Chapter 1

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Fiona’s POV The rustle and bustle in the pack grew louder and I couldn’t be happier as the preparation to be mated to alpha Dax went on in full swing. Being mated to Alpha Dax is just the icing on the cake for me, I don’t care if I love him or not. Really, I don’t really care about love and all that. All I cared about was being his Luna, he’s an Alpha king and what does that mean for me? That I get to rule one of the largest packs in the world alongside a very powerful and respected Alpha. Also, he showers me with luxurious gifts everyday, what more could I have asked for. I’ve always wanted to be in power while I also got to enjoy the luxurious things of life and this was the perfect opportunity for me to do that. “Congratulations, my girl.” My father said and I smiled as I appreciated him. He was the one who’d brought up the idea of me getting mated to Alpha Dax. My father had his own motive for wanting the mating process to take place as soon as possible and that was because he wanted to merge Winter Pack which is our own pack together with Alpha Dax’s. Merging the two packs together would make our pack more powerful and I was happy when Alpha Dax agreed to be my mate. “Thank you, Father.” I finally said, pulling myself out of my deep thoughts, “it’s my duty as a princess to agree to the mating process. If I had said No to the arrangement, then what kind of daughter or princess would it make me?” I asked and my father laughed. “That’s my girl.” My father commended me and we both decided to take a walk. I walked with him as we both went to check the progress of the preparation of the ceremony. The day was going by quickly and everything seemed to be done in a rush as the servants scampered in and out of the house. I tried on many dresses and neither of them seemed to spike my interest. I'd already lost all hopes in getting what I really wanted to wear when I heard a slight knock on my door. I signaled to my handmaiden to get the foot and there stood another one of the maids and she was holding a big box with her eyes fixated on the ground as she walked in. “What’s that?” I asked, part of me already knew it was a gift from my husband to be but I also wanted the thrill of getting told who it’s from or what’s inside. “It’s a gift from Alpha Dax.” The maid answered as she handed the box over to my handmaiden who took it and opened it. We gasped at the same time when I looked at the beautiful floral dress inside the box, it looked really beautiful and I immediately picked it up so I could place it on my body. “It’s so beautiful,” I said, still staring at the magnificent red dress in the mirror, “I didn’t know he had such great taste when it came to picking out dresses for a woman.” I smiled before carefully putting the dress back into the box. The maid left and I was left with my handmaiden, I didn’t want to try the dress on yet until the day of the mating ceremony. Dismissing my handmaiden, I laid down on my bed and I was too excited to even be able to close my eyes for a couple of hours. I would constantly talk to myself as I still couldn’t believe I would be getting mated to one of the most powerful Alphas. It was the most beautiful feeling ever and I loved it. Putting on my sleeping mask, I tried to sleep and it wasn’t long before my eyes started feeling tired. I’ve been up since very early in the morning and I refused to take a nap in the afternoon too. The sound of my door opening and closing jolted me out of my sleep as I groaned before turning on my bed, “who’s it.” I said amidst yawns. Pulling my sleeping mask off, I looked to see my handmaiden, she was smiling and I jumped, almost falling out of bed as I did. It’s my mating ceremony today! My excitement knew no bounds and quickly, my feet padded across the room as I made my way to the bathroom with my handmaiden smiling as she followed me. “Congratulations, my lady.” She said and I smiled, I hurriedly had my bath and I walked to my closet so I could sit in front of the mirror while my handmaiden dressed me up. She helped with my makeup first before doing my hair, she pulled it up in a perfect ponytail and added some adornment that made me look like the most beautiful bride. She helped with my corset and I eventually got to try on my red gown. It was beautiful. I turned around and stared into the mirror and the dress puffed. He chose the perfect dress, it made me look like a queen that I’m about to be. Smiling, I walked out of my room with my handmaiden and my father led me down to Alpha Dax and the priestess that was to join us together. “You look really beautiful, Fiona. The moon has nothing on you when it comes to the etherealness that is your beauty.” He murmured, voice soft and eyes twinkling as his fingers loosely held mine, and a little blush stained my cheeks as his compliment washed over me. I could already tell that this arranged marriage would end up being a really good thing. “You’re really handsome too, Alpha.” I let shyly and he chuckled softly, thumbs stroking my knuckles softly. Everyone gathered for the mating ceremony and asides from my father and mother who are happy to have achieved a feat like merging Winter Pack with a very powerful pack, I was clearly the happiest in the room. We were about to commence with the mating process when we heard a noise coming from outside. I shared a confused look with Alpha Dax before turning to look at my father to enquire what was going on. Just when my mating ceremony was starting to get to the best part, someone had to go ahead and start constituting nuisance? I asked myself in irritation. The thud of a body dropping beside me made me shoot my eyes up in confusion and utter horror and just at that moment, three men who looked completely alike stormed into the gathering. What is going on and why are they ruining my celebration? The horrifying look of someone being picked up from the crowd and being stabbed in a fleeting second made me let out a horrifying gasp. I gasped as I covered my mouth with my trembling palm. Moments later, a trope of warriors which had morphed out from nowhere slowly parted to reveal three men walking side by sides, with claws out and with each step they took, it was as if the ground shook in response to the sheer intensity of the phenomenon sizzling around them. I gulped the bile at the back of my throat as I glanced around to see everywhere in shambles with everyone running around for their lives. Their eyes glazed gold with anger and with each movement taken, their bulging muscles flexed. They wrecked so much havoc that my pack warriors had to go stop them but they weren’t a match for the intruders’ warriors. Everything they did reeked of dominance and no one dared to look at them directly in their eyes as they were too scary. The three of them went directly for my father and one of them pulled him up roughly and before I could blink, they threw him across the room. Another walked towards him and kicked him hard and my chest tightened, just as I let out a terrifying scream. Not knowing what else to do, I watched as the intruders’ warriors fought flawlessly and killed almost everyone of our warriors that went head on with them and that was when I realized that whatever was going on is dangerous and I shouldn’t be around. Feeling selfish but not knowing how to stop myself, I began to scan the area with my eyes, I eventually found an exit and quickly, I tried to spring into action. Picking up my gown and standing to my feet, I tried to run away as quietly as I could, but the gown was so big that I couldn’t move properly and before I knew what was happening, I was being yanked by one of the intruders warriors who snarled at me in a way that made me scream in terror. Holding me by my arm and lifting me up, he tore my gown with just one rip that all I had left was my corset and undergarments, and then he dropped me roughly into the dust. I winced in pain when I hit the ground face down and then again I felt another pull moments later, before I could even begin to grasp what was currently happening, two men forcing me to kneel and watch as the three men whom I’d assume were the leader of this pack of extremely skilled warriors– questioned and tortured my father, slapping and throwing him around like he was a slave and not a pack alpha. The sight of my father being disrespected and getting slapped back and forth like a doll made my stomach churn. I was weak and helpless, I tried to move away from the grip of those holding me down but nothing worked. And with all my efforts coming to nought, I finally gave up as I watched my father being beaten and thoroughly humiliated in the hands of the triplets. My eyes darted across the room and I saw my mother, she had a bruise by the side of her lip and she was also on her knees with some men holding her down and my head dropped sadly and in defeat. No one is going to help us now, there’s no one around coming to our aid. The sound of Alpha Dax’s charging roar made my head shot up and my eyes widened when I saw him charging at one of the men with a dagger. Before he could make any move, a warrior crawled behind him and stabbed him. His body slowly dropped like a sack of potatoes and I flinched in fright, feeling tears sprang to my eyes instantly. I couldn’t believe my eyes, the man whom I was almost being mated to minutes ago was no more. The fact that they had killed him off without hesitations shows that these men hadn’t come here to play and clumd kill my parents and I off whenever they wanted to. Alpha Dax laid down there lifeless and his body was in a pool of his own blood, I couldn’t hold back my scream as I tried once again to leave the grip of the men. “NO!” I yelled as I jerked and shook but all my efforts proved futile, my vision became blurry as I kept staring at Alpha Dax’s body on the floor, “No.” I desperately cried out once again. The cold wind that blew the back of my neck and ear like the touch of cold fingers made my whole body tingle as I shivered. Who even are these people ? Everything stopped, the sound of the wind that blew couldn’t be heard and my world fell completely silent as I wailed. Soon, I heard footsteps, it grew louder and soon stopped. I lifted my gaze to look at who it was and I was staring at a pair of angry eyes. He’s one of the warriors who had ruined my mating gathering. The salty taste of my tears hit me and I gulped down my spit hard. He leaned over to me and pulled my hair as he dragged me outside with him, my parents were also dragged out and I could only cry as I called out their names desperately. How did my day go from being the happiest day of my life to being the saddest?
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