A New World (Part Two)

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 “No,” Azura said with a deeper voice than usual and glared at Amber. Her sweat started to pour like a waterfall down to her body. “Your sins will be judge from this moment,” Ashura followed up trying to sound intimidating to match Azura’s. Amber tears began to fall and the two can’t hold their amusement any longer towards the girl and begins to laugh until their hearts content. The girl who falls from the two’s tricks looks at them confused and don’t know what to say. She thought to herself that if this is hell this one sure likes their handful of sorrow, very evil indeed.  “Don’t mistake us with the devils darling,” Ashura said. “We are the twin kings of this realm,” Azura added. “You’re twins?” Amber asked. “Obviously,” Ashura and Azura answered simultaneously. They pointed at each other and had each other’s back. She looked at them very carefully and for a twin they do not look the same at all. Everything in them are very different from each other. If they are siblings she will probably understand as other gods are known for their affairs like Zeus from Greek Mythology, but they are twins and she will not probably understand at all. “Don’t mistake us for demons dear, they are in a different realm,” Ashura calmly repeats himself. Amber is relieved to hear those words from Ashura, and now she is sure that she will not be tortured nor will be put into an eternal torment. “Other Realms?” Amber asked and she is expecting that the other gods are real. “Yes dear,” Ashura answered. “This one is the Mystic Realm,” Azura started the explanation. “In this world there are different kinds of Realms. The Underworld, or the realm of the damned that the humans also called Hell, The Heavens also known as the realm of the blessed and the All mighty one lives there, the Mystic Realm known as the world of us the Mysticals, and lastly the realm where you came from, the Human World,” he introduced to Amber all the realms. “Do other gods live here? I mean demigods like Zeus?” Amber asked the twin with excitement in her voice. “We are the only rulers here dear,” Ashura denied Amber’s speculations. Her shoulders dropped for having a let-down answer from one of the twins. “Rumors said that there are other Mystic Realms across the world,” Azura said and Amber’s attention quickly navigated to his presence. “Yes, there are other realms here and we are not sure what lies beyond those unknown lands and maybe other gods live there,” he added and Amber’s excitement was filled again with joy. “Oh brother, please stop telling her lies,” Ashura protested and Azura furiously looked at him. “You only believe what you saw brother,” Azura answered back. “Don’t worry little girl, like in the human world the Mystic Realm is also divided in water and we rulers of these land nor the creatures that lived here are not allowed to travel to other lands to avoid wars and kingdom disputes,” he told her the reasons why. She stands up with glee and started to run around the room to satisfy her excitement. She thought of having an adventure in secret to meet the other gods in this realm. “Oh yes,” Amber remembered something. “Why am I sent into this realm instead of the other two?” she asked the twins a walks back to the bed that she’s lying on before.  “As I said there is a reason why my dear,” Ashura answered her question. “The destiny?” she asked again. “Yes dear,” Ashura confirmed. “You are sent here for a rea-“ Azura was cut off by Ashura. “Let me handle this brother,” Ashura takes the lead. “You are sent here because you’re also a Mystical like us,” he revealed to Amber. Her eyes widen, because she can’t believe what Ashura said. She is pretty sure that she is not born in this realm and was raised as a human. She even had human parents that died in an accident that is why she ended up in an orphanage, which leads to her tragic life. “What do you mean?” Amber asked Ashura. “Oh you are,” Ashura insisted. The door was slammed open and the three’s attention was quickly diverted from its source. A servant with long ears and a white hair and has human facial features.  An elf, and in Amber’s knowledge they are known to be entities that is supposed to protect the nature in the Human world not a servant by them. She still has a lot to learn about these things, she thought. “Where are your manners?” Ashura contains his anger. “I’m so sorry your majesty,” the elf apologized. “I did not expect that to happen,” he defended himself before the accusations are dropped like a bomb. “Enough with the asking of forgiveness,” Azura cuts of the elf’s apologies. “By the way your majesty, the banquet is ready for the maiden,” he informed them. The twin nods at the elf and he bowed to his kings and proceeds to get out of their sights. “Great!” Azura exclaimed. “Just right on time,” he said before darting a bad look to Ashura. “Let’s continue this later dear,” Ashura finishes their discussion. “This will continue after the banquet and I am sure that you are hungry,” Azura said and dragged Ashura outside the room leaving Amber behind alone. Amber cannot deny the fact she is hungry, as she can feel her stomach grumbling for the lack of food during the past few days while she is alive. Speaking of life, Amber is confused as why she can still feel anything. Dead ones are supposed to not feel anything as the bible said, she remembers. Besides of being a total geek about the stories of gods and goddesses from different pantheons, she is a totally religious person and always seeks help with god. She never misses any church gathering every Sunday, that is why she is relieved to hear that the god she worshipped is real. As for now everything in this place is a total mystery to Amber. She stands from the bed and decided to follow the twin jerks. She wants to eat badly, and based on these furnitures they sure are rich; now she expects to find many delicate and delicious dishes on their tables. ‘I will eat to my heart’s desire,’ she told herself. She went to the door and opens it after she took deep breathes to ready herself from the creatures that inhabit this place. There is nothing to surprise her anymore; the twin gods are real enough for her to believe and enough to surprise her, their appearance alone. She tried to open the door and she struggled before she can open it enough for her to fit through. She did not regain all of her strength since the incident. Upon remembering the accident, she touched her waist and she could still feel the impact of the car. Death is pretty terrifying; the pain is unbearable for her to remember. No one will mourn her death on the other side that is why she is pretty okay in this situation and if she could, she will stay in this realm forever. This is like a dream come true in her perspective, she always dreamed of living in a fairy tale world where she could end in a happy ever after. It’s a child thing but for her it is a hope that she can hold on to keep on living. She started to wander on the hallways, only to find herself lost inside the castle. To be continued... -The Phoenix’s Maiden-    
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