An arrow whizzed by Erebos’ face as he aimed his Colt Python at the Dark Autumn Fae rushing in his direction. BANG! The iron bullet ejected from the chamber and he watched as the Fae dropped to the ground. Within moments the Fae’s sickly remains turned to ash. Theodoros emerged through the whirlwind of its cinders and tackled an attacking Rogue. A nauseating crack met Erebos’ ears as Theodoros snapped it’s neck with ease. The Rogue’s body crumpled to the dirt as Theodoros pounded towards his next target. Erebos fired another round between the eyes of a Dark Autumn Fae whose silver labrys was about to make contact with Basil’s neck. Black blood sprayed from the wound, when out of nowhere, he witnessed three Rogues thud lifelessly to the forest floor; followed by another as a Dark Autumn F