25 | The Throne of Gold

2378 Words
Morning broke and Ariadne found herself alone in the bed. She did not remember falling asleep and transforming into a beast but she was certain she did as she was naked on the bed. The room was dim as the windows are closed, blocking any ray of sunlight attempting to come in. Ariadne roamed her eyes around, looking for Rowan. When she heard the gush of water inside the bathroom she immediately knew he's there. She saw a new set of clothes on the table. When she checked what it was as she was certain it was hers. Rowan must have gotten them for her. It was similar to what she wore before leaving her castle only that the new one is more elegant. Perhaps to match the energy of the city. The bathroom door opened and out came Rowan. He has already dressed but not the way he expected him to be dressed. He was wearing a black Prince suit embedded with silver whorls on the chest down to the hem. She could also see how the golden buttons glimmered despite the dimness of the room. His hair that was unkempt was more styled but not too arranged. It still looked messy—a good kind of messy and it suited him. He was wearing boots and no weapons in sight strapped around him. He looked regal—someone who doesn't need to raise his voice to have people follow him. "Get changed. We're going to the castle," he announced and her eyes widened "What? Right now? What about the Dragon's Heart?" She stood and faced him. She didn't care if she was naked. Rowan's eyes traveled her body but he sighed and looked away. "It would be easier for us to explore this city to find the Dragon's Heart if we don't keep looking behind our backs. It would be easier if we don't have to hide." He looked again at her. This time, his eyes remained fixed on her face. "I need to be there," he said. And the way he said it makes her think that he was not asking for her permission. Somehow, she could tell that he would do it whether she goes with him or not. She sighed. Rowan has a point. He's hitting two birds with a stone and getting the stone back. He wants to junk the rumors about his death, make himself known as the Crown Prince of Cern, introduce her as his bride so he would secure the throne, and they could find the dragon's heart freely without hiding. It was the best thing they could do. Even as there was a looming possibility that they might get killed while on their way to the castle. Ariadne looked at the dress again and realized she was wrong. It was a dress—the kind she wears in her castle. When she picked it up, she gaped at how it looked marvelous. The black, gold, and silver in the dress matched that of Rowan's suit. And she knew instantly what they're going to do today. She let out a short laugh. "So today's the day that I have to pretend to be in love," she said and looked at Rowan who was looking at her. "It's fine. You don't need to pretend. My brothers couldn't care less about things like that. As long as they see I am with a woman I will announce as my bride, they wouldn't budge," he said and walked towards the window and peeked outside. She laughed this time. "I don't know your brothers but I know their kind," she said and Rowan looked at her, curious at what she's going to say next. "They couldn't care less if we're in love, sure. But since I am your key to securing the throne, they would come for me." Rowan crossed the distance between them. "I know what they're capable of and they won't do it to you. I will make sure of that. I have placed a target on your back but I'll be sure to shield you from their attacks." She scoffed. "Of course you would. They could come at me however they like but I am not easy to get rid of. Not even your cruel brothers could stop me from getting what I want, Rowan. Remember, I was once like them, too." Then she walked towards the bathroom to wash. She couldn't afford a luxurious bath as Rowans seemed to be in a hurry. She then goes to the corner to wear the dress Rowan has prepared for her. Ariadne didn't know where he got the clothes but it was probably from the woman who owned the place. What was her name again? Ariadne wore the dress and she wasn't surprised how it fitted her perfectly. She did not ask Rowan either as she already knows what he was going to say. "I need to put something on my face, Rowan." She faced him. Rowan just raised a brow and she raised hers too. "I need to fill some colors. You don't want your brothers to wonder why you brought a corpse." "A corpse? You don't look like a corpse. And what you're looking for is on the table." He pointed towards the bedside table. She rummaged through the drawers and found what she was looking for. Rowan waited for her until she was done. When she faced him, she couldn't help but feel awkward as his eyes met hers. Then it traveled down her body as if memorizing her curves. "Ravishing," he said. She let out a shuddering breath. "Let's give your brothers one hell of a surprise," she muttered and they went out of the room. The woman who owned the inn looked at them and smiled. Rowan stopped to talk to the woman for a bit and she only managed a small bow. When they got out of the inn, a wagon is waiting for them, ready to transport them to the castle. Ariadne had no idea where he got the wagon but she supposed it was from the woman too. Mildred. She finally remembered her name. She got into the wagon and Rowan did too. The castle is quite far from where they are and the wagon was only appropriate. She was silent the whole ride and Rowan was too. Perhaps she was nervous. Why would she be nervous? What is she worried about? She is Ariadne and she never once wavered. When they were near the castle, she marveled at the structure. It was surely bigger than her castle. But that didn't matter. She let herself indulge in the scenery as the wagon started to climb up the will towards where the castle was. Ariadne couldn't help but notice the houses near the castle and how the citizens are enjoying their life. It was an ideal kingdom and if she didn't know better, she would have gotten jealous. It was perfect. People lived in harmony and prosperously. But she knows the rotten side of the apple. The Kingdom is rotten from the inside. Perhaps the reason why she helped Rowan was so she could help him save the kingdom before it gets completely rotten. And by helping his kingdom, her kingdom could also benefit. "I will come out first, lest they will kill you the moment they spot you out," she said and looked at Rowan. But Rowan looked at her with a mixture of admiration and doubt. She rolled her eyes and went for the wagon's door but Rowan's hand stopped her. "Are you certain you should do this?" She groaned inwardly. "Please," she muttered and rolled her eyes. "They don't know me and unlike you, I have a better chance at surviving the moment I step out of this wagon." He rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the reminder." "So I will go out and introduce myself as your bride." He furrowed his brows. "Shouldn't I be the one to do that?" "It has changed," she said and did not wait for his response as she stepped out gracefully out of the wagon. She noticed how the guards looked at her with wary glances and how they eyed her when she faced the castle. She's used to the attention. She's used to wary glances. She's used to seeing people look at her with doubt and fear. She's used to it. So she walked confidently towards the gate. Ariadne could tell the guards are well-trained as they already have their weapons up as she went closer. She did not falter. A group of guards will not stop her. When she was already in front of them, their swords are right under her chin. She looked at them one by one, thinking of ways on how she could hurt them. But then she realized she wasn't that kind anymore. So she sighed and was about to say something when somebody already said it behind her. "How dare you point your swords to your Queen," Rowan said behind her. She looked at him, wide-eyed. It wasn't what they planned. She couldn't help but glare at him which he answered only with a slight shrug. He stepped beside and she could see how the guards didn't put their weapons down but there was hesitation in their eyes. "Put down your weapons while I am still being nice," Rowan said. His voice was laced with enough venom that the guards took the warning immediately. They put the weapons down and stepped aside while signaling the ones inside to open up the gates. "What the hell?" she murmured, not letting her mouth move. Rowan leaned close to her. "I couldn't let you face them alone. I know you're quite capable but I should be the one who should do this," Rowan whispered. She did not say anything as he has a point. In the distance, she could see one guard running towards the castle. Perhaps informing the ones inside that the Crown Prince has arrived. She looked at Rowan and she could see he was already looking at the guard. And maybe he read the question in her face that she said, "It's fine. Let them know. After all, it's why I am here. Why we are here." He then offered his hand to her. "Shall we, Your Majesty?" He grinned and she couldn't help but let out a small laugh before she took his hand and together, they marched in. The guards were reluctant to let them but what could they do? He's the Crown Prince and he has a bride with him. A marriage would secure him his throne. "How do you think will your brothers react?" "Scared, probably," he said and was looking far ahead as f he couldn't care less. "But that will drive them, even more, to get rid of me and you." "Let them," she said. "They can try." She smirked as she saw the guard earlier coming out of the castle. Then the guards opened the double doors leading to the castle's foyer. She held her head high and so did Rowan. If they're going to take the kingdom, they have to be confident about it. She's used to masking herself into a face of arrogance and uninterest. Rowan did not say any word as they walked into the foyer. The marble columns matched the marble floor. Her steps echoed across the hall and it seemed to be the only sound that reverberated inside. It was eerily quiet and she couldn't help but think about how an ambush could happen and instantly kill them both. But they reached another set of doors and there was no attack that happened. The two guards guarding the door seemed reluctant to open it. "You seem to have forgotten who should be inside that room you're guarding," Rowan said, not bothering to look at the two guards in front of the door. Eventually, they opened the door and let them in. There wasn't anything special inside the throne room. Just an aisle covered with a red carpet. There are no guards inside but at the end of the aisle, was a dais and on top of the dais is a throne. A golden one. And seated on it is a man.  He doesn't look younger than Rowan but he could see a little resemblance. They both have hazel eyes—a feature that they probably got from their father. On his side was a middle-aged man. They weren't saying anything yet but she could tell them shooting venoms in their direction. "Brother," the man on the throne said as a way of greeting. Although his voice was friendly, she could sense the underlying hostility. She couldn't be fooled as she was once like that too. She did not bother to bow or show respect as the man seems to be expecting it. "Have you run out of chairs that you're sitting on one that isn't yours, brother?"  Rowan greeted back and the man's smile faltered until his brows furrowed. "You dare disrespect me after what you've done—" "What have I done?" Rowan asked. "You killed our father and our brother—" Rowan looked at the old man standing beside his brother. "I suppose you have evidence that I did what he says I did?" The old man did not answer and looked at the floor. "Well?" Rowan urged as he looked at his brother again. She could see how this brother gripped the side of the throne. It was then that Rowan smirked and stepped forward. "I have come to take back the throne, brother." He then gestured his hand towards her. "And this is my bride." His brother's face could not be painted as he looked at her. She did not avert her gaze and stared at him too before she let out a wicked smile that she could have sworn made the man gulp. "Nice to finally meet you," she said and managed a small bow but never leaving her eyes off the man. She intends to let him know she is not to be messed with. And seeing the man's nervous stare, she knew she was successful. Good. * * *
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