Why me?

1300 Words
AMELIA'S POV -- "Calm down, you know we have a lake house too," Kevin grins, standing with his arm around a girl with short hair. It's pitch black, like her eyeshadow, and she's wearing a very, very short dress. If she bent over, I'd be embarrassed for her. "Kevin," Grayson sticks out his hand, greeting him with kindness. I shoot my best friend a glare, and he gives me a soft look, "Grayson," Kevin shakes his hand. "Taking a little vacation?" Grayson asks, and Kevin's eyes are on me, "Yeah, seems like you are too," his gaze flicks to Grayson. I wish I could slap that smirk off his face, because since I could remember what happened the night Ashton came back, I've been fuming. I want nothing more than to shove my knees into his balls. "How's school?" Kevin asks me, making it sound like I'm still in high school. "Great," I deadpan. It's not even a lie, it's great because I got away from him, and his friends. I got to start a new life while he was stuck in his, and he's clearly still stuck in it. Kevin will never grow out of his f**k-boy phase. "Come, we still have a course to finish and our reservation won't wait for us," Grayson chuckles, resting his hand on the small of my back and he leads me away, "Enjoy," Kevin beams, but I don't miss the sudden flash of anger in his eyes as I turn and walk off. I never knew why he asked me out, and I've asked myself that a lot, but I always thought that it's because he felt sorry for me, but he isn't that kind, so why did he? I stare at Grayson, wondering if he knew, and as he stands bent over to hit the ball, I blurt out the question. "Do you know why Kevin started dating me?" Grayson looks up at me, discombobulated. "No, why?" he shakes his head, looking back down and he hits the ball. He leans on the little golf club, looking at me with concern, "You were popular in school, I was just asking if you heard why." I shrug, I shouldn't be explaining myself, or asking that question, because if he knew something, he definitely would have told me. "I didn't, you know I would have told you if I knew something," he deadpans, looking a bit baffled that I even asked. "I know," I sigh as guilt eats at my heart, "Sorry,", "It's okay, but why do you suddenly care? He's a jerk, you shouldn't waste this perfect night thinking of that dirtbag," He snorts, stepping aside, "Your turn," he motions to the little path and I drop my ball and put it in place before hitting it. During the last seven holes, I can't stop thinking about why Kevin had chosen me to date, because seeing him now, I know it wasn't because he's a good guy, and even when he publicly announced that he cheated on me the very last day of school, I knew it wasn't the first time. It almost felt like a bet, the way he looked so excited. I was stupid to think he would actually like me...yet he was so good in pretending that he does. He wasn't the perfect boyfriend, but he was kind and stood up for me, but for what? Back then, he was handsome and popular, so why me? Why choose me? "Amelia," Grayson snaps me out of my haze, "You're stuck in your head," he deadpans, "I know," I mutter. We finish playing putt-putt, and while waiting for our chicken strips and fries, I realize who might know what I need to know. Ashton. "Gray," I stare at him while he fiddles with the straw's paper, knotting it. "Yep," he focuses on forming something, but I don't know what. "Do you think Ashton will know?", "About?", I frown at him, and his face drops, "Are you still going on about this?" he sighs, "Yes, I just want to know. What is the harm of it?" I snap harshly. "Maybe the fact that you're clearly not over your pain, and it could turn out to be worse," he deadpans. I cross my arms, rolling my eyes as I sit back, and before Grayson can open his mouth to speak, the food comes and he falls silent. "Thank you," I tell the waiter, smiling at her, and I start to eat. "Lia," Grayson sighs, "It's fine, you're right," I lie. He pulls his head back baffled, "And you're admitting it?" he teases me. "Don't start, or I will argue until I win," I warn, and he raises his hands in the air, grinning, "I'm taking the win," he beams. We get home, and Grayson wants to watch another movie, but I happily decline and tell him I'm going to take a shower and get into bed. I need to wash the dirt that is Kevin off me, and even though he didn't touch me, being around him makes me feel like I took a mud bath. I strut past Ashton's room, and I hear the faint sound of arguing behind the door, and I silently inch closer, pressing my ear against the door, but all I can hear is his loud voice, but not make out what he's saying. I gather my things and shower first, and I change into my black pajama set that is a thin strap stop, and the black shorts. I head over to Ashton's room, I knock once and then open the door, and he spins around in his chair, blocking his laptop and he glares at me, "What do you want?" he grits out. "I want to ask you something," I grit out, and some part of me is scared of the answer. What if he knows? "What?" he grins, "Don't look so smug," I deadpan, but he leans back, "Well it's rare that you want something from me," he shrugs, "It's just a question,", "Then ask." "Do you know why Kevin started dating me?" I ask, and the smug look on his face disappears, "Of course I do," He avoids telling me what he knows, "Are you going to tell me?" He hums, shaking his head, "No," he spins back around, and shuts his laptop. "Why not?", "Because I don't owe you anything," he murmurs, and gets up from his chair, "Now go," he growls. "Not until you tell me," I threaten to stay here and annoy him. He sits down on his bed, "Then stand there all night, I don't care," he grabs his bottle of water, after taking off his watch and strides over to me. "Just tell me," I step in front of him when he tries to pass me, "No," he deadpans, and shoulders past me to the kitchen. I bite down on my teeth, and follow him, "Come on, just tell me." I beg, and he turns in the hallway, facing me, "Why?" he grits out, clearly annoyed. "I always wanted to know," I shrug. I'm not telling him that I ran into him at mini golf. "Too bad, live with the mystery," he turns his back to me and walks off. There's nothing I can do or say to make him tell me, until there is. I wait in his room, pacing and when he enters, he slams the door shut before noticing me, and as his eyes land on me, he groans, "Go to bed, Amelia." He grits out, "If you don't tell me, I'm going to tell Grayson." I threaten, and he freezes, eyes narrowing on me. "Do you really want to know?" he snaps, "Yes,", "Fine," He scoffs, and what he says next makes my heart sink.
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