Chapter 32

1687 Words

Savio's POV. "Derek," I say to the swaggering prince. He passes on his way out the door and turns to me with his brows raised in confusion. It takes all the years of self control I've mastered to not reach forward and punch the bastard square in the jaw for the utter humiliation he put Fiona through. No, I wasn't feeling like this because of any unwanted feeling of affection that bloomed in my chest, it was because I hated sharing, she was mine to f**k with, mine to mess up, Derek didn't have a f*****g right to her. Quite frankly, I'd wanted to rip Giovanna in two when I heard she'd been the one to send Fiona to Derek's room. Of course she did it on purpose, she wanted Fiona in this mess. I'd already thrown her in the dungeons once, doing it again would be making a statement that I didn

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