Chapter : 13. Starved another day..

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Flora’s point of view:- The training went for the whole day. By the time of evening, I was desperate for leave. My whole body was shivering in cold and I couldn't keep my clatters in control along with the cups. My legs were shaking and having a hard time to keep me up. My breathing was heavy along with my body temperature, indicating that i’m having a fever. My body has gotten weak and my vision is a little blurry from the lack of food in my body. Not only me, but the gardener also seemed tired from all the work he had to do. He was waiting for the order to go back to his chamber just like me. But none of us had the luck yet because Valerie have no intention to stop any time soon. Thankfully I haven't done any mistake yet and haven't got any more punishment from her. But I don't know how much long I can keep this record because i’m way beyond tierd now. “Why are you slowing down? Keep walking. You have to give triple the time you wested in the morning. This is your punishment not play time.” Valerie screamed at me, standing a far and keeping an eye on us. I actually was walking a little slowly because now that the sun has set down, making everything dark, the lamp of the palace porch wasn't helping me at all to see the puddles that we created, clearly. Hearing her order, I tried to walk a little faster but the result came as I was fearing. I accidentally stepped on a puddle and slipped down on it with thud. The cups that I was holding, fell down too and one of them made it safe, while the other one broke. ‘Oh no!’ my mind spoke by the moment I saw the broken cup on the ground. Now i’m sure that Valerie is going to kill me. As I picked up my head to see if she saw this accident or not, a whip of her cane fell right on my back. It turned out that she saw everything clearly and like a lightning, she came to me for more punishment. The place where the cane hit, immediately tore off pouring a little blood out, because it was already too soft from staying wet all day. Tears came out of my eyes in pain but I couldn't form any sounds from my mouth because my throat was dried off due to not getting a single drop of water to drink. Isn't it a little tragic that you are drenched in water but didn't had a drop to drink? “Get up you worthless pile of dirt. Look what you did. You just broke a nice set of cutlery with your carelessness. You are going to get more punishment for this. Now get up.” I tried to push myself up from the mud, but couldn't make it. My body was refusing to use the remaining strength or else I might get unconscious right here. But after a minute of try, I felt another whip fell on my back, ripping another part of it. This time I finally forced myself to stand up in fear of getting another hit again. Although I got up, there's no way I can walk another step more from this place because I felt my head spinning like a wheel all around. “There's no time to stand. Keep walking you nincompoop. You have to learn it in today. Keep going.” I heard what she said, clearly. But my legs were shaking too much to go forward. Valerie wasn't happy at all from the way I was standing in my place. So, she ran her cane one more time on my back to make me walk, like everyone does with their animals. With all the strength remaining inside me, a managed to take two steps forward before everything turned dark. I felt the world spin around me as I collapsed on the ground. “What in the name of God? Stop acting to be sick you i***t. Get up right now or else you are going to get yourself into more trouble. Hurry up.” I could hear Valerie scream at me but I had no strength to even open my eyes. In the next moment, I felt a warm touch on my forehead which gave me comfortable for a second before moving away. “She is truly sick madam. Her body is burning like fire. Maybe you should dismiss her for today. Our majesty won't be happy if he finds out that she has fallen sick in between her training.” The gardener knew in which point Valerie will back off. I am very thankful for him to help me when I needed it the most. “Fine. Take her back to the maids chamber. She can rest for today. But tell Martha to send her to training tomorrow morning at the right time, if she doesn't want her to take more of this punishment. And no food punishment still applies for today. Don't me find out from someone else that she has been fed.” Valerie instructed the gardener what to tell Martha. I also heard everything she said while my eyes were closed to take some rest. After that, I felt a pair of strong arms pick me up from the ground and take me close to his chest. The warmth his body was radiating, gave the comfort for a while. “You are a grown woman, then why do you weight like a baby. It feels like I’m holding a cloud in my hands. I know you can listen to me but too tired to reply. So, you can listen to my blaber until we reach to your place. I'm Trevor by any chance you don't know my name. And don't worry, I don't have any bad intensions for you. You are more like a sister to me now because I really feel sad for you. I don't know how long this tortures are going to happen with you but I hope it ends soon. And once this is over, run far away from this place and never come back. This palace is not safe for sweet and innocent girls like you. They will break you into pieces and make a puppet out of you, whom they can use as they want. As a brother, this is my only suggestion for you.” While taking me to the maids chamber, I heard my new elder brother Trevor warn me about this place. I’m really thankful to God for giving me a brother even in this hardest time of my life. After carrying for a while, I felt him stopping in his way and call out for Martha. I realized that we have reached the maids chamber and men are not allowed in that place, that's why he calling for her help. “What happened to her? Is she okay?” I heard Martha's worried voice while I was still inside my brother's arm. “Valerie's punishment made her like this. She’s having a fever and she is badly wounded in her back. Please check it if you can do something to it. Valerie told you to send her for training at right time or she might punish her some more. And still no food for today. I can't believe she can do this to a sick person. She’s a witch.” Trevor said to Martha. “I know. Poor girl. Give her to me.” He put me down on my feet, but the moment he let’s go of me, I was about to collapse again. But this time Martha holds me and gives me the support of herself. “Please take care of my sister.” I heard my brother say. “Sister? You are a very nice boy Trevor. I will try my best.” With this word Martha dragged me towards my bed. I also tried to move my feet to help her with it. Surprisingly, insted of taking me to my bed, she took me to the bathroom and made me sit on a stool. I couldn't understand what she was doing, that's why I forced my eyes to open and see her. I saw she was warming water in a small pot in a fire place, which was made to warm bath water for maids use. But I couldn't understand why she needs warm water at that time. “You’re awake? That’s great. I have warmed a little water for you. It will help you to not only remove the nut out of your body, but also help you heal your wound and fevar.” Now I understand what she's doing. She’s trying to help me get better. Supporting my head in s nearby wall, I watched her create bath water for me. Once she was done, she brought a dress for me and opened my wet clothes out of my body. I was too weak to protest or try to help myself. So, I let her do what she wants. She's like a mother figure to me and what is shame to a mothe. Thinkig this, I allowed her to bathe me naked. When the warm water touched my wounds, I hissed out a little in pain, but it felt so nice on my cold skin. I enjoyed every drop of that warmth open heartedly. “She truly is a witch. Or else how could someone thik doing such a horrible thing to a little girl. One day she will definitely get the punishment for her sins.” I heard Martha mutter while wiping my body and helping me wear another dress. Once she was done, she helped me get into my bed and lay down on it. “I’m sorry, I can't feed you anything. I know you must be really hungry. Even if I try to give something to you, she will find it out from someone among ourselves. It will be much more worst than this, if she finds out I fed you something.” She said to me with a sad face. “Am I allowed to drink water?” I said with horus voice of my dried up throat. I can forget food because of this tierdness, but this thirst will kill me in one night if I don't drink anything right now. “Of course you can. Let me bring you some.” She got up and got a glass of water for me. With the help of Martha, I was finally able to quench my thirst. “Thank you.” I wisperd to her silently. “It's okay my child. Go to sleep now. You have another long day tomorrow.” She smiled at me and patted my forehead to make sleep. And like a little child, it actually lulled me to sleep. I was finally asleep with the hope of a peaceful night. But it was not so peaceful for me. The whole night I dreamed about my family and their abandonment. If my parents weren't need of some money, then I might have not ended up in this hell today. I probably shouldn't have sold for 30 days with 100 gold coins. Our king's one lie is destroying my whole life. If he hasn't lied to a ally kingdom, then none of us had to take this troubles to follow it. Why do I have to suffer all this just because he had to ack cowardly and lie to them? The morning came again with another horrible day dragging along. I know it's time to wake up now, but I couldn't open my eyes because of tierdness. I'm still having fevers and empty stomachs isn’t helping me at all to recover. But no matter what my condition is, I have to attend today's training. I can’t afford to make her more angry because I can't keep going like this without any food. To earn some food today, I have to work hard and make her satisfied. Maybe then she will allow me to eat. “Flora… honey. Get up now. It's time. You don't want to be late again today.” I heard Martha call me. I tried to push myself up with all the strength I could gather, but still I needed her help in it. I don't know how I am going to manage the whole days training. Please god help me. Please make some magic and get me free for today. I really need some rest.
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