Chapter : 9. Reason of being chosen..

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Flora’s point of view:- -------------------- “I choose her. FLORA MONRO.” The prince of The South Orundal Kingdom, finally chose me out of the selected five girls and bought me from my own family for 100 gold coins. My soul was crushed to think, that at last my fear has become the truth. Now I belong to the royals' and can’t go back to my home until the 30 days ends. It’s not like I can go back anymore. There’s no way I’m going back there after my life gets ruined because it will ruin my family’s dignity too. I don’t know what I will do after this, but going home is not an option for me. “Flora, you did it. You are selected. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to have a better life. We will forever be in your debt. Thank you, my sweet daughter.” My father came near me and hugged me with joy. He was happy because he got what he was wishing for. He got the money he needed to give his family a better life, forgetting the fact that I’m also part of the same family. My parents just sacrificed their one child to save another. This is really not fair to me. Tears that kept flowing out of my eyes, already made stains on my cheeks. With an aching heart, I looked up at those people who started this unfair event. They are the ones, who made these conditions in the first place. Why do they need a perfect girl as a slave? Why couldn’t they accept someone who is willing to volunteer herself? Are they willing to give a respected position by picking a slave with such exquisitely? Or is it that they just want to have fun to see, how the peoples of their kingdom follows their orders? No matter what the reason is, they are the one who gave me this pain today along with my own parents. While looking up at them, I noticed that the prince was also looking at me with wondering eyes, while mines were trying to burn him with the fire that was fuming inside me. But it was not enough to complete the mission. So, taking a deep breath, I controlled my emotions and accepted the events that are going in my life. This is what my fate has destined me for. In the next moment, the king started giving his speech to congratulate me and inform my father to collect the reward he just earned. This reward is for raising a perfect girl with whom now they are going to play with. After the speech was over, and he was done instructing me to follow the maid that is going to join me in few moments, he left the room. But the prince still remained in this room, who started giving his own speech. By the words he spoke, it seemed like he is not that much of a bad person as I’m thinking, because no royal will ask for their tenants forgiveness for troubling them like the way he did. He really made me confused by showing his respectful manners before leaving the room. Only time will tell how respectful he is because now I’m going to serve him as his personal slave. “Flora, I’m sorry my child, for doing this to you. I know you are angry at your mother and father for forcing you to do this, but believe me that we are bound in the hands of poverty. We truly love you like we love our other children. Please try to forgive us if it is ever possible. But I want to tell you that, we will be waiting for your arrival impatiently as soon as these thirty days ends. I love you, my lovely daughter.” Saying this, he kissed my forehead lovingly. The anger I had until now got vanished to hear his loving words. No matter what they are making me do now, they are still my parent who brought me into this world and raised me with so much love. I will forever be in their debt for giving me a happy life and some never forgetting memories. “I love you too, father. I will miss you. I will miss all of you so much.” I jumped on my father’s chest and hugged him tight. The strength I had till now, was lost and I broke down crying right in that place. “We will miss you too sweetie.” He said, while patting the back of my head as drops of tears were also falling from his eyes. This is the first time I’m seeing the toughest man of my life, shed tears for some reason. It proved to me that he is not happy about sending me away or getting gold coins as a reward, like I was thinking. This separation is also hurting him like it’s hurting me. My parents are both in pain, equal to mine. “Flora Monro. The king wants to see you as he asked you to follow me.” One of the palace maids, wearing the formal maid dress in black and white in color, called me from behind. “Goodbye Flora. Take care of yourself.” My father said, kissing my forehead one last time. “Please take care of yourself and my family for me too.” I said to him, forcing a small smile with it. Maybe this one smile will take a little of the weight he is carrying of this burden off of his heart. With our last goodbye, I left him in that room to follow the maid that called out to take me to our king. I know that this is the last time I saw my father until this period of s*****y ends. With a heavy heart, I kept following that maid, who took me through countless turns and halls which looked like a maze to me. I didn’t dare to utter a word, not only because I was scared, but because this maid is silent and never made any sound to me after we left that room. But finally, after walking for over ten minutes, we finally stopped in front of a closed door and she knocked on it to get the permission to enter. “Come in.” The heavy voice of our king echoed from inside the room and the maid pushed the door to open it. “Your majesty. I brought her here as you asked.” The maid informed the king, who was guarded against my vision because I was standing behind her. “Let her come in, and you can go for now.” He ordered her. In an instant, she bowed her head and left the sight. When she moved from in front of me, I was finally able to get a clear vision of the huge room the king was sitting in. It was similar to a sitting room but also have few shelves of books which can be mistaken as a library. The king was sitting on a long couch beside a fireplace, which was not lit because it’s a summer season, and a beautiful chandelier hanging on top of him, making the room glow more. But surprisingly, there was a lady standing right beside him with a serious look on her face. By the clothing she was wearing, I understood that she is nighter a maid nor a queen. She was wearing a Bliaut and Guimple which represents her middle age and she was looking directly at me with his dark eyes, scaring me inside. “Come in Flora. I have some important things to discuss with you. Close the door behind you.” The king called me in, scaring me more. I pushed the heavy wooden hand-carved door to close it after I made it inside, as the king instructed me. Once I was done with my task, I walked a few steps close to him but at least 10 feet far, and kept my head down to not offense him in any way. “Flora, there is a big reason behind us picking a slave with so much effort. We didn’t choose you because my son needs a worker to serve him. We have enough maids to do that in this palace. You are picked for a very special reason today. Let me tell you the complete story. Albert has to attend a wedding in The Orthos Sanguis Kingdom, with his fiancée in the next six days. As you already know that he is not engaged to anyone yet. But we had to tell them this lie because they wish to bind their daughter with him, which I will never allow. So, we picked you to be presented in front of them as his fiancée. And for that you have to train to become a duchess in whom they will never doubt. You have to keep this act going perfectly for almost 25 days and make sure nobody finds out who you truly are. I have selected Valerie, the head trainer of all maids, to assist you with this training and I’m sure that she can turn you into a duchess in just 5 days. Please keep this information confidential and give your best in this training. I’m leaving you two ladies with hope of best results. See you soon.” Ending his speech, king Augustus left the room, leaving me with the trainer named Valerie. “Now that you are under my responsibility, don’t hope for any mercy from me. I’m the hardest trainer this kingdom has ever seen. Do as I say, or you are going to face my wrath. One mistake and prepare yourself for some punishment you have ever heard of. Go to the maids chamber for now and change your dress into a comfortable one. I want to see you in the ballroom exactly after the afternoon meal. All your arrangements are already done in the maids quarter, and make sure you are not late for the training if you don’t want to be punished.” With her last words, she also left the room, leaving me alone in that room. Everything was not only unexpected to me, but it was unbelievable too. If I didn’t hear it from the king himself, I would have never believed in it. It is way too shocking to know that the great king of our South Orundal Kingdom can lie to others with such an important subject, just because he wants to avoid the marriage proposal from other kingdoms. And he is also expecting a peasant girl to act like a duchess to keep his lies going. How am I going to do as he is expecting from me? What if I make a mistake and his lie gets exposed? What he will do to me, if I fail him on this mission? I’m way too worried now. With this fear in my mind, I got out of the room and wondered which way I have to go now. They left me unattended and with no direction to follow. How am I going to get to my destination? I kept wandering here and there to search for the maids’ chamber where she told me to go, but couldn’t find it out. At last I decided to ask for someone’s help because there is no way I’m going to find out my way in this maze. “Umm.. Excuse me, sir. Can you please tell me the direction to the aids’ chamber?” As soon as I came in front of a middle-aged palace guard, I asked for his help. Thankfully, he is kind enough to tell me the direction. “You came in the wrong direction. The maids’ chamber is in the opposite direction of this side of the palace. Walk back to the way you came from and take a right turn from there. Passing the hallway, take left and keep walking until you came in front of a stair, which is going down below. Step on it and you will reach your destination.” He told me the direction, and I fitted it like an image in my mind. “Thank you for your help. I was really lost in this hallway.” I said with a smile. “Your welcome. This palace can trick all the newcomers. You will get used to it, eventually. Nice talking to you little girl.” He said with a same small smile before I started walking out of there.
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