Chapter 8

1102 Words
Fiona's POV. My plan consisted of me trying to escape several times in various ways, both because I was genuinely trying to get the hell out of there and also because I wanted to anger those triplets. Today was the day of my first escape. Which consisted of me slipping away through the window in the warriors room when I was cleaning up after their round of drinking. I'd glanced up and seen the window wide open, unlike the last time I'd gone in there. So I'd quickly put two brain cells together, used the bed as leverage and slipped out the window as stealthily as I could for someone with chains around their ankles. Obviously it hadn't taken too long for my absence to get noticed and for me to get dragged by the hair to the triplets office once again. I was dumped on the floor, covered in dirt and various odd objects that'd clung to my skin when I'd been dragged back, but I stood up and met their irritated stares with as much bravado as possible, well I met most of their eyes except Nino, the one who'd tried to stick is d**k in my mouth. Strangely it wasn't out of fear or trauma from what I'd experienced yesterday but more as a way to curb the swirling feelings in my chest, feelings of lust that I blamed sorely on the mate bond. I'd lain awake last night thinking about him, thinking about how his d**k would feel inside me, I'd been heady with need and so f*****g wet that I'm sure the guard outside my room could smell my arousal. It was a disgusting reaction to have in regards to a man that'd had me held down so he can have his was with me, but that stupid bond had made me enjoy it a little too much, so much that I wouldn't have minded if he and his brother's held me down and did it again. "So that's your grand plan?" One of the triplet spoke. From the deep, graveliness of his tone I could tell it was the long haired on, he was the one with the cruelest smile and seemed to have it out for me a whole lot more than his brother's did. "Escaping?" "I didn't think you'd be that stupid Fiona," Nino said, tutting. I didn't look in his general direction and tried to stop the small blush springing up. "The perimeter is crawling with gaurds that would never let the likes of you slip by and you thought…" "Well, they looked about as dense as you so I thought why not go for it," I interupted the long haired twin again, it was a shame that I didn't know their names, but I wouldn't ask even though I was curious to know the full names of the bastards that'd ruined my life. "You think we're dense?" The last triplet spoke, an eyebrow lifted serenely. He was the calmest of them, where Nino was a playful danger and the long-haired one was a more violent danger this one was all calm and mysterious. I smile and shrug at his question. "You sure look it." He scoffs and the long-haired one speaks. "You have a lot of nerve talking to us like that." "I don't know Kane, it seems she's forgotten how easy she was to overpower yesterday," Nino says grinning wolfishly at me, I barely let my eyes skim over his form splayed out on the same couch as yesterday. My eyes linger on the small sliver of chest that was exposed through the collar of his shirt before I darted my eyes away. Kane. That was the long-haired ones name. Good, I just needed the last one. "I can easily remind you, you know," Nino spoke and I saw him adjust in his seat in my periphery. "And have a lot of fun while doing so." "Like I said yesterday if you bring your d**k anywhere near me, I'll f*****g bite it off!" "Hard to do without any teeth don't you think?" Kane asks, smirking at the troubled look that flies through my eyes. "It'd be for the best if I got those teeth of yours removed anyway. You'd talk less, maybe that'd even humble you." "I don't care what you do to me, I won't back down," I replied firmly, meaning ever darn word, I'd made up my eyes in the middle of my tears yesterday that I would not be broken by these men. "Let's see how you dare after not eating for a while hm?" The last triplet speaks. I can't lie that startles me a bit. Even the nine hours I didn't eat on the day all this started I was already feeling faint, I couldn't even imagine what'd it'd be like. No food meant no energy to escape, no energy for my body to heal, no energy to shift. I clench my jaw and they all laugh clearly knowing that they now had me. "Nice one Savio, should have done that sooner." Savio. The calm one's name was Savio. I tilt my head down and bury a resolution deep within myself, food or no food, water or no water I would continue to fight these bastards. I'd attempt my next escape soon and try to get as far away as possible. "And if you try to escape again Fiona, you will be spanked," Kane says. I narrow my eyes at them. "You will not spank me." "Yes I will and I can. Like Nino said, you're ours, our mate… you're ours to f**k up." "You rejected this stupid mate bond! Who do you think you are to lay any claim?!" Kane doesn't reply, just eyes me from top to bottom with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Giovanna will give you the list of tasks you'll complete tomorrow, your escape prompted us to keep you a bit busier. Enjoy the rest of your day." "Now you can get the f**k out of our office," Savio says without even looking at me. I hiss and turn to walk away, each step laced with determination and fiery anger as I storm past Giovanna who is waiting outside smug and proud for being the one to spot me in the first place. Puppet b***h. I walk as quickly as I can back to the maids quarters and slip back into my dungeon like room. And like they promised I don't receive lunch or dinner, instead I'm left to lie on my side fighting back hunger pangs and hatred.
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