A New Journey (Part Four)

1115 Words
It’s the middle of the night and the cold breeze just passing through, but thanks to the fire they produced earlier the cold never bothers them. As little they know, there is something watching them from afar, observing the three continuously. In attempt to observe them clearly the unknown creature walks near them and suddenly it steps on a pile of broken branches that caused a loud c***k. It quickly hides behind the bushes that causes a loud rustling. Amber, from her sleep was awoken by the noise caused by the creature. When she opens her eyes, she immediate felt that something is wrong and she quickly gets up only to see that the fire is still burning and her other two companion are still having their comfortable sleep. The creature attempted to escape causes a rustle again that scared Amber. She felt shivers crawling all over her body and she proceeds to wake up Kamandag. “Hey!” she desperately shakes her companion snake. “Wake up,” she almost tears up because of her fear and soom the striped snake wakes up. “Why?” she asked the maiden and yawns. “There is something out there that I cannot see,” she told her about the rustling sound immediately. “Must be the wind,” she suggested and attempts to go back to her sleep but she was soon stopped by the maiden. “No, I am certain of it that it’s not the wind. I saw a shadow moving,” she added trying to justify her fear towards the snake. Kamandag was intrigued, and thought that it was some kind of wild creature living in this area curious by their presence. “Where?” she asked. “There,” she pointed out with her finger and the snake crawl towards the bush that she is pointing out. After arriving on the bush that Amber claims to spot a creature, she inspects it but there is no one there or anything on it. She shrugs it off, and gets out of the bush. “Told you s-,” she didn’t finish her sentence as she was grabbed by something. “AMBER HELP!” she cried out for her. The maiden was frozen when she saw a large shadow emerging from behind the snake as she goes out of the bush and now, she doesn’t know what to do. It’s too scary for her. The shadow soon disappears alongside with Kamandag calling for help. “Arthur!” she shouted and the young knight sensed the danger and immediately reached for his sword. “Why?” he asked the maiden wanting to know who or what is the reason of her calling. “H- help her,” Amber tears falls down through her cheeks as she points out the direction where the large shadow disappeared. Arthur checked on Mang Tonyo but he is still there, sleeping soundly. He doesn’t know who’s she, Amber is pertaining to but when he saw her tears, his legs acted on its own and he finds himself dashing through the woods where Amber pointed it earlier. “HELP!” he hears an echo and it’s coming from above. Kamandag’s cry continues which helps Arthur to track her down alongside with the culprit who snatches Kamandag away from Amber. Well he doesn’t know who Kamandag is but in his mind he thinks that he need to save whoever she is. “Gotcha!” he whispered loudly to himself when he successfully pinpoints the location of the voice. He used his strength to jump higher above the trees. The branches break upon his collision with it and when he reaches the top, he immediately saw a smoke from a cigar and the voice is coming from it. He steps on the branch nearby and used it as his foundation to dash through them. Upon impact the branch broke and the knight successfully dashed through them. In midair he is quick enough to sheathe his sword and produce a faint electric from the friction. The creature was shocked upon Arthur’s appearance on their side and the young knight is about to swing his sword. With its big hands it uses its strength to deflect the blow which paralyzed it a little bit because of the electric current coming from his sword. He manages to throw away the knight which penetrated through a number of trees, until he crashes. He stands back on his feet immediately fearing that the enemy might get away from him and he can’t bear another barrage of insults from Amber or how sad she may look if he comes back empty handed. He once again stores his energy to his legs and makes another dash towards the creature and this time it didn’t expect Arthur is coming at him full speed. Without sheathing his sword, Arthur was taunted by his strength earlier and uses his fist to punch him in the face. A loud bang can be heard from afar and the creature was sent afar alongside with Kamandag. Arthur immediately regrets his action that he sent her flying with the enemy but he has no idea that he is saving a snake. Back to the camp, the bang from Arthur’s punch was heard by Amber and awoken the sleeping geezer. Amber grew worried about the two. “What is happening?” Mang Tonyo asked Amber. “There is someone or something that snatched my friend away and Arthur is chasing it,” she answered directly. “Must be one of them,” he speculated and Amber looked at him quickly expecting some explanation from him. “What do you mean?” she asked. “This forest is infested with such creatures that don’t even like to socialize with others,” he started his explanation. “This forest is filled with giant kapres,” he said revealing the creaures infesting this forest. “Kapre – also called as tree giants, this Philippine folklore creature, are known for their huge sizes and their body odor. They are usually described as big dark creature with a hairy features and muscular physique. They sit in tree branches to smoke their cigar; they love to play pranks on travelers to make them lose their way in the woods. They are gentle creatures but when people destroy their homes, they are vengeful known to put curses on the people who destroyed their homes or even possess them.” -The Phoenix’s Maiden-  
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