Another Ashton

1008 Words
AMELIA'S POV -- No on has ever looked at me the way Ashton is looking at me right now. His eyes are soft, and his smile small. I feel like an art peace hanging on a wall as I sit on this rock, holding my bottle of water. I feel like he's admiring me, but he could also be planning my murder. "What are you smiling about?" he scoffs, his smile widens just a little. "You are staring at me, stangely.", "Stragely?" his thick eyebrows raise. "Yes, like you might kill me right here and bury my body right next to this rock." Ashton's gaze drags to the spot I motion to with my eyes, and he scoffs, smiling widely, "If I were to kill you, I would make it look like a bear attack,", "So you wouldn't look like a suspect?" I snort. He's smart, and I didn't even think of that. "No, so that I wouldn't have to bury your body," he grins, and I can't stop my laughter from bursting out of me. "Can we go back now? It's noon and I'm starving," He groans, "Then go back," I shrug. I don't want to leave yet. With all of my exams, I had lost a lot of sleep, and skipped more than a few meals, my head was spinning the entire time, and I need this. I need to dial down, to relax and to listen to the birds chirp around me, and watch the ripples in the water. "I'm not going to leave you here," he sighs, sounding annoyed. "Why not?" I shake my head, "I don't mean anything to you, and you certainly don't believe that I care if you stay or not. I will watch where I walk, and I will be on high alert, officer." His eyes narrow on me, and he takes a step towards me, "What is your problem?" He asks slowly, and I know better than to play his mind games. "I just don't want to leave," I shrug, and he nods once, huffing. "Sure,", "Believe what you want, Ashy, but I'm not a little girl anymore." I taunt him. He hates it when anyone calls him that, because only his mother can. "Don't call me that," he rolls his eyes, but he isn't mad yet. "Then don't act like I'm a kid,", "We're the same age," he deadpans, "I know, so stop treating me like I'm a child.", "I wasn't." He grits out furiously. I stare at him blandly, and slowly slide off the rock, "Why do you keep on invading my space?" I ask in a mere whisper, "Why do you find a way to worm yourself into my life all of a sudden?" I stop in front of him. "It isn't really my fault that you're in my way,", "I wasn't going to be this morning, but of course you had to put me in your way.", "I didn't invite you," he grits out, "My lame brother did,", "Actually, your mom did," I deadpan, and his eyes widen. He suddenly turns away from me, his back tense as he stares at the lake. The sun reflects on the surface of the water, shimmering, and it's its own kind of beauty. I glance at Ashton, and notice his jaw tensing, his eyes darting around like he's paranoid. "Why does that upset you?" I ask with concern, but he breathes out a long sigh, shaking his head before he turns to face me, "My mother once told me that if she were to die, she'd wish for all of her children to be with her, and we all know that she sees you as the daughter she never had." I could hear a hint of jealousy laced in his voice, but also anger and fear. "Don't be ridiculous, she'll be fine," I believe that if we pray and think good things, good things will come. "You don't know that," he grits out, but I don't miss how his voice breaks. I stride up to him, seeing a part of him that isn't a jerk or cold as his eyes fill with tears. "Ashton, I believe she'll be fine," I touch his arm, and he turns his head, staring down at me with glassy eyes. His body turns too, and he grabs me. For a second I think he's going to toss me around like he used to when he was a kid, but no...he just hugs me. His chin rests on top of my head, his arms wrapped around my shoulders and he holds me to his chest. I gently put my arms around him, not knowing what to do...It's kind of strange because when Grayson told me his mother was sick, he was full blown sobbing and I comforted him with no struggle...but this is Ashton, showing emotion instead of being cold and distant, and it's baffling. He drops his arms, so I do the same and he takes a step back, sniffing before he walks back and sits on the rock, "You know...she was always telling us that we're good boys...but I wasn't. I was rude, and a player...Grayson on the other hand was kind, sweet and the best son in her eyes, but I always looked out for him, for her...even for you," his elbows rest on his hiked up knees, his arms straight as he fiddles with his fingers. "Me?" I scoff, "You tortured me," I roll my eyes. "I was the only one allowed to do that," he deadpans, sounding so serious that I just begin to laugh. He wasn't the only one who did it, but that's old news now. "Sure," I murmur, and I spot a rock that's smooth. I lower to my haunces and pick it up, running my thumb over it, "Can I ask you something?", "I won't be taking off my shirt," he deadpans, and I giggle, "Why do you hate me?" I ask, and his face falls and he just stares into my eyes.
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