Chapter : 8. Craving to see her..

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Albert’s point of view :- ---------------------- After the gathering or the slave picking event was over, I went back to my room to have some peaceful alone time. This was truly an irritating event. But the only good thing that happened in it was the emerald eye girl. Today, I was introduced to the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Unknowingly, I’m feeling an attraction towards her. But it made me sad when I noticed that she was not at the gathering with her own will. Her tears were making me sad for some reason. And that’s why I asked everyone to take some time and think about the conditions clearly. Even after discussing it with their family overnight, if they all decide to volunteer, then I know what my choice will be. For now, I can only hope she comes tomorrow for the next event. “My name is Flora Monro, and I’m 17 years old.” At night, in my sleep, I kept dreaming about that girl. Her angelic voice kept echoing in my ears, and her graceful face kept flashing in my eyes. No matter how hard I try to forget her, I couldn’t make myself do it. I was craving to see her again. It would be a shame for me, if she decides not to show up tomorrow because now I’m regretting my decision to give them a chance to think over it again. If I had just made my choice right then, she might have stayed here, under the same roof as mine, where I can see her beauty whenever I want. For now, I can only pray for her arrival for the next day. As the sun rise up in the sky turning the dark into light, my mind kept getting more anxious by the passing time. Till the time of the event came, I was turned into an excited little boy, who couldn’t wait to open the best gift on his birthday. With a thumping heart, I kept peeking out of my room’s window, to see if I can see the arriving people. The amount of bored I was yesterday, the complete opposite I am today. For which I prepared myself in a nice black and red colored, tight fitted Faire doublet on top of a simple white shirt, paired with a tight trouser, an hour earlier than the time of the event. “Sire. The event has begun. All the aspirants are here, and they are expecting you along with your father in there.” A guard came to inform me, for which I was waiting for the entire morning. Hearing the notice, I became happy as well as worried. “I hope she’s here.” I muttered to myself before following the guard to the appointed room they are waiting in. “Son. Before getting in, I want to inform you that no matter what, we have to select a girl by today. We are running out of time here. You need to leave for the Orthos Sanguis Kingdom in less than six days. We even have to turn your slave into a duchess before that day comes. No delaying today.” My father caught me before entering the room and warned me about the time shortage, just in case I decide to give them another day to decide. But he doesn’t know that I’m not making the same mistake again if the girl of my choice shows up today. And if I’m not that lucky, and she decides not to show up, I will be bound to choose someone else, whom I don’t want to accept. “I know, father, I’m ready.” I replied to my father before getting in. I really hope she comes to save me from spending time with someone I don’t I like. With this one wish, I entered the room with my father. As soon as I was inside, my eyes started searching for the person it was craving to see. I have to admit that my luck is glorious because I found my emerald eyed girl standing only a few steps away from me, behind all the other girls. Finally, she had agreed to take part in this event, for which I was scared about, seeing the miserable state of her yesterday. She is truly looking like an angel, wearing an all white gown and tying her hair gracefully. Although she was looking down at the floor, I can imagine the glow of her face after preparing herself for this day in that beautiful dress. I know her eyes will glow more if she looks up at me, making me more crazy for her. Soon the time of making a decision came and I know way too well who am I going to pick. So without any hesitation I called out her name, which I clearly remember from yesterday. “I choose her. FLORA MONRO.” Each person standing in this room, turned their heads towards her to see the girl that was chosen among a hundred. Even my father also checked out the girl I selected, to see if she’s likable or not. I noticed a smirk coming into his lips after making sure that I chose a perfect one. I’m happy that my father is also happy with the choice I made. While everyone was looking at her and trying to get a clear vision of her face, she was still looking down to hide it from everyone until her father spoke up. “Flora, you did it. You are selected. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to have a better life. We will forever be in your debt. Thank you, my sweet daughter.” Her father took her in a heart melting hug. It was a really emotional moment until she finally decides to pick her head up. A shiver of worry ran down my spine to see the deep red eyes of her, in which the green part of it was lost. Drops of tear was coming out of them like rain which can flood my whole mind. She looked completely broken. But why she is like that? I gave her the time to think about it and tell her family about her own choice. When I saw her present in here today, I thought she is now convinced and came here with her own will. Then why is she sad all of a sudden? It will remain a mystery to me until I get the chance to talk to her and clear her thoughts to me. “Congratulations Flora. You are chosen to serve your prince for 30 days. And after these days are over, you will be free to go back to your family and live your life happily. And congratulations, mister. As I promised, 100 Gold coins will be given to you before you leave the palace grounds. And Flora, a maid will come to take you to your room soon. Until then, you can say goodbye to your father. Thank you all for coming here today. I hope we will see meet again.” With this final words, my father left the room. “Thank you everyone, for taking this trouble. I hope you will forgive me for not selecting any of you despite giving you this opportunity. I hope you understand my side. And thank you once again for coming.” I asked for their forgiveness before leaving that room, because I know they were all expecting to be chosen or getting the fixed amount of coins as a reward. I just crushed so many hopes in two days. But no matter what happened, I’m happy that now I can get the chance to have some time with Flora and get to know her more. Although she is here as my slave, at least I can talk to her like a friend if she allows me to. I don’t know if it’s right or wrong to have an interest in a slave, but I don’t care about anyone as long as she thinks of me like the same. To me there is no discrimination between two peoples because all of us are just humans who are created by the god to accompany or help each other. We are the ones that made this separation of king and slave. I want this rule to break one day to make all into one. For now, I can’t wait for the day we will meet each other and get some time to talk alone. It’s been two days and I haven’t seen Flora around. “FLORA” - This one name is engraved in my head as I kept repeating it over and over. Her name is also pretty, just like the person this name belongs to. If my father finds out that I’m so engrossed in a slave, he will immediately repeal to the idea of sending us together in a faraway kingdom. But I won’t let him have a bit of hint about my thoughts. From one of my guard, I got the information that she is staying in the maids’ quarter which is on the other side of the palace from where my room is. So there in no chance of seeing her, until the day of leaving for the Orthos Sanguis Kingdom comes. I also found out that she is heavily trained by Valerie, who is the head of our maids. She trains our maids to work perfectly and monitor their each step. The entire palace fears her for her strict disciplines and harsh punishments. Even I was also scared of her when I was little. I hope Flora can handle the pressure of our Valerie danger. It is time for our lunch, and I was going towards the dinning hall to have my meal. My stomach is grumbling in hunger, although I had a delightful meal for breakfast. With hurried steps, I turned the corner of my hall and immediately bumped with a soft cotton like body. Before that body can fall down from the force my speed, I caught her into my arms. “Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to…” I heard the same angelic voice that was echoing into my ears for all these days, coming from the person still tugged inside my chest. As soon as my head snapped down to see her face, that voice stopped, because she was equally shocked as me when she also looked up at my face. Her doe-like eyes got even wider and her mouth got open when she realized she was inside the arms of her prince. Immediately removing her body from my embrace, she bowed her head down in front of me. “I’m so sorry, master. Please forgive me. I made a huge mistake by not seeing the place I was going into. Please forgive my mistake.” She said, while still keeping her head down. “It’s okay. It was not your fault at all. I am the one who was in a hurry. Don’t put your heart down for this little thing.” I told her with a smile, but she never saw it. “As you wish, master.” She said, bowing her head more down. “And, can you please stop calling me master? It feels weird. You are not my pet for which you have to call me that.” Truly, hearing the word ‘Master’ from her mouth was irritating me to my core. “I’m sorry, master, but I’m not allowed to do that. It’s the most important part of my training. I was ordered to never call you anything else then master, because I’m only your humble slave.” She informed me about her work description. “Did Valerie tell you to do that? It must be her. You don’t have to follow all of her orders. She’s just a traine, and I’m your prince. Who do you think you should listen to?” Hearing it, she became quiet for a bit. But never dared to pick her head up. After thinking for a minute, she finally spoke up again. “I would get punishments if I don’t follow orders.” She said in a slow voice, which was barely above a whisper. Her behavior informed me that she already faced Valerie’s wrath and fearing to break her rules again. I don’t want her to get into more troubles because of me. That’s why I thought to stop that topic at that moment. “Fine. But at least you can pick your head up and look at me while I’m talking to you. She’s not here to punish you for it." As I said it, she slowly picked her head up and looked directly into my eyes. And the moment my eyes fell on her green emerald one, my breathing got halted…
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