A New Journey (Part Three)

1103 Words
The sun is setting soon and they need to find somewhere to spend the night, there are no nearby villages in this area so they decided to establish a camp. They stopped on a nearby hill to set up their camp and Arthur volunteered to gather wood so that they can build a bonfire that will warm them up in the cold night. Amber helped the old engkanto getting their food in the carriage and their sleeping mats. “You are truly kind as they say,” the old engkanto started a conversation with Amber. The maiden looked at her and noticed the white hairs dominating his head. She can tell that this mystic is very old, despite his age his posture is like of a man that is at its peak and his strength is remarkable. Mystics are really different from humans, she thought and very amazed. “That is how I grew up back in the human realm,” she replied back, with a lie that will cover her dark past to protect the image of her realm. Even she is a royal in this place she will not forget her humanity and thanks to them she grew up to be a very kind woman. Despite her experience being bitter, she believes that there are so many goods back in the human realm. She is not just lucky enough to be in a good family. “I see,” he said wondering. “Well we fear the humans as much as you fear us,” he added and Amber looked at him with a very curious look. She is surprised to know that he fears humans, well he said it in general term “we”. She wants to know what caused them on fearing her kind, not really her kind but her foster kind. “May I ask why?” she can’t leave it in the dark, she is concerned how it happened. “I’m one of the witnesses how humans destroyed our home when we take refuge in your realm during the war,” he started telling the story. “We are living peacefully in a forest away from the civilization of the humans,” he paused and dropped the luggage on our camping site. “Then one day, those loggers came,” he said in a dark tone. “We tried our best to drive them away, we scared them, we put curses on those wo dare cut our homes, yet they come back stronger than ever,” then his voice’s tone became very sad. “That one day I could not forget,” he stares at Amber. “They burned down the whole forest,” Amber can see the despair in his eyes. “There are only a few of us who survived that accident, and worst of all my family died along with the trees consumed by the fire,” he finishes and Amber’s heart felt an ache. “That day the humans showed us how scary they can be, as much as they fear the unknown, but their fear is the scariest part,” he said metamorphically. Amber understood that last part, because she grew up as a human. She knows the feeling of turning fear into a weapon. She witnessed how people back then burned down woman because they are alleged being involved in dark magic or witchcraft, and people killing a household for being accused as monsters killing their livestock. That’s how humans are, they are naturally destructive and the unknown is what drives them to thrive and survive. “That is not the only thing why we fear humans,” he added and Amber was shocked that there is another reason for fearing the humans. “I’m back!” Arthur shouted and their conversation was cut off and they pointed their gaze towards the knight carrying a lot of wood. The old engkanto walk towards him and help him carry the wood. Amber was left hanging by the old engkanto’s story, but she understood that story can wait. She helped preparing the sleeping mats and the food. “Thank you for accompanying us, Mang Tonyo,” Arthur thanked the old engkanto and finally Amber learns his name, is Tonyo. “No problem sire,” he said. “I will put my life in service to the kingdom since my purpose of living died years ago,” he said in a sad tone and Amber understood that since he just recently told her about the incident that happened to her family. Arthur didn’t ask Tonyo about it and proceeds on building the bon fire. After that Arthur walk towards Amber and she was shocked. “I know you are still angry about that thing and I am sorry,” he said in a sincere tone. “If you cannot forgive me yet, I understand that but your training starts now,” he added that shock Amber even more. “You already know that your abilities are flames, right?” he asked the maiden and Amber just slightly nodded. “Now I want you to light that bon fire,” he commanded her and she stares at the bon fire and to Arthur back in forth. “How? I literally don’t have an idea activating this so-called power of mine,” she said sarcastically. Arthur just took a deep breath. “Okay, okay,” he said. “We special grade mystics have this one organ that contains our aura and that aura channels our magic to our whole body. You may not be aware of it but I sense that your aura is freely flowing to your body,” he explained. “Now, you put your hands on the woods and focus your aura to your hands,” he commanded. “Like a water feel the flow of your aura, focus yourself and light that fire,” he added. Amber closes her eyes and focus herself as she was told by Arthur. She senses the heat all over her body and like a water she lets it flow towards her hands until she feels hot. She opened her eyes and Arthur is smiling at her. “Not bad,” he praised her. “You produced embers instead of fire but don’t fret mostly of the mystics who tried It for the first time showed no results,” he added then he sheathes his sword and ignites the woods. -The Phoenix’s Maiden-
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