Chapter 2

1845 Words
Fiona’s POV My life had completely turned around from better to worse and I cried as the guards blindfolded me and also put a cloth in my mouth to gag me so that every sound I made came out in a muffle. We walked for a while and soon we stopped, not being able to see anything and feeling light headed. I managed to turn around but the road was so uneven that I instantly stumbled. The ropes on my hands got untangled and next, the blindfold came off, along with the cloth that was used to gag my mouth. At once, I dragged in a sharp breath and tried so hard to catch my breath at the same time. One of the men picked me up before I could blink and threw me inside a cage. Not knowing what else to do, I regarded the cage with disgust. It was small but still accommodating for my slight body built. I was yet to fully wrap my head around the fact that a princess like me, is being subjected to something like this, and of all days for this incident to happen, it had to be on the day I was supposed to get mated. Reluctantly, I laid down there as I thought of everything that happened in just a matter of minutes. One minute I was about to get mated to Alpha Dax and the next I’m being locked up in this horrible cage like an animal. Like some sort of low life. With my gaze hardening in anger, I held my chest in perspiration as I silently mourned the death of Alpha Dax and the fall of my pack. Even though I barely knew Alpha Dax, it didn’t make his death less painful because he could have quietly eloped but he chose to attempt saving me, which was what took his life. Without my parents being anywhere around me to comfort me, I silently cried as fear gripped me and even though I tried after some time, I couldn’t stop my tears from falling. *** It’s been two days now and it seemed as though I had already been forgotten inside the cage. No one brought food or water for me, nor did anyone come to see me. This was a far cry from how I’m usually treated back at my pack. My entire body hurts and I was already getting bruises from being bitten by the wild insects. My stomach churned and tightened as it growled and my throat was very parched, I was really hungry but there was no hope of getting anything to eat. No one said anything to me, no one tried to explain what was happening around me to me and I prayed to the moon goddess silently for answers and even a miracle but nothing happened. It was so unbelievable and extremely difficult to believe that my pack could be defeated that easily. I knew how powerful my father and his warriors were, but those intruder along with their warriors made my father and his pack warriors look like cowards. Night fell upon me and like I’ve been doing for two days, everywhere was quiet, too quiet and it felt as though I was at a graveyard. Crawling to every corner of the cage, I desperately searched for a way to escape but the cage was built in a way that no one could penetrate or even leave. Giving up, I laid motionless in the darkness as I listened to the night. I tried to keep my eyes open as the night plunged deeper into darkness. Tomorrow is my nineteenth birthday and I still have no idea where I am. It was supposed to be a joyous day, but after my marriage with Alpha Dax, it wasn’t supposed to matter anymore because after I’d have gotten the mating bond from him, I’d have lost the ability to find my true mate, since my wolf would have accepted Alpha Dax’s wolf as its mate. But, none of that happened. Alpha Dax is dead. Which means my true mate is probably out there somewhere. But with me being locked in here, how would he find me? The sound of the cage and keys clanging made me blink my eyes open and I saw a large man working the cage open and I knew that it was to get me out. His hair was very short and his face was wrinkled a little bit, it was set in a hard determined expression, his eyes looking as though they were going to bulge out of their sockets. He looked extremely scary. He scrunched his nose as he cracked his neck before reaching into the cage to tug me out like I was a doll. Dragging me out of the cage, his strong hands held me so that it would be difficult if I wanted to leave his hold. With no strength left in me to try to break myself out of his golf or argue, I reluctantly followed as he led me into a really large gathering. The crowds murmured as soon as he dropped me on the ground, making me kneel with both my hands behind my back. I looked around and that was when I saw my father kneeling down, feet away. He looked defeated and his face fell with his hands tied to his back. I tried to crawl towards him at once but I was stopped by the man who’d taken me out of the cage. “Father.” I cried out and felt my chest tighten when he focused a pair of tear filled eyes on me. My father never cried. He was a really proud wolf, and seeing him like this only broke my heart even more. “I’m sorry.” He apologized and I cried. I had no idea what he was apologizing for but I could already tell it was going to be good, After a little while of him staring at me, I noticed a drop of tear trickle down his face which made me flinch in pain and he only smiled at me before turning his back to me and facing the crowd whom I was only just noticing were actually more populated than I had noticed at first. What is going on? Lots of questions ran through my mind but I had no idea who to ask as I looked around the spacious room and everyone noticed how everyone looked angry and extremely serious. No one looked like they were ready to answer any of my questions and the crowd only murmured amongst themselves as they pointed accusing fingers at me. I was still on my knees when I leaned forward but I was stopped from hitting the ground when the man behind me pulled me back up. I felt weak, exhausted and every single bone in my body was tired. My stomach growled again and I sighed as I braced myself up to hear what they had to say for them to have summoned me here. “I know you have lots of questions, girl,” One of the men whom I assumed was perhaps one of the warriors of this particular pack spoke up and I lifted my eyes. Of course I had a bazillion questions but there was no one to answer them and I would be grateful if anyone chose to answer my unasked questions. “Your father here, betrayed our Pack Alphas’ father and he also led him to his death. We lost our Alpha King because of your father’s selfishness and greed. You made a great mistake by coming from his loins.” He continued and my mouth dropped open in shock. I looked at my father in shock, still unable to comprehend what the tall beta had just said but my father wouldn’t meet my gaze, which made my confusion grow. “No,” I finally spoke up after a while of silence. I know my father better than anyone and I knew that my father would never betray anyone. “That’s a lie!” I cried out desperately, despite how dry my throat felt, “My father would never do something like that. It’s a lie.” I cried profusely but they kept telling me that it was the truth. There’s no way my father would do something like this, he’s too innocent and I couldn’t help but remember how he always scolded me for any of my mischievous acts so why are they talking about my father being a betrayer and a killer? “Quiet please,” The tall wolf ordered and I swallowed hard but I was still unable to keep my voice down. “You’re only here because as a first punishment from coming from your parents’ loins, your parents would be beheaded and you will have to watch every second of it.” He explained and my jaw dropped open in shock. What?! My head spun and I tried to say something as soon as the wolf finished explaining but my breath and words got caught in my throat as I stared with wide eyes. They had summoned me here to make me watch how they’re about to kill my parents in cold blood? Were they really that cruel? Over something my father definitely didn’t do. I watched as my parents' heads were shoved onto the guillotine and I was immediately filled with horror and my body shook tremendously. I instantly began to tremble on realizing that they were really serious about wanting to behead my father. “Please, please, I’m sorry. He didn’t do anything. He’s sorry, don’t kill them please, we could ....” I was still pleading when the heavy blade sliced through my father’s neck and a fleeting moment later, his head fell right off. Everything I wanted to say got caught in my throat as I screamed in agony, “No!” I cried, my stomach tightened and my chest hurting. My breathing was faster than I intended it to be and I tried again to plead for mercy for my mother but even that did not work. Unable to move or think, I stared as both my parents' heads rolled off and one of them went as far as smashing my father’s head with his feet. “Father!” I yelled at the top of my lungs even though I knew that no matter how loud my voice was neither of my parents would be able to answer me. The colors I once saw faded and everything seemed to be in black and white as I stared at my dead parents' remnants. I instantly felt cold. My teeth gritted against each other and my eyes itched. It burned from the hot tears that I was about to let out. My vision went blurry as the tears dropped freely as I crawled slowly to their headless bodies, but the chains holding me down prevented me from moving an inch. “No!”
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