wish.” She agreed to Valerie while looking back at me with pitiful eyes. Even though she knew that I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday, she didn't have the power to stand against Valerie’s orders. “And call the gardener outside. I have a really important work for him.” It made me think, now what is she going to do with the gardener. Is she going to make me clean the grass or pull out the wild weeds? Or is she going to make me water the whole garden which is spread miles around the palace? Only time is going to tell what intentions this devil woman carrying. “I will call him right away.” Martha said, bowed, and left the room alone with this horrible woman. “Come with me. Let me show you what I do with the girls who doesn’t listen to me or can’t keep themselves clean.” She motioned me to follow her. And like a helpless slave, I have to follow her, because there is no one to listen to my side or save me from Valerie’s wrath. As soon as we reached the backside of the palace, where the garden is placed, I was mesmerized. Different kinds of flowers and trees are kept in that place, perfectly lined up in different rows. A beautiful white coloured fountain is placed in the middle of the garden and a private sitting area with a swing is created on a side of the garden, under the big trees shed. It is so beautiful in this place that I can live in here all day long while enjoying the beauty of the garden. “Don’t think you are brought here to enjoy. A far worse event is waiting for you in that vary same beautiful place you are seeing.” I don’t know if she is a witch or not because she just read my mind when I didn’t even utter a single word about this place from my mouth. In just a minute, a young boy, probably in his twenties, came rushing to us and bowed his head to Valerie. I think he is the gardener she called by Martha. “You asked for me, madam?” He confirmed my thought by speaking up with his rough manly voice. “Yes. I have a very important task for you. You have to water a plant this whole day. It’s a really important plant that we need to grow into a perfect one, as soon as possible.” Her words have started making me more and more confused by that time. What does she want to do? What does she mean by water in a plant entire day? “Of course, madam. It’s my job to take care of all the plants. Tell me which one I have to water.” He was happy with the task he was given. But not for long. “You have to water this plant right here. Name Flora. Or you can think of it as a lazy flower which is denying to bloom because of her laziness. Maybe watering it an entire day gives her the strength to grow up.” The smile that boy had got wiped off as he looked at me for once and to Valerie to the next. “I… I can’t understand, madam?” “Come with me and you will understand everything. And don’t forget to bring your watering pot.” Then she took both of us in a side of the garden, where enormous trees have created shade and only grass and dirt are under our feet. Both of us were standing in front of her like dumb, waiting for her next order. “Now water her.” “What?” “Pour water on her like you do with a flower. And kept pouring it until she is drenched with water.” That gardener didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t make himself do this to me, and neither can he refuse Valerie’s order. He is scared of her punishments too. So, he looked at me with apologetic and pitiful eyes before starting to pour water on my head from his pot. In less than a minute, I was only halfway wet when his pot became empty. He looked at Valerie to know what to do now. “What are you looking at me for? Go and fill it up. You have to do this all day now.” He went to fill it up again while I was still standing in my place, feeling ashamed of these events. I don’t know what more she is going to do now. The gardener came back with another pot of water and started pouring it on my head without waiting for any order. It took three pots of water to completely drench me from head to toe. Water is continually dripping from my hairs and my cloth is all sticking on my body, revealing the figure inside. I was embarrassed to stand in the middle of the garden in broad daylight, where anyone can clearly see my body structure without any trouble. Most of all there was a man standing in front and really close to me when I’m in that condition. Thankfully, this gardener is an honest man, whom I never caught looking at my body and only pity was seen in his eye in place of lust. Now, I really hate this lady for making me go through such shameful moments. “Now that you are clean, let’s start with the training. Start with the training we left yesterday. And why are you stopping? You have to follow her around while doing your job, while she’s doing hers.” I can’t believe this cruel lady is not only punishing me, but this innocent gardener is also being punished for my mistake. She wants me to walk up and down this specific part of the garden while holding cups in my both hands like yesterday. And on top of it, she wants the gardener to keep pouring water on me while I’m walking around. It’s not a simple task like it seems. Both of us know that there is no profit in going against her. She is our trainer and we have to listen to her. Even the king won’t listen to us over her if we try to complain. So, without thinking much, we started with our given task. As the day was passing by, my body started shaking from the coldness the water was offering me. My feet have started aching from walking too much and my hands were all numb from holding the cups in that position for too long. And on top of it, now the dirt has turned into mud from all the water that was dropping on it, making it too slippery to walk on. Most of the day passed by like this. They did not give me any food the whole day like she ordered. While suffering the torture in the name of training, I saw Valerie eat her lunch in front of me, without any hesitation. Seeing food in front, my three day’s hungry stomach grumbled up and my mouth watered for some nice and hot meal. But I was only allowed to look, not eat. What kind of hell is this I’ve fallen in?
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