Chapter 31

1566 Words

Fiona's POV. "You stupid b***h!" Giovanna hisses and lifts her hand to hit me but pauses mid air when she notices the stormy look in Savio's eyes, slowly she lowers her hand and clenches her jaw. I just glare at her from the top of lashes, hating the fact that I'm on my knees while she stands over me. I wasn't too surprised to be called heretoday, hell I wasn't shocked at the manner I was even called. Dragged by manor gaurds and insulted severely the blond guard, who turned out to be a rebel, had looked at me with pity, but then he'd quickly wiped that look on his face when I was brought before the triplets, Prince Derek, King Dylan, Micah - who I now know to be Amelia's older brother - and a steaming Giovanna. Unsurprisingly, after my apparent 'insult' to prince Derek he'd immediately

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