Chapter 7

1039 Words
Fiona's POV. And with those words, I was pushed to the ground, my already aching knees hit the tiles loudly and I groan out in pain at the stinging feeling at my joints. I look up in fear as one of the triplets looks down at me smiling as his hand goes to his belt buckle. "Let's see if we can find a good use for that mouth after all," he says in a light tone, undoing his belt buckle slowly. I scramble back, trying to stand up, feeling a real surge of fear when the reality of what he was trying to attempt hits me. "You-you can't…" I start and he smiles vilely at me. "I can't what? You're ours, aren't you? My mate…" "I'm not yours, you rejected me, remember," I screamed at him, my back hits the door when he finally removes his belt and tosses it aside. "And so? You're our property now? You belong to us, and we can use you anyway we want." I struggle to stand when an arm grabbed me to keep me down, I glanced up and I met the cold face of the long haired triplet. "Please," I whisper to him. "Don't do this." He shoots me an irritated look and keeps me pressed down to the ground. "Don't do what? I'm merely assisting Nino here." "I'll do all the chores you want, I'll clean for as long as you want, just please don't make me do this," I pleaded again. Nino laughs loudly at my pleas and zips down his pants. "When we said we'd make you suffer, what exactly did you think we had in mind for you? Now shut the f**k up and suck my c**k like a good little whore." Tears spring out of my eyes as he fiddles with his underwear. I knew these men were horrible but this, this was by far one of the vilest things they could possibly do to me. I tried to struggle against the long haired one's arm but his grip was strong and tight. "I'll f*****g bite it off if you put it in my mouth," I screamed in warning. "And then I'll make sure you don't have a tongue or teeth to ever attempt it again," he replies easily and then frees his c**k from the confines of his trousers, I blanche and buck against their arms as he steps even closer, I glare at it more than intimidated this time, his fist is wrapped around the thickness of it and I can see precum dripping out of the head, in as much as I am scared out of my mind the mate bond inside me in preening, eager to have him in my mouth. I want to scream and tug my hair at the irrational thing within me. "Open your mouth, w***e," he says with that crazed look on his face. "Open it wide…" I scream and twist against their arms. Pleading and cursing them at the same time beyond desperate to be freed from this bout of torture. I wouldn't say I was totally pure, Alpha's daughter or not. I'd had my fair share of encounters with men, but none of them were against my own will. And with the scars already implanted by these men on my brain I wasn't sure that I would be able to stand something like this done to me. I was about ready to throw up when suddenly he steps back, the long haired one releases me and they're all laughing. Nino puts his d**k back in and watches me spread on the ground with a mocking tone on his face. "Pathetic w***e," he spits out between fits of laughter, walking away from me slowly. "If only you could have seen the look on your face." The long haired triplet looks down at me with cruel amusement in his eyes. My entire body was still shaking, I could feel cold tears rushing down my cheeks and my knees still hurt where it'd met the harsh tiles. He squats down in front of me and smiles cruelly. "Why are you crying? You deserve these tears, you deserve everything you're getting." "f**k off you nasty bastard," I scream at him through my sobs and shuffle back when anger flashes through his eyes. "Oh love," he says smiling and reaching forward to tug at my hair, I wrench back, disgusted at the thought of his hands on every part of me. "If you're already using such violent words now, I wonder what you'll say when we're done with you. After all this is merely the beginning." I open my mouth to reply but he stands and walks back to his brother on the other side of the room. The three of them are matching faces of malice and satisfaction at how dishevelled I am. My chest is still heaving as I try to choke back tears and I meet their stares with equal amounts of hatred. "You can leave now," the one standing says. "Get on with your chores, we'll call you when we need something to entertain us." I don't move for a minute when Nino lifts an eyebrow. "Do you want to actually suck on it this time?" I shoot up, open the door and turn out of the room blindly sobbing and trying to find my way down the hall back to the maids quarters. I stop at one point, sliding down a wall and burying my face in my hands as I sob, a mixture of pain at how my supposed mates were treating me and a final breakdown as my reality crashes over me. I was stuck in this manor, a toy to those horrible bastards the moon goddess chose for me, I as nothing but a plaything to them, something they could pick up and torture all they wanted. I curl tighter into myself, missing my mother all the more. My life was f****d now, a f*****g mess. But deep down, beneath my insistent sobs, a resolve builds within me. I would get out of here, I would fight against those bastards the best I could and someday I would be free of their clutches.
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