Chapter 9

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Damon's pov I didn't know how to feel about our return home, yes it is my home, my pack , the one my brother and I are supposed to be Alphas of , potentially soon but after going away for the year we had realized how bad our mindsets where as the future alphas. Going to Night Howlers pack and seeing how their pack worked and how peaceful it was and how everyone respected each other . Seeing how another alpha treated his pack cemented how badly our pack was run. Their pack was a happy, rich and strong pack and we learnt a lot of things in the short month we where there, I wanted to invite Nick and some of the new friends from the different packs we had made but I was ashamed to do so, our pack was poorly run and the treatment of others of lower rank was appalling. I knew the shame my parents would bring us and the moment my mom would have realize Sarah, Nick's mate was omega ranked she would have treated her badly and that would end badly for sure. Lucian and I had asked our parents to disinvite the usual crowd because truly I would have not appreciated their presence anymore, they acted and representated the old us and I wanted nothing to do with them, also it gave an opportunity to try and mix with our pack and try to build new relationships. I know it won't happen in a day but this birthday party could be a start. “what if our parents dicide not to listen to us and invite those jerks to the party? " Lucian asked " We both told them what would happen if they do" I answered back " yeah but mom sounded annoyed, angry even, you know she gets impulsive if you go against what she wants " " well I said what I said, if she has invited those people she is on her own unless if you want to be a good son and join the barbaric party which I'm sure it will be if those jerks are there" I simply said and Lucian grunted in agreement to what I had said. We had been driving for hours and it was getting dark as we neared our pack, I felt excited for the new ideas we had for our pack and also a worried about the changes we were going to bring about. Our whole pack was treated badly one way or the other, the treatment got bad with how low your rank was and even though everyone was treated badly I knew it was going to be difficult to change them and their way of thinking especially the higher ranking wolves Lucian pov I was worried and so was Damon even though we didn't want show it. We had left the pack as spoilt alpha brats and now we are going back different people. we had seen how Alphas from successful pack where and how they behaved and seen how we and other alphas from packs like ours behaved, not only where we lacking in so many things, our packs where not that great our behaviours brought nothing but demise to our packs and ourselves. we want to do better and make our pack something we can be proud of, I dont know how we where still an avarage sized pack as we were so bad at managing it and we where almost at begger status. There was no official list that ranked every pack but everyone knew who the last and strongest pack were , in fact we knew the top 5 and we also knew who was the weakest pack the bottom 5 and ok packs we knew them, ours was neither of those. we might not be one of the weakest pack but we where not top 10, neither were we one of the ok packs. we knew on numbers we where ok but our pack standards went down every year. my parents concentrated on making the pack house look beautiful, buying cars and expensive clothes , the budget that was allocated to us by the the alpha king did not benefit anyone but my parents. I lifted my head up as I was lost in thoughts and I realized we where already inside the pack and it was dark there was no sign of any celebration " I thought mom said there was a birthday celebration for us tonnight do you think she changed her mind?" I asked Damon " very possibily considering how we said no to everything she wanted, maybe this is her way of punishing us" he said laughing " one year ago it would have worked " I answered as I laughed with him
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