16 | She Who Holds the Reigns

2882 Words
She has never been out. Not since when she was cursed and even before she was cursed, she rarely goes out. Her beauty was considered sacred that it was a sin for anyone to look at it without permission. All the people who would meet her would always cast their eyes down. They wouldn’t dare meet her eyes. Not when it means their lives would be forfeit. “So we are going there on foot,” Rowan announced. “What? You’re not serious.” She shook her head in disbelief. Go to Cern on foot? Rowan must have lost his mind. But when she looked at him, he was dead serious. “If we don’t want to get noticed, we have to lie-low.” She knows it was him who needed to lie low. Especially that his brothers want to kill him. But not her.  She raised both her arms in surrender. “I am not going,” she said. “We have to arrive in Cern before sundown, Rowan. We can’t to Cern before sundown if we go there on foot!” She stood and was about to walk out the door when Rowan grabbed her hand to stop her. “Alright,” he said and let go of her hand when she was glaring at it. “Alright, I get your concern.” She looked at him and he was looking at her. The kind of look one gives if they are about to convince someone about something and Rowan is planning to convince her to go with this plan. “I understand you need to have a comfortable spot when sundown arrives if we take the faster route, we will be caught, Ariadne. We really don’t have a choice but to go there on foot and unnoticed. You want to know what’s the Dragon heart, right?” She was silent. She couldn’t say anything—even an argument—because she knows that Rowan somehow got a point. Should she really be worrying about having a comfortable spot for her transition? Besides, Rowan has already seen her. He already knows what happens when night comes. It should be fine. He will take care of her.  Ariadne sighed and looked at him. “How many days would it take if we go there on foot?” “Five days,” he answered. “If we're lucky enough to hitch a ride, it would take lesser than five days.” She groaned inwardly. Five days. Which means she had to endure four nights of being a beast outside her castle. Just thinking about how incredibly inconvenient would it make her want to not go. But she needed to. She has to. What’s four days of inconvenience if she gets the cure for her curse? “Fine,” she said. She looked at Rowan and he was grinning at her. “When your curse is broken, we’ll get married and I will take my Kingdom. Your Kingdom will receive Cern’s support—“ “Just to be clear, this Kingdom is not going to be under Cern. We are making this deal to have your Kingdom support mine but that doesn’t mean this land will be yours, Prince.” Rowan raised his brows at her. Maybe because of what she declared or maybe because of the fact that she called her Prince. He smiled at her and she furrowed her brows at him. “What are you grinning about?” she asked. But Rowan walked back to his seat and crossed his legs. “Say it again,” he said. “What?” “Say it again,” he repeated. “Say what again?” “Call me Prince. Call me Your Highness. Call me the way I call you, Your Majesty,” he said and it did not escape her ears the way he made his voice so sensual. Like a lover’s purr. This man in front of her is a shameless flirt and for some reason, she always falls for it. But she won’t let him corner her again so she gave him a feline smile and faced him completely. Then she said, “See you on our trip tomorrow, Your Highness.” Then she managed a small bow before she turned and walked to the door. Rowan must have thought she was going out but then she locked the door of his chamber and faced him. Rowan’s face was laced with surprise but it was immediately replaced with a cocky grin. “I guess I’ll be paying you again today, Prince.” She met his eyes and it mirrored hers. She wants it. She wants to feel him again and she knows he wants it too. Rowan has made her feel different kinds of good and now she’s craving for it. Rowan let out a playful smirk before he spread his arms and said, “Be my guest, Your Majesty.” She walked closer to him without breaking her gaze. When was close enough, she gave him a smirk before she sat on his lap, facing him. Rowan was surprised by it but his look of surprise only lasted for a few seconds. She heard him mutter a curse and was breathing hard when she started to move on his lap. She reached for the ribbon tying her hair and pulled it. Rowan’s hands grabbed her waist, urging her to move faster on his lap. But she took his hands and pushed them behind the chair where she tied it using her ribbon. “f**k,” he said and then let out a low chuckle. “You know how it turns me on so much when you are in control.” “Silence,” she breathed against his neck as she finished tying his hands behind the chair. She then leaned back and met his gaze. She felt him hard beneath him and she couldn’t help but feel fulfilled. The thin fabric of her dress made it easier for her to feel the bulge on his pants. Rowan obeyed and did not say anything more. He watched her pleasure herself as she continued to move on his lap. If anything, it was more like she was rewarding herself than paying him. But when she looked at Rowan’s face, his mouth was slightly open as he was breathing hard while she moved on top of him. “What do you me to do, Prince?” she asked. She didn’t know the voice that came out of here. She had no idea she was capable of making that kind of voice. But she couldn’t help it. Not when Rowan makes her feel too good it made her not care about things. Rowan was grunting as she continued to grind on his lap. His manhood was getting harder each second and she could also feel something between her legs. “Are you really asking me that?” Rowan breathed. “At this point, I’d be fine to do whatever you want to do to me, Your Majesty.” He smirked while breathing hard. It was her undoing. So without any hesitation, she pulled her dress down, exposing her mounds. She could see Rowan’s eyes with a feral glint so she grabbed her nape and pulled him close, enough to feel his hot breath on her skin. “f**k this,” Rowan muttered before he opened his mouth and claimed one of her breasts. He couldn’t use his hands but he was using his tongue so well that she closed her eyes and squeezed her legs. She heard Rowan moan as she continued to rock back and forth. She arched her back because of the pleasure but it was more to let Rowan claim her even more. Rowan let out a frustrated groan as she pulled back. His eyes met hers as her hands went to the buttons of his shirt. She slowly unbuttoned while Rowan just watched her do it. When she was able to open the first four buttons, she inserted her hands inside of his shirt and felt the muscles inside. “Like what you’re touching?” Rowan asked, smirking. She grinned back and leaned to nibble his earlobe. “f*****g—“ Rowan wasn’t able to finish what he was about to say when it was replaced with a  moan. Rowan moaned when Ariadne nibbled his earlobe while grinding on his lap. Her lips then move down his neckline, nibbling when she gets the chance, scraping her teeth lightly on his skin, enough to make him crazy. She stopped at the base of his neck and took her time. “Ariadne—f**k,” Rowan moaned when Ariadne’s other hand trailed downwards until it reached the waistband of his pants. She played there for a little while before she inserted her hands inside. When her fingers wrapped around him, Rowan tipped his head back and sucked in a breath. “You’re making me crazy, woman,” he rasped. She gripped his manhood a little too tightly. “Your Majesty,” she corrected. Rowan let out a small chuckle. “You’re making me crazy, Your Majesty,” he said and she smiled. She took her hand out and Rowan groaned in protest but Ariadne had other plans. She placed her hand on the waistband of his pants and dragged his pants down, just enough to expose his c**k. Then she reached for her underwear and shoved it to the side before she sat on him. She let herself feel his rawness in between her legs. Rowan let out another moan as she closed his eyes. Ariadne continued to grind on his hard c**k until she could feel the pleasure building up inside her. She grabbed Rowan by his nape and pulled her close, he did not wait for her to say something and he immediately ravaged her breasts. He was moaning and breathing so hard that she wanted to hear more of it. She wanted to hear him moan her name while she pleasures him and herself. “f**k, Ariadne,” he rasped as she pulled away from him. His mouth followed her breast but she stopped him with a finger. Rowan looked at her. His eyes were drunk of pleasure. She’s certain her eyes mirrored his. “I want you inside me,” she said and Rowan’s eyes became even more feral the moment she said it. Ariadne did not wait for his response and shoved her underwear to the side even more. She let out a shuddering breath as she could feel his tip on her entrance. “Ariadne, untie me,” Rowan said. She looked at him and his face mirrored hers. It was full of pleasure and she wants more. “No,” she answered and rubbed her hardness. She felt him twitching against her touch and she smiled at him. “Like that?” “Untie me, please. I want to touch you,” Rowan said, almost begging. But she’s enjoying this far too much. She isn’t going to let him spoil it. So she said, “No, Your Highness. I’m afraid I can’t allow that.” Then she positioned herself on top of him, with his tip on her entrance. She felt excited and scared but she wants it. She wants to feel him inside her. Rowan was muttering curses under his breath as she slowly sheathed him in. It was painful. It felt like she was being split into two. He is big and it has been a long time since she felt a man’s raw meat inside her. She gasped as she fully sheathed him inside of her and Rowan tipped his head back as he let out a long moan. “f**k. You feel so good,” he rasped and she could tell he was liking it too much as she could feel him get even bigger inside her. Ariadne wrapped her arms around his head and pulled her close as she tried adjusting to his size. She did not move for a while and Rowan too. He must have felt how tight she was and that she was hurting. Rowan’s mouth was busy pleasuring her by sucking her t**s and scraping his teeth gently on her n*****s. Her arms tightened around Rowan and she moved slowly on top of him. Up and down. Rowan was moaning as she continued to move until her movements were becoming faster and faster as she felt the pleasure building up. He’s inside her and it felt good. Rowan was moaning and breathing heavily just like her and seeing his face distort with pleasure was so fulfilling that she wanted to see more of it. “f**k, Ariadne,” he rasped and in an instant, his hands were free from the ribbon tied to him and now his arms are wrapped around her, pulling her close and moving her hips to meet her movements. “Rowan!” she said as Rowan was thrusting too hard. He’s too deep and it felt too good that she did not stop the scream that came out of her mouth. She looked at their connection and she could see Rowan’s c**k going in and out of her core. His manhood glinted with her juices as he continued to thrust. Then Rowan gripped her chin and claimed her lips. “You like to watch me f**k you, don’t you, Your Majesty?” he said, panting. His sweat was dripping down his face and into his now bare chest. She’s sure she’s the same. She could feel her dress sticking into her skin because of the sweat.  She bit her lip as Rowan grabbed her waist and stopped her from moving. She groaned in protest but Rowan isn’t letting her move. He was moving painfully slow inside her and it is driving her crazy. “Rowan, please,” she cried. She wanted more. She wanted him to give her more. But Rowan seems to enjoy teasing her. “You like to watch me f**k you?” he breathed against her ear. She bit her lip and closed her eyes. “Yes,” she rasped. “Yes, I like it.” She heard Rowan let out a low chuckle. The next thing she knew, Rowan was already standing. One of his arms is wrapped around her waist while the other is under her bottom. She instantly wrapped her arms around him to avoid falling. Rowan walked towards the sofa and sat there. But she was surprised when Rowan grabbed her leg and twisted it that she was sitting on his lap bridal style. “Rowan,” she said but Rowan wasn’t done yet. He then grabbed her legs again and spread them. Now her back is on her and when she looked in front of her she gasped at what he saw. A mirror. She could see herself in the mirror. Her dress now pooled on her waist, her leg spread wide, and Rowan's c**k inside of her. Then she saw Rowan leaned on her shoulder and looked at the mirror too. He shoved her hair to the other side and planted a soft kiss on her neck. “Watch me f**k you, Your Majesty,” he said before he started to move inside her. Her eyes widened as she watched the mirror. She watched how Rowan’s c**k go in and out of her. Her legs are hung on his legs. His right hand is wrapped around her waist and his left hand is massaging her breast. Then she looked at her face in the mirror and to Rowan’s face behind her, biting her neck, then her shoulders as he continued to thrust inside her. She did not dare take her eyes off the mirror. Watching Rowan bite her because he felt good was too much that she doesn’t want to miss it. His pace became faster and faster and the moans she made were getting louder as Rowan hit a certain spot inside of her. She felt his right hand trail downwards. Ariadne gasp as she felt his finger on her clit, lightly rubbing it while he continued to thrust. She couldn’t take it anymore. She arched her back, leaning her back towards him as she screamed his name the moment she exploded. Rowan continued to thrust. This time, it was harder and faster. His hand was getting faster on her clit too and she couldn’t stop squirming and screaming—begging him not to stop. The next thing she heard was Rowan’s long moan as she felt his pulsating c**k pumping warm liquid inside her. * * *
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