A New World (Part One)

1477 Words
“Is she the one?” amber hears a strange voice beside her; she felt soft cotton underneath her when she tried move her body. “She’s awake,” another strange voice spoke. She was baffled on how she got into this place, because she remembered what happened. A car hits her while inattentively crossing the road. ‘Is this heaven?’ she thought to herself. She tried to open her eyes but it was so heavy that she can’t even catch a glimpse of the place she’s in now. ‘Or this is hell?’ she thought to herself again when she felt the heat coming from one of the persons besides her. “Dear?” the strange voice spoke again. This one has a soft and feminine accent but his tone definitely belongs to a man. “Are you awake?” the other strange voice follows up quickly with the other one’s question. Unlike the other one this one has strong and masculine accent but has a deeper voice. She felt chills all over her body as she can’t do anything to defend herself from these two strangers, if they were to do something bad to her. She wants to scream but cannot move her mouth- she wants to cry but she cannot open her eyes. ‘What did I do wrong to experience this kind of punishment?’ she asks herself. Her heart is crying as her eyes cannot. The two strangers felt the sadness coming from the girl; the resonance of her emotions can be felt across the room. “She is definitely awake,” the masculine one spoke. “Why aren’t you opening you’re eyes dear?” the feminine one asked. ‘If I only can,’ she answered with her mind. “i***t,” the masculine one insulted the feminine one. “Oh dear,” the feminine one exclaimed realizing her mistake. He swayed his hands doing some kind of ritual to the girl. Amber was clueless as she cannot see anything except of the pitch darkness that she sees. After he finished his ritual a glowing dust was lifted from Amber’s body and as soon she felt her body again she jolted and entered a defensive stance to protect herself from the strangers if they were to try to hurt her, as she assumes. “Who are you peo-,“ Amber’s jaw dropped as soon she sees the real forms of the voice she heard while her eyes are closed. “What are you?” she asked, baffled for what they truly are. “We are not your enemies, that is all I can say for now,” the masculine one spoke. He has a gray skin color alongside the red tattoos covering his body. Amber assumed that this is a rune of some sort because it was pretty familiar to her. He has big golden rings implanted to his shoulders and wore a white robe that is tied to show his intimidating figure. His expensively looking necklace in his chest that looked like rubies captured her eyes the most because of its size, that no one can’t ignore. He wore red pointed shoes and also his legs that his outfit can’t cover are also loaded with runic tattoos. ‘He sure loves his tattoos,’ she says to herself. His white turban with feathers design is covering his crimson hair that is ponytailed. His eyes also have different tattoos in each side. A tattoo maniac indeed or this has some kind of meaning behind it. “Yes, dear put your hands down for we can talk peacefully,” the feminine one spoke. This one shocked Amber the most for its eight arms are outstandingly eye catching. At first she thought that she was dreaming but she can’t wake up from this nightmare. Unlike the other one his skin is fairly brown and he wore some sort of crown that is made from stone. His look doesn’t match his voice as it is very manly and he could be the scarier one if his voice is deeper. He wore some kind of outfit that exposes half of his well-built body which supports his seemingly skirt. It’s like the outfit of some Hindu god in India. Buddhism she supposed. He has no shoes and wears two bracelets in each hand and arm. “Let’s introduce ourselves before that,” the one with masculine voice suggested. “Oh!” the one with nine arms was shocked upon hearing that they didn’t introduce themselves to the confused girl. “I am Ashura, a king in this kingdom and I suppose that some people in your past world call me a god,” he introduced himself, the one with feminine voice. Amber smiled little because she knew it that this creature standing right in front of her is a god. During her youth Amber was obsessed studying mythologies from all around the world but she only believes in one god, the one with Christianity. She studied these kinds of stories for the sole purpose of the prowess and powers they possessed. “And I am Azura,” the one with masculine voice introduced himself. She heard about this one, a forgotten god that is said to be the neutrally good Daedra. He was titled with Prince of Dusk and Dawn, the magic between Day and Night, also given titles such as Mother of the Rose and Queen of the Night Sky. “Are you supposed to be a woman?” Amber cannot resist the geek side of her when it comes to myths. “Oh that? I was about to mention that I am a forgotten god. You sure know your stuff little girl,” Azura said with a deep voice and Ashura contains his laughter because of his history with humans. “I was mistaken as a woman when I showed myself to the humans during the ancient times because of my long hair and robe that is not tied during those days,” he explained and Amber looked at him with amazement in her eyes. The excitement of seeing a real god and learning new from them; human eyes can always be deceitful. “That is why I tied it to show them that I am a man, you see,” he added and this time Ashura bursts out in laughter. Azura looked at him pissed and was ashamed with his history with humans. “Why aren’t you showing yourselves in the human world again?” she can’t help herself to ask. “During the ancient times that we went to the human world to do some business with the kings in your lands, we didn’t know that we were seen as godly beings by the citizens back then,” Ashura started. “And for some reason the people started to worship us and called us gods,” Azura added. “We are not technically a god you know because we have weaknesses unlike the almighty one who created everything,” Ashura explained. “The god that the Christians worshipped?” Amber asked. “Yes he is the one,” Azura confirmed Amber’s speculations. “Woah,” she exclaimed. “As for the reason we didn’t went to the human world again remains a secret until you learn your destiny,” Ashura said in a metaphorical way. Amber’s confusion came back to her head again and asked herself about the destiny that the other god mentioned. She is supposedly dead and the deceased one should rest. She is thinking right now that she is definitely in hell and her destiny is to endure the eternal torment for the countless sins that she committed in her life. “Please no,” she immediately begs for her life as soon as the eternal torment entered her mind. “What do you mean?” the two simultaneously asked. “I am dead; before I find myself here a car hit me causing me to end up in this place. Please give me another chance to redeem myself from the sins I committed,” she answered and the two looked at each other confused to the girl’s words. “No,” Azura said with a deeper voice than usual and glared at Amber. Her sweat started to pour like a waterfalls down to her body. “Your sins will be judge from this moment,” Ashura followed up trying to sound intimidating to match Azura’s. Amber tears began to fall. To be continued... -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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