Chapter 3

2293 Words
Fiona’s POV Watching my parents get killed right in front of me was a sight I never thought I was ever going to witness. Cradling my father’s headless body, I cried at the top of my lungs before numbly crawling towards my mum. I hadn’t even realized the chains had come off my body. I was in so much pains. My entire would was now pitch black. Without my father warm hugs and my mothers reassuring smile, can the world ever feel bright to me again? They laid lifeless on the ground soaked in their blood with no head connected to their bodies. The sight was so horrifying and I sobbed really hard, screaming and uncaring that a crowd was currently watching me. I sobbed and sobbed. Soon, it began to rain. The sky opened and the cold lashes of the rain hit my body harshly as I screamed in pure agony, wishing my parents could somehow be restored back to life. The pain of losing my parents on the same day together for a crime they most certainly had nothing to do with, tore my heart even more. All attempts to get me away from their bodies proved futile as I kept trying to bite them like I’d do if I was in my wolf form. The rain fell hard and one would think it would wash away my pain and grief but instead, it intensified it. My parents' blood flowed with the mud and I watched it get mixed in the sand. They weren’t even given an honorable death, they were murdered in the presence of thousands of eyes. They were murdered like thieves! The silent murmurs of the crowd slowly began to drift towards my ears admits the roaring of the rain, but i didn’t pay them any mind, seeing as I had better things to focus on, like how I was going to carry on living without parents. But, moments later, the mutters increased, and gradually, it got louder until I really couldn’t ignore it. Soon, I found myself glancing up to watch the crowd slowly part into two sides from some men to walk past. Three men. It only took me a moment to recognize them. As they walked through the crowd, everyone bowed down at them in respect, showing that they were extremely important in this pack. It was the three men who had definitely led the pack of warriors to wreak havoc on my mating ceremony. My blood boiled as I caught a clear sight of them, my teeth gritting against each other in anger and I made my hands into a fist. Unlike the time I saw them pounding my father like he was a ball, I had been unable to catch a full glimpse of their faces. But I could do so right now, and a jarring realization shot through my veins like a sharp zap of lighting. They were not just three men. They were triplets. They all looked alike, from their demeanor to their body built and height. The hatred I felt for them grew more intense. I wished I could pounce on them and cut their heads off with my bare hands at once. They’re the reason behind all of this, my parents are dead because of them. Still wallowing in my anger and hatred for the cruel men, I didn’t realize when a particular scent hit my nose until it got more intense and stronger. I scrunch my nose as I sniffed the air some more, feeling confused as to where the scent had suddenly appeared from. The rain was still falling and the scent only grew stronger as the seconds passed by. The scent was a mixture of jasmine, rain and wood, flowing through my veins and making my heartbeat start to thump against the side of my chest. I slowly glanced around in confusion, wondering if everyone was smelling the same thing right now. From the scowls on the crowd’s faces, I didn’t think they could smell the same thing. The scent grew stronger, making it difficult for me to breathe at a point from how intense the scent had gotten and with a sharp realization, I flinched as my mouth fell open, because it was in that moment that I realized where the scent was emitting from. It was from the triplets. My mouth fell open as I stared up at them in horror but nothing came forth, and right there in there, that they were my mate. The hate and disdain was starkly painted across their faces and it made me shudder in fear and disgust. They’re my mate! My chest clenched at the confirmation and fear engulfed me fast, while I found myself being unable to tear my gaze away from them. How could the moon goddess do this to me? Making my parents murderers my mate?! “Can you smell that?” One of them spoke, voice gruff and mocking. The others regarded me with sharp eyes, mouth pulled in scorn, making me feel like nothing but dirt before them. Me… who was once a princess. “Yes, I can and it’s coming from….” The other answered as he took another step towards me, making me slowly crawl backwards. The particular alpha’s eyes narrowed as he slowly nodded towards me. “Her.” He completed the sentence and the other two brothers' scoffed. “There’s no way.” The first one said in disgust and they let out a groan loud enough for me to tremble in fear, because somehow, I could already tell that this wasn’t going to end well. I am also not satisfied with the choice. As if I haven’t suffered enough in their hands, the moon goddess had to let something like this happen? There’s no way I’m accepting one of them as my mate, not to talk more of the three of them as my mates. That would be over my dead body. “I can’t believe this,” One of them scoffed after staring down at me for long seconds like I was a piece of garbage, “Of every other wolves, it had to be her?!” He yelled and his brothers grunted. “This is unbelievable, doesn’t the moon goddess know who she is? What her father had done to ours? Why her?” Another asked and the murmurs in the crowds started to grow but after one of the triplets shot the crowd a look, they stopped murmuring. “There’s no way I’m going to accept this b***h, the daughter of a cheap betrayer, as my mate.” The last one said firmly, and the others' mouths were curled in disgust as they all agreed with him. “We reject you!” They said firmly in unison, and the force of their voice made me flinch, while my wolf whimpered inside me. “you can never be our mate. It’s nice getting the privilege but that’s NEVER going to happen!” Another murmured, voice low but filled with so much command. Without thinking, I began to giggle. Not sparing me a glance, they turned to leave the arena but I sprung to my feet at once. They don’t get to have the last word and walk away all high and mighty. There’s no way they really thought I was going to accept them as my mate? Not in this life and not in my next one. “I accept your rejection,” I said through gritted teeth and they stopped at the same time as they turned to regard me. “Bold of you to assume I would want murderers, low lives like yourselves to be my mate.” I spat at them, feeling extremely satisfied with their shocked expression. They obviously weren’t expecting me to have a boldness like that but I didn’t care, I have nothing, I have no one else to lose so if they wanted to kill me, they might as well just do it. One of the triplets left the group and stormed in my direction, every step he took commanded power, his presence was ferocious and his body oozed out an intense amount of power but I refused to let any of that get to me. “Murderer!” I spat again as he closed in on me and before I could think, I felt a hard slap across my face and I staggered before landing on the floor with the side of my face. Spitting out blood, I tried to stand when I felt a sharp tug on my hair and he turned me over to look into his flaming gold eyes. “Say that one more time.” He dared, voice low but before I could even attempt to accept his dare, he was slapping me again, way harder than the first time that I felt myself black out a little from the force of the hit. Dragging me back up, he held my throat tightly and I instantly found it hard to breathe. I held his wrist urgently and tried to pull it off my throat but I was too weak for him. “I’m going to let you off with a warning,” he started and I gagged because being this pose to my parents killer brought me so much disgust, “if you want to survive here without ending up like your wretched parents, you had better watch your f*****g mouth!” He added and without warning, flinging me sideways before I could process his words. Gripping my neck, I coughed multiple times and tried to catch my breath before they spoke again. “Princess,” One of the triplets called with a mocking tone as he crouched low before me, spitting on me to my outrage. “You’re nothing but a slave from now on.” He affirmed while I was still sobbing, coughing and trying to catch my breath at the same time while also glaring at him. “Everything required of you is what you’ll do and if you’re found complaining, being disobedient or being a brat,” another continued, “You’ll be beheaded just like your parents, do you understand?” They wouldn’t stop rubbing the death of my parents in my face, I gritted my teeth in anger but no matter how hard I try, I can’t possibly do anything to them. They’re more powerful than I would ever be and I’m just an omega princess, now proclaimed a slave who has lost both her parents and hopes of returning home on the same day. “You’ll be killed, but I assume you still want to live,” Another finished but I didn’t say anything. Next, I felt a sharp kick in my stomach and intense pain shot through my stomach and I sobbed harder and spat out blood. He dug his feet inside my stomach, causing me to growl in pain and I watched with blurry vision as he crouched in front of me. Taking me in a chokehold, I started finding it hard to breathe once again. I just wanted them to kill me at once but from the look of things, this is more thrilling to them than actually killing me. “Now, repeat what we just said.” He ordered. Snickering shakily, I disagreed and groaned out , “kill me. Kill me, you f*****g bastard.” I let out slowly with my teeth gritted and his hand tightened around my neck even more, causing my sight to black out for a few seconds. I started feeling hot from inside of me but was adamant on not repeating after him until one of them took my hand and held a dagger over it in a silent warning, making my heart jump into my throat. “Are you going to talk now?” He asked while the other’s hand tightened around my neck and I fought tirelessly to catch my breath again. “What are you?!” He yelled, making me flinch and sniff, my tears a mixture of water and blood as pain pulsated through my body. “S…. S…. Slave,” I muttered even though the anger inside of me burned brighter than any flame to ever exist and he yelled for me to speak louder and to repeat what they’d said, “I’m your slave and I will oblige to whatever is requested of me and if I’m found complaining or being disobedient,” I cried, my voice breaking off in a mortifying sob. I couldn’t believe my perfect life has been reduced to this in a couple of days. “Like my parents,” I hiccuped when the grip around my throat cut off my breathing pipes for a few seconds once again, “I’ll be killed.” I finished and that was when they released me, making me drop at their feet in a mess of limbs. They kicked me aside, right before they walked off into the crowd. Falling on my face, I sobbed as the thought of everything that had just happened came flooding back to me again. Moments later, I felt a rough tug on my arms and I looked up to see two guards holding me. Roughly, they dragged me out of there, not caring about my body getting caught in sharp thorns or the tiny stones scratching my body as I got dragged. We got to the cage where I’ve been locked in and they threw me inside harshly. Weak, I laid down there as I watched them lock the cage and make their way back, feeling too weak to call out to them to please set me free. My life is officially f****d.
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