15 | To See Beyond What Could Be Seen

2505 Words
The theory that Rowan came up with was just the same as she found in the books. The theory that she had ditched. She wanted to think that they might be able to work it out. Love shouldn’t be that hard, right? But when sundown was closing in, her heart ratcheted into a thunderous beat. When sundown came, she removed her clothes and let the curse take them. Her bones cracked. She grunted as she felt them being disarranged. Her hands became claws. Her body became covered with fur. Her teeth became fangs and her vision became sharper. Her senses heightened and she could hear even the distant gush of the wind against the leaves in the forest. She could hear the footsteps of Delilah in her own chamber and another footstep not far from he own chamber. She knew it was Rowan and judging from his footsteps, she could tell he is coming closer to her chamber. She knew she had to accept whatever his reaction may be. But that doesn’t mean she’s going to let him go easily. Killing him would be too much. Perhaps it was the steamy moments they shared together that she finds it a shame to kill him. A few threats may do. Hopefully. Even in her beast form, she still could think. Though she could not talk. Ariadne could feel her heart pounding inside of her. For a moment, she thought of hiding or jumping out of the window when she realized she isn’t ready yet. She has never let anyone see her in that form except for Delilah and few other people in the throne room that day she was cursed. Having Rowan see her was something nerve-wracking. Maybe it was the fact that the fate of her kingdom depended on what tonight’s outcome is going to be. Or maybe she has expected something—that he would not mind the cursed beast and continue to do what he had been planning to do. She huffed and walked towards the bed where she could hide. She doesn’t want to surprise Rowan. Her ears moved as she could hear the footsteps getting nearer and nearer. She rested her head on top of her paws and waited for him to enter. Ariadne heard the footsteps stop in front of her door. She could feel her heart thundering and she couldn’t calm herself down. She saw how the knob turned as Rowan opened it. She heard his shallow breathing. He’s quite nervous too, she could tell judging from his rapid heartbeat. Her chamber is dark and it was only the moonlight that provided light inside her chamber, coming through her large windows. She saw Rowan stepped inside. He looked around the chamber then his eyes saw her clothes on the floor. She heard how he swallowed hard before he looked around once again to find her. “Hello?” he called as he took a cautious step. He crouched to pick her dress and placed it on the bed. “Are we going to play hide and seek all night? You know I would be more than willing to participate if I  have a reward in the end…” he trailed as he walked around the chamber. She hid behind the bed and waited for him to come close. “Your dress is on the floor. Perhaps you could be a little more discreet about what you were planning to do, Your Majesty.” She heard him walk closer to the bed. Ariadne closed her eyes before she heard him get near her. When he was near the bed, she stood, slowly covering the window and blocking the moonlight. Rowan realized the surroundings getting darker and he turned in her direction. She could see how his eyes widened as he beheld her—in her beast form. Rowan’s mouth gaped as he looked at her, towering over him. For a moment, Rowan was silent. He was just staring at her and he was staring at her too. She did not move as she’s afraid she might scare him. But after a few minutes, Rowan narrowed his eyes as if he just digested what he is seeing at the moment. The surprise in his eyes earlier was replaced with awe. Her heart skipped a beat. He wasn’t scared. He was surprised. He did not pull any weapons. He did not do anything. Instead, he just tilted his head as if studying her. “Is that…you?” he asked as he remained to stare at her. She huffed as if to say yes and thankfully, Rowan understood. “Would you bite my head off if I touch you?” he asked, giving her a cautious look. She huffed and slumped on the floor with a grunt and Rowan took that as a sign that it is safe. She looked at him as he was touching her head. “You’re a wolf…?” he said and tilted his head to study her more. She doesn’t know what kind of beast she was but she does look like a wolf only that the face is different. Her fangs are longer that it was longer than her jaw. Rowan isn’t scared. He was more concerned than scared. “Since when did you become like this?” he asked. She could only manage a huff as her response. “This is what you want me to see?” He then stood in front of her. She looked at him as she continued to study her. Then she heard him sigh before he said, “So this is why you were so hell-bent on getting the cure to this curse. It’s rather inconvenient for you to move at night with this.” He gestured his hand on her state and she huffed a breath. If she could roll her eyes, she would have done so. “I agree,” he then said, much to her surprise. She lifted her head from the floor and looked at him. “I agree to help you find the cure. We will find the Dragon Heart and then you can help me get my Kingdom.” She couldn’t help the little whimper when she heard and it was too late to take it back as Rowan already heard it. He then crouched in front of her and pat her head. “You’re so much easier to talk with when you’re a wolf,” he said and then laughed. “See you in the morning, Your Majesty.” He smiled at her. She wanted to call him so bad or perhaps hug him but she couldn’t. So when Rowan went out of the room, she had no choice but to stay there and wait until morning arrives. ***   Sleep. Normally it would arrive naturally on her but for some reason last night, sleep didn't come. She stayed awake until morning until her body transitioned into being human again. She went straight to the bath and soaked in the water, sniffing the rose-scented water and feeling it on her skin. Rowan now finally knows her curse. He did not run away scared. He was still willing to work with her and even offered to help her find the Dragon's Heart, whatever it is. She closed her eyes and rested her head on the edge of the tub. "He's so hell-bent on taking his Kingdom that he's willing to work with someone like me," she whispered. One thing she noticed about Rowan was that he was truly born to be a ruler. She was born to be a ruler too. The only difference is that Rowan liked to be a ruler. She did not. Rowan loves his people and is willing to go certain miles for them while she made her people suffer because she isn't fit to be Queen. Rowan became a ruler because he chose to do it. She became a ruler because she had no choice. She then heard the soft knock on the bathroom door. When she did not answer, Delilah slowly opened the door. Ariadne did not bother opening her eyes. "Miss," Delilah said. Ariadne looked at her servant. Delilah was holding towels and her robe. She closed her eyes again. She knows Delilah is worried about her showing Rowan what she becomes at night. “What did he do?” Delilah asked, her face etched with worry. “It’s fine, Delilah,” she assured and heaved a sigh. Now that she’s in the bath, she felt sleepy. But she couldn’t spend the whole day sleeping in. She has to talk to Rowan about what he said last night. Ariadne had to make sure. She had to ask him again. Perhaps it was paranoia and the fact that he was expecting Rowan to run away after she shows him the beast. Or the fact that Rowan was strangely calm about it. She had to ask again. “Is he in his chamber?” she asked Delilah and her servant nodded. “Yes, Miss. I gave him his breakfast about ten minutes ago,” Delilah answered. She knew Delilah wants to ask more but didn’t do it. She was thankful she didn’t. She knew Delilah already knows what’s going on between her and Rowan. She knows her servant knows what happens when she and Rowan are alone. “What do you think about him, Delilah?” she asked. Delilah looked at her, clearly baffled by his question. “Miss?” “He will be the one to break this curse. What do you think about him?” she asked. Delilah looked at her as if she already had a clear answer in her mind. “He is honest, Miss,” Delilah answered. She nodded. He is indeed honest. Rowan is someone who doesn’t hesitate to express his thoughts—be it good or bad. It is something admirable. Once upon a time, she was filled with praises and compliments and she knows most of them are not true as they are afraid of what she might do. “What else?” she asked. Delilah was silent for a moment as if she was thinking of what else to say or maybe thinking of whether she should say her thought or not. “He also makes you…cheerful, Miss.” Ariadne raised her brows as she looked at her servant. “Cheerful…?” It was something she did not expect. Ariadne is not a cheerful person. “What makes you say that?” she asked Delilah. Delilah shrugged. “Well, you don’t frown a lot these days, Miss,” Delilah said, totally forgetting whom she was talking to. Not that Ariadne minds though. She doesn’t frown a lot these days. She scoffed to herself but then heat slowly crept into her cheeks as she remembered everything that has happened during the past several days of Rowan’s stay in her palace. It was a whirlwind of pleasure and everything good. She figured it is fine. They’re going to be married, anyway. And besides, it is not his fault that Rowan apparently is a shameless flirt. Nobody would dare to flirt with her before as they are too scared. But Rowan isn’t. “What do you think of him, Miss?” Delilah asked which caught her off-guard. What does she think of him? She played the rose petals in her hands and swerved them to the side. The scent of roses filled the air and she sniffed it, closing her eyes. Rowan is honest. Rowan is not scared of her. Rowan could make her knees go weak. Rowan, as what he claimed, is good with his hands and with his tongue— She felt her face getting hot that she opened her eyes and abruptly stood. She yelped when her foot slipped and she hit her bottom at the edge of the tub. As if on cue, the door opened and they both looked at the door where Rowan stood. He was looking at her, splayed at the edge of the tub, naked. Horror etched her face as she met Rowan’s eyes, staring at her. “What the hell are you doing here?” she screamed. Rowan was quick to turn around. Delilah was looking at the both of them, not certain of what to do. “Prince Rowan!” Delilah muttered, shocked. “My apologies. I entered without consent and then I heard her scream so I opened the door. I didn’t realize this was the bathroom,” he said, his back was still on her. It isn’t the first time he has seen her naked but she respects the fact that he turned away. She sighed and stood, wincing at the pain on her side. “Why are you in my bedroom in the first place?” she asked and took the robe from Delilah’s hands. Rowan leaned on the door frame. “Well, after what we have talked about last night, I figured it is good to do something about it as soon as we can.” She raised his brow as she was trying her robe. “And what should we do? You can face here now.” Rowan stood straight and looked at her. “We are going somewhere, Your Majesty,” he said and bowed to his waist. He looked up before he winked. She fought the heat creeping on her cheeks and cleared her throat. He’s shameless and brazen and he doesn’t care if there is somebody else around when he flirts. “Where do you propose we go?” she asked. He stood straight and looked at her. “To Cern. My Kingdom,” he beamed and she blinked. Ariadne held up a hand. “I thought your siblings are trying to kill you? Isn’t that why you are here?” Rowan shrugged. “I know someone in Cern who might be able to help us about the Dragon’s heart. The only way to ask him is to actually go there.” “What about your siblings? What if they see you?” But Rowan just smirked and crossed her arms before he leaned to the door frame again. “They would see me if I want to be seen.” She looked at Rowan. Asking about what the Dragon Heart is could be helpful. A good start. She looked at Delilah and she knows she is asking the same thing. Would she agree to go? * * *
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