23 | The Place That Never Sleeps

2408 Words
They didn’t stay long in the city. Niko and Mira wanted to arrive in Cern before sundown which is actually good for her. According to Rowan. Cern is only three hours away. “What does Cern look like?” she asked him while they were already on the road. Mira and Niko were busy sorting the vegetables and fruits they're about to deliver to Cern, spraying water into them so they would look fresh.   Rowan sighed as he leaned on his seat as if thinking of what he could say. “It’s beautiful,” he said. Then he looked at her. “It’s perfect.” It was then she realized how different they are. Rowan loved his kingdom. She didn’t love hers. “Why do you say it’s perfect?” He chuckled and gazed at Mira and Niko who were still busy taking care of their goods. “There’s no reason, really. It’s my kingdom, my people.” She went silent and gazed at the road. “I suppose you don’t really need an explanation when you love something. You love it because you love it.” Ariadne thought about it and she realized she never loved something or someone before. She never had love or have given love. “I guess that’s it,” she heard Rowan said and she couldn’t help but smile. Having that kind of love is something pure, wholesome, even. The three-hour trip was even longer than she expected. Perhaps it was because she’s anticipating to arrive in Cern that it was even taking longer. She spent her time, looking around the surrounding, listening to the sounds she could hear, talking to Mira and trying her best to end the conversation, closing her eyes for a bit, trying to think of what could happen while they’re in Cern. Will she be able to find what the Dragon’s Heart is? If it happens that she won’t find the answer she was looking for, what would she do? What’s her next plan? Will Rowan still help her kingdom? She doesn’t know and she figured she will think about it later. Ariadne then noticed several wagons now traveling with them. She could hear the horses neighing from ahead of them. She looked around in curiosity. It was then that Rowan whispered to her, “We’re almost there.” She couldn’t help but feel excited about it. She has never felt excited about going to someplace before. It was hard to make her appreciate something. Ariadne looked around as they pass by wagons going in the same direction as theirs. When she tried looking ahead, she almost dropped her jaw that moment she saw what’s in front of them Unlike her castle that was surrounded by forest from all sides, the castle in Cern was centered, specially built on an elevated ground. Where her castle was surrounded by trees, the Cern castle was surrounded by spires and other buildings. When she looked around more, she saw how the high walls enclosed the city. However, walls would mean someone’s guarding it. Her stomach turned leaden as she realized the whole wagon will be inspected. She looked at Rowan with half of his face covered. Thankfully, Mira and Niko did not pry more about why they are covering their faces again. She felt bad about lying to them but they had to.  When they reached the gate, the guards stopped their wagon. “Rowan,” she called silently but Rowan wasn’t looking at her. He was looking at the gate. Rowan did say that the people don’t know he’s the Crown Prince but the guards will. So she reached for his hand and that’s when he looked at her. She glared at him as if using her eyes to warn him that guards are coming but he just nodded and she doesn’t even know what he was nodding for. Ariadne was about to protest when the curtains of the wagon opened and Rowan pulled her close, shifting so that his back would be against the guards. Before she could even ask him what he was doing, Rowan’s mouth claimed hers. She heard the dramatic gasp of Mira and curse the guards muttered under their breaths. Ariadne’s eyes were still wide in shock and when Rowan’s mouth moved, she moaned. She heard Mira’s tiny squeal and one of the guards asking who they are. Ariadne paid no mind as Rowan was drowning her with a kiss. She did hear Mira said, “They just got married so please understand.” She didn’t hear what the guards said but she felt Rowan’s lips traveling to her jaw and into her neck. Then he whispered, “They don’t know you. Say sorry and smile. They’ll back off.” Her voice was low. Enough for her to hear. Rowan was asking her to play along and so she did. She looked at the guards as if she was surprised to see them there. Then she pretended to be pushing Rowan away and then she let out a giggle as Rowan bit the base of her neck. “Say it,” he said in her ear. “I’m sorry,” she said, plastering a seductive smile on her lips. Showing them that whatever Rowan was doing,  she was liking it. Though she didn’t need to pretend with that one. Ariadne saw how the guards gulped and cleared their throat before they gave her a slight nod and closed the curtains. “Good girl,” Rowan whispered in her ear before he bit her earlobe and pulled away. She couldn’t help the heat that was creeping into her cheeks. It was even worse when she looked at Mira. Mira’s mouth was open in surprise. With what they did, anybody would be surprised. “That was…” Mira trailed. “…so random. I love it!” Mira squealed. She couldn’t do anything other than smile. She couldn’t possibly tell them they did it so Rowan won’t have to face the guards who might kill him on the spot. “I didn’t know you two prefer to do wild things like that,” Mira said while giving her a look. She wanted to stop Mira but Rowan just grinned. Thinking that she doesn’t have anything to say about it, she just let Mira think whatever she wants to think. But then Mira couldn’t stop talking about it and she could tell Rowan was starting to get more vigilant as they were getting closer and closer to the castle. She was thankful when the wagon stopped at the market. It was then they had to say goodbye to Mira and Niko. “Thank you for the ride,” she said to Mira and Niko. Mira went to hold her hands. “I am very happy to meet you, Aisling.” Mira smiled at her and she smiled back. Then Mira’s eyes found Rowan who was talking to Niko. “Nice to meet you, Roland. I hope you and Aisling will be happily married.” Rowan smiled and looked at her. “We will,” he said and she couldn’t help but think about how the marriage was a real thing. Ariadne shook her head. She shouldn’t be thinking about it now. Not yet. She has more important matters to deal with and that is to find the Dragon’s heart. If she doesn’t find the cure to her curse, she doubts Rowan will even help her. They bid Mira and Niko goodbye as the wagon went further into the market. She looked around. Cern was even more bustling than all those cities and towns they’ve been to. Cern is a huge kingdom, much bigger than hers. The castle was surrounded by many stucco houses. The lower parts of the castle consist of more houses. Smaller but just as beautiful as the others. The market was neatly organized bordering the cobblestoned path enough for two wagons to pass through each other. She would describe the place as perfect. It was almost sundown and even so, the streets were still bustling. Her mouth was open as she looked around. In the distance, she could hear music being played and when she looked around to find the source of it, she could see a group of musicians playing music on the street. She couldn’t help but fix her gaze on the people enjoying the music and the musicians enjoying the audience. “We have to find somewhere to sleep,” Rowan whispered in her ear. She totally forgot about it and the moment Rowan reminded her of it, she was like being snapped back to reality. She tore her gaze away from the playing musicians and followed Rowan towards the alleyway. In her estimation, she still has an hour before sundown and Rowan knows it too. So they walked even faster. When Rowan stopped in front of an inn, she knew they found their place. It was decent enough but the problem is that there are a lot of people inside. “Follow me and stay close,” Rowan said and she nodded. He went inside, trying hard not to catch the attention of the many people inside. Thankfully, they didn’t notice the entrance of a man wearing a cloak and the woman walking behind him. Most of them are drunk while others simply don’t care. She followed Rowan as he walked towards the counter where a woman was sitting behind the counter, wiping glasses while chewing something. When Ariadne looked at her, she could tell the woman is in her mid-fifties. Her sophisticated hair ornaments and the jewelry she wore in her body tells her that she is not just a regular employee. She could tell enough though that the old woman is actually the owner. Rowan leaned close to the woman and the latter was giving her strange looks. If she was holding something, she would have hit Rowan in the head. The woman just squinted her eyes towards Rowan for a long time before her eyes widen and recognition plastered across her face. The woman leaned closer and asked, “Are you the one who I think you are?” She heard Rowan chuckle. “Indeed I am, Mildred,” Rowan said. Then the woman said something to Rowan that she didn’t manage to hear. The woman called for somebody else and the woman walked away from the counter. Rowan followed suit. She doesn’t know who the woman is but she could see the Rowan trusts her enough. When they reached a certain room, the woman immediately went to hug Rowan. “Your brothers have been looking for you, Rowan. What happened?” she asked him. “Long story, Mildred. I will tell you tomorrow but for now, we really need the room.” Rowan said. Mildred eyes looked at her and then back to Rowan. “You better tell me everything. Including her.” Mildred pointed at her and she couldn’t help but feel nervous about it. Mildred did not stay in the room too long and she faced Rowan. “She’s trustworthy,” she said and Rowan smiled before he sat on the bed. “She is. She’s my brother’s best friend,” Rowan said and she couldn’t help but gasp at that. No wonder Rowan looked so close to the lady. “She knows what’s going on between me and my siblings. She’s actually the one who gives me news about what’s happening here.” “You’re not alone, after all,” she said and grinned at her. She started to reach for the hem of her clothes to remove it but then she realized she isn’t alone in the room. Ariadne looked at Rowan. “Turn around,” she said. Rowan looked at her as if he doesn’t want to but he did it anyway. She looked around and her heart leaped when she saw a bathroom door. “Finally,” she muttered under her breath and she realized she must have said it aloud. She then removed her clothes and folded them on top of the table. She went inside the bathroom and found a tub already filled with warm water and rose petals. She didn’t care what the roses were for. All she cares about for now is the touch of water in her skin. Ariadne did not hesitate and stepped into the bath. She let out a satisfied moan as she felt the warm water on her skin. After traveling without taking a shower, she could feel how sticky she is. She might as well as Rowan to buy her another set of clothes later. She was closing her eyes and humming to a song while she rubbed her body with the soap. She did not bother trying her long hair and let it soak in the water. If it was only possible to stay there, she would have. But then after a few moments, she heard the bathroom door open. She whirled only to see Rowan standing in front of the door. He wasn’t wearing anything on top but he was wearing pants. Those pants that looked like it was specially made for him as it emphasizes his strong legs. “Rowan!” she yelled but then cover her mouth as soon as the sound came out. Rowan grinned in front of her. Before she could even say another thing, Rowan was already inside the bathroom, walking as if he owns it. While she kept on submerging herself into the bathtub’s water. “What are you doing here?” she asked but Rowan’s hand went to the waistband of his pants. “We still have forty-five minutes before sundown,” he said and she already knows what he wants to happen. She clenched her legs under the water and perhaps Rowan had seen it that she heard him mutter a curse before he completely removed his pants. “Mind if I join you?” he said and before she could even answer, Rowan was already into the tub, sitting behind her. His hands found her waist and positioned her in front of him. She could feel him completely and it is making her crazy. Ariadne couldn’t help but think what they could do for forty-five minutes but she immediately shook the thought away as soon as she realized it. Although she is certain of the possibility. * * *
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