Chapter 10

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Lucian's pov when we reached the pack house though it was all lit up with lights, we parked and we where soon greeted by our parents , their betas and their daughter Nina who where waiting for us outside. My mother hugged us and my dad and his Beta Lucas greeted us with a handshake and half hug that felt like they where feeling our muscles and I saw both of them sizing us up. I know we had changed a lot, our muscles where more difined and I was certain both of us had gotten an inch taller but what I did not expect was the jealous that crossed my father's eyes before he masked it but he was not quick enough , I had seen it and there was no denying it , when it came to Nina the greeting was weird, she went in for a hug and pushed her breast at me, I looked at her face and I saw a look filled with lust. I pushed her gently away from me and the dress she was wearing looked like pieces of cloths tied together, she was trying too much and dress left nothing to be desired, I know we had messed with her in the past, not together but she was the only girl Damon and I messed with at the same time but I was not going near her ever again “hi Nina " I greeted her still pushing her little away from me “Lucian" she said in a voice that I suppose was meant to sound sexy but failed she smiled and went over to give Damon the same hug like she did me and he just pushed her aside and walked by my side as we entered the house. We were taken to the dining room where seven more people were waiting for us, these were people that were close to my parents in the pack “where is everyone else " Damon asked “this is everyone" my mom said in a fake sweet voice “ this was supposed to be a pack celebration for the whole pack "I said softly “there was no reason for it to be very big since you disinvited people from other packs" my dad answered this time “we wanted it to be a private celebration for our pack members only " I said again “ and that's exactly what we are doing" my dad said again “including us there is only 14 people here that's not the whole pack" “well the important people are here that's all that matters " my mom said arrogantly “excuse me I'm gonna go to my room and rest" Damon who had been quietly listening said “we made your favorite foods " my mom shouted as I was following Damon to our wing “I knew that Jenna b***h is a bad cook" Nina said in a low voice but not low enough and I suddenly stopped, I don't know what happened, hearing Jenna's name and that she cooked the food I suddenly felt hungry. Damon passed me before I even made my way back to the table “let's get this over and done with " he said as we both took our seats. The food was very nice but dinner was a painful ordeal, the people there sitting with us represented everything wrong with our pack, they were greedy foolish people who cared only about themselves, the more they talked the angrier I got but somehow I managed to keep quiet, "I don't know how much of this I can take" Damon linked me “me too, let's go for a run" I suggested “if you will excuse us Damon and I are going for a run " I said “let me come with you, I'm wondering if your wolves appearance has changed just like you have" my dad said with a forced smile and I knew there was an agenda to his suggestion “no dad some other time " Damon quickly answered “Then can I come" Nina said sweetly but I could tell she was annoyed by something “ next time Nina your wolf is a bit slow and it will only slow us down, maybe another time " we left before anyone could say anything We took off running and both of us shifted without taking our clothes off ripping them in the process. The party they threw for us was terrible the omegas serving at the party were treated very badly and most of them looked like they were about to pass out from tiredness, how I had kept quite I do not know but it is the first time that I had really looked at the people that served us and I had felt shame and hurt, this was the first time I had noticed my own pack for what it was, Hades my wolf gave a sorrowful howl filled with humiliation for his pack and Blaize Damon's wolf echoed it. Our wolves had not liked what and who we were before but we had never paid any mind to it, we were in constant battles of what we thought but now that we where in sync it was too much to handle. We ran for a few hours and we rested at the cliffs near one side of the border “how did things get this bad " Damon asked me quietly “they were always like that we just chose not to see it" I answered even though we both knew the answer “let's head back and rest we have a big day tomorrow "
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